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Posts published by “Alexander Cockburn”

This Will be Obama’s Legacy

Jeffrey St. Clair contributed to this story. With the impending departure from the U.S. Supreme Court of Justice John Paul Stevens at the age of…

The Cover-Ups That Exploded

The Pentagon is reeling after two lethal episodes uncovered by diligent journalism showed trigger-happy US Army helicopter pilots and US Special Forces slaughtering civilians, then…

The White House Egg Roll v. Gulag Ag

There’s America the mythical, with the White House Easter Egg Roll scheduled last Monday and activities, in the words of the White House press release,…

T’was A Famous Victory

“Cleopatra's nose, had it been shorter, the whole face of the world would have been changed.” So wrote Pascal, remembering how Caesar and Mark Anthony,…

Relax, the Empire’s In Safe Hands

Are they really bumblers? The establishment’s opinion columns quiver with reproofs for maladroit handling of foreign policy by President Obama and his secretary of state,…

Limbaugh’s Lair

What sort of décor do you think the King of Right Wing Radio likes to come home to after a hard day’s ranting into the mike? Big manly couches, a 50 foot wetbar, life size statues of Ronald Reagan? Think again. The dirigible of drivel has put his Fifth Ave penthouse on the market for $13.95 million.

The Bogus Hispanic Crime Wave

Nothing more easily elicits roars of assent across a good slice of the political spectrum than the hoarse alarms that wave after wave of brown-skinned…

Feed Pete Peterson To The Whales

Call him, just for now, Spartacus. He was two years old when the slavers captured him in 1982 and hauled him off to Oak Bay,…
