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Posts published by “Flynn Washburne”

The Gulls Have Spoken

I only ever deliberately killed another animal once in my life. It was in the mid-80s and I was working on a farm/nursery in Durango, Colorado, where the mistress of the concern poisoned several semi-domesticated…

Nothin’ Doin’

I am a busy man. Busy, busy, busy. Beaver, bee, one-armed paperhanger: choose your preferred symbolic figure for a chap in a condition of constant occupation. Not complaining, mind you, just saying, and in fact…

Yo Ho Ho, A Pirate’s Life…

Society, or at least the arm of it concerned with the making of rules and the forced restraint of natural human behavior, is very good at defining the areas in which it is acceptable for…

Everything Is Awesome!

If you listen to a very old person talk long enough, and I mean real old, and of a disposition toward colorful slang, you might hear a particular bygone class of word pass their lips.…

Vigilante Justice

It's a fine thing to be respected and admired. I mean, I guess it must be. It sounds cool. Oh, I'm not universally despised or anything, and during lapses in my campaign to destroy myself,…

Status: Deceased

I have an excellent moneymaking idea, one sure to rake in millions, and as I plan to outline it here in this space I'm going to need to trust every single one of you not…

A Sun of One’s Own

It was a day in name only, unidentifiable by simple observation. A look out the window, generally sufficient to get a rough idea of one's orbital position vis-a-vis the sun, was no help — it…
