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Posts published by “David Yearsley”

In The Wondrous Cabinet (No, Not Trump’s)

After weeks of bitter subzero temperatures, the Polar Vortex loosens its grip on Upstate New York. Far more tenacious and deadly was the Little Ice Age that kept Europe in its grasp for the entire…

Cage Fight In The Capitol

It was the perfect setting for a cage fight. The circular perimeter and dome soaring above were not enclosed with chain-link fencing coated in vinyl. The floor was not covered with a foam mat. No,…

Hands, Fingers, Nose And Throat: Re-Doing Dylan

On the last Sunday of this past October, a Timothée Chalamet look-alike contest broke out in Washington Square Park in New York City. Dozens of participants and thousands of onlookers thronged to the event and…

Silenced Night: The Unheard Lesson Of Lessons And Carols

The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols fills King’s College Chapel at Cambridge University every year on the afternoon of Christmas Eve. The service is broadcast by the BBC and heard, according to some estimates,…

The Song Remains The Same: Detuning The Democratic Defeat

Released only the day before the election,’s sonic squib, “Yes She Can,” was the final political misfire of the musical campaign, the cannon’s weak report barely heard as evening fell on Kamala Harris’s presidential…
