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Posts published by “Alexander Cockburn”

Remembering Ben Sonnenberg

There was a memorial for Ben Sonnenberg last week. Ben died on June 26 at the age of 73 — and a substantial crowd of…

The Koran At Fahrenheit 451°

By the end of the week, the air was so thick with pieties about the need for tolerance and respect for all creeds that one…

Thank You, Glenn Beck!

This weekend brings us the August 28 anniversary of the March on Washington back in 1963. It was when Martin Luther King delivered his famous…

This is What Success Looks Like

The last American combat brigade in Iraq has left the country, so the Pentagon announced this week. The 40,000 personnel from 4th Stryker Brigade, 2nd…

America Enters A New Time

I went to get my hair cut the other day in the town of Fortuna and waited ten minutes while the elderly barber finished buzz-cutting…

Marriage’s Fiercest Defenders

It took a gay Republican judge with libertarian leanings to issue from the bench, in a US District courthouse in San Francisco, one of the…

Do Disclosures Of Atrocities Change Anything?

The hope of the brave soldier who sent 92,000 secret US documents to Wikileaks was that their disclosure would prompt public revulsion and increasing political…

The Fall of Obama

The man who seized the White House by fomenting a mood of irrational expectation is now facing the bitter price exacted by reality. The reality…

The Crude Truth

The British learn every few years that their much vaunted “special relationship” with the United States is actually, in terms of relationships, rather more normal…
