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Posts published by “Flynn Washburne”

Countdown At The Trough

If you have been paying attention—and if you haven't, shame! There will be a quiz at the conclusion of this installment — you know that…

The Season Of Giving

The holidays loom again, and isn't it funny how we use the word “loom,” with its slightly dire connotation, to describe the approach of this…

Saved By Weather

"Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it." This sentence flitted across my consciousness recently, apropos of nothing at all, and got…

Political Origins

That's it! I'm through with Donald Trump! Somewhere, some ones are hard at work making ink for these pens I use and I continue to…

A Trip To Tweakerland

You — and by “you,” I mean everybody, not any specific demographic, strata, gender, party, orientation. proclivity, or inclination, even the verdammt Dodger nation I…

Flattery Will Get You Somewhere On Hwy 20

So, you've gotten old. (If you are young, please disregard; clip this column and place it in the family Bible where you're likely to come…

No Sarcasm Meant

On the increasingly frequent occasions when Donald Trump allows his mouth to race out ahead of his brain—understandable, given the latter's velocital limitations and the…

Get The Shotgun

When I woke up, I was struck first by the silence — a deep and complete absence of sound that seemed to have a shape…
