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Posts published by “Bruce Anderson”

Living Close to the Land

“I was born December 3rd 1918 right down the road,” Wayne McGimpsey begins, taking a quick look out the large picture window of his central…

Off the Top (Sep. 10, 1997)

IF I WERE A JUROR considering the case against Bear Lincoln, I would be confused about the evidence against him as presented by prosecutor Aaron…

Headwaters Three, the Unofficial Account

It was raining Sunday, nobody else from the AVA wanted to go, I would miss the 49er’s game on television, and I had almost no…

Postmark: Boonville

Boonville is the largest of four tiny settlements in the twenty-mile-long Anderson Valley. It has two things going for it; it’s very beautiful and it’s…

School Board Meeting

The meeting convened promptly at 7:00 p.m. as the two new trustees, Cheryl Schrader and Martha Bradford, vowed not to overthrow either the state or…
