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Posts published by “Alexander Cockburn”

A Deadly 9/11 Cover-Up

In our latest newsletter, hot off the press — What do the W.R. Grace Company, the Trade Towers, Libby Montana and asbestos have in common?

Who’s In Charge Here?

Americans don’t care to have a wimp in the White House. They’ll take almost any outlandish vulgarity from their commander in chief and give him…

Pariah Nation

As the tv networks here give unlimited airtime to its apologists, the message rolls out that Israel is permitted every illegal act in the lexicon…

Nuclear Disarmament: Not What He Promised

It’s been an active year so far in the rhetoric of nuclear disarmament. First the “nuclear posture state­ment” of the Obama administration put out in…

The Rand & Rachel Show

American politics continue their plunge into ritual farce. Last week we had the spectacle of progressives rallying to the right-wing Elena Kagan, largely on the…

Closet Politics

Sexual politics command passions in American political life far more powerful than those currently focused on Wall Street bankers or on BP. By conven­tional measures…

You Drill, You Spill

Sobering, is it not, to realize that the possible survival of a huge oil company, of several billion shrimp, assorted species of fish and birds,…
