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Posts published by “Flynn Washburne”

A Legacy of Buffoonery

It had all the earmarks of being a classic boy-meets-girl episode, and I think it unfair to assign any blame to me for the way…

Asymmetrical Evangelicals

I heard an interview with Republican Senator and presidential candidate Ted Cruz not long ago in which he proclaimed — and this is a direct…

Partners In Crime

Prison is a young man's game. Or woman's; I don't want to take a sexist position here, but I will take an ageist one in…

The Stony Lonesome: Face Time

When one comes to prison—and in saying I in no wise mean to suggest that you, the reader, ever would, or should, travel down that…

The Stony Lonesome: What A Shock!

I recently finished writing something that caused me, after doffing my writer's cap and donning the chapeau d'critique, to say: Dude, this is boring. Boring?…

The Stony Lonesome: Mornin’ Sunshine!

The other night I was feeling a little peckish after one of our less fulfilling dinnertime repasts, the dreaded Meatball Tray. They've got it half…

The Stony Lonesome: Money Ball

On the violence spectrum — being a propensity for, attraction to, or likelihood of erupting in same — 0 being Gandhi-like peacefulness and 6 being raging,…

The Stony Lonesome: Ah Spring!

As I write this, we are smack dab in the midst of March Madness — the NCAA basketball tournament, for those of you disinclined to…

Vote For Phish Waschboard

"Guns don't kill people," said my opponent in the "debate." "People kill people." He delivered the kicker with a self-satisfied smirk and held out his…
