- Fires Burning
- Trespass Man
- Basil Missing
- Poleeko Roadhouse
- Berry Picking
- Yesterday's Catch
- Rohnert Cleanup
- Winnebago Chicken
- Political Insanity
- Lunchtime
- Writers Reading
- No Adults
- Little Dog
- Dream Parade
- Time Travelers
- Childhood Leukemia
- Thistle Pods
- Garbage Donations
Fires Burning
CALFIRE, Saturday, 2:30am: River Fire (Hopland) east of Highway 101 at 5600 acres; Ranch Fire (Potter Valley northeast of Highway 20) at 2700 acres. No cause listed for either, no containment for either, both burning east towards Lake County with many structures threatened. CalFire is calling both the "Mendocino Complex Incident."
EVACUATION MAPS (Saturday morning):

CALFIRE TWEETS (Saturday morning):
#RiverFire [update 8:12am] off Old River Road, near Mile Marker Post 7.9, Hopland (Mendocino County) is now 6,000 acres and 2% contained.

#RanchFire [update 8:16am] off Highway 20 near Potter Valley, northeast of Ukiah (Mendocino County) is now 3,500 acres and 2% contained.

TWO VEGETATION FIRES BROKE OUT east of Ukiah on Friday afternoon sending upwards large plumes of white smoke visible for miles around. These two fires come on top of several other northern California fires, taxing firefighting resources which were spread thin to begin with.
The “Ranch Fire” near the Buffalo Ranch at Highway 20 and the junction to Potter Valley was up to over 600 acres in the afternoon and growing.
The “River Fire” near Talmage produced evacuation warnings (not orders — yet) including the County’s Office of Education which began preliminary evacuation about 4pm Friday afternoon. The Friday afternoon warning covered from the 6800 block of Old River Road to the Yokayo Rancheria. No warnings had yet been issued on the Ranch Fire near Potter Valley.
One local Calfire official noted the winds and high temperatures, adding “it’s pretty aggressive fire behavior.” So far, Highway 20 northeast of the fires has not been closed.
MEANWHILE the huge Carr Fire outside of Redding continues to grow, destroying more homes, and leaving two firefighters dead. The Sacramento Bee described the Carr Fire as “a monster blaze,” and a “wall of flames” which firefighters are struggling to establish fire lines against. Dozens of homes are destroyed, evacuations have been ordered with more expected, the fire is “erratic,” daytime temps went well over 100 and high winds up to 25mph were said to be pushing the fire in the direction of Redding’s 91,000 population. As of Friday afternoon the fire had consumed over 69 square miles. Smoke plumes from the fire (and others) can be easily seen on satellite photos. More of the same conditions were expected Saturday.
FRIDAY TIMELINE… (as information was received)
Friday, about 3:30pm: The Mendocino County Mass Notification System has issued a correction to their previous alert that said there was evacuation order of areas along Old River Road. They now say they there is only an EVACUATION WARNING for the area along Old River Road from the address of 6800 Old River Road to the North. There is no evacuation order, just an evacuation warning. Anyone who has questions can contact the Mendocino County Office of Emergency Services (OES) at (707) 467-6497.
Howard Forest Emergency Command Center has issued an evacuation order for the area along Old River Road from the address of 6800 Old River Road to the North. Anybody with questions is asked to contact the Mendocino County Office of Emergency Services (OES) at (707) 467-6497.
About 4pm, personnel at the County Office of Education at Talmage were ordered to evacuate.
About 4:30pm: FROM THE SHERIFF: The emergency alert that was sent out is a warning for the Old River Road fire, which means if you live in the area from approximately 6800 Old River Road north towards Talmage Road, get prepared IN CASE of an evacuation. Evacuations are not mandatory right now, but you should be getting your medications, some clothes, etc., ready to go, in case this becomes more serious.
About 5:30pm: AN EVACUATION WARNING was issued for the area from the 10,000 block of Old River Road to the roundabout at Highway 175 and Old River Road in Hopland, which includes the area from the Russian River east to the ridge to University Road.
About 6pm: It's smokey as hell in Cloverdale right now, and I see Mike McGuire has tweeted the Ranch Fire is now at 600 acres, the River Fire at 400.
About 6:20pm: 3,720 PG&E Customers Lose Power On Coast & Anderson Valley @ 6:20 PM. A widespread power outage saw 1,520 PG&E customers lose power on the coast - and 2,200 in Anderson Valley from a so far unexplained outage. MSP reports conditions are foggy on the coast - 53F - and there have been no crashes into poles that we have seen logged.
The AVA switched to the land line and called the PG&E 1-800-743-5000 status number and actually got through to a nice young woman in Sacramento who said yes, 2800 customers were out in “your area” and that a crew had been dispatched to find the problem and fix it. Power was restored in AV about 8:10pm.
About 7pm: AV Fire Chief Andres Avila makes plans to backfill Calfire’s Boonville Fire Station (which was emptied out to fight the Ukiah fires) with a four man crew. That crew may be dispatched with an engine and tender to Ukiah fires if called upon at which point more local volunteers will be requested to backfill Boonville again… A huge plume of white smoke rising over south Ukiah is visible from South Boonville.
About 7PM: EVACUATIONS - PLEASE SHARE THIS POST!!! Mendocino County Sheriff's Office is requesting IMMEDIATE EVACUATIONS in the following areas: South from the 8000 block of Old River Road to the area of the roundabout at Highway 175, including all residences feeding onto University Road and all areas feeding onto Old River Road west to the Russian River #RiverFire Evac Zone
About 7:30: CALFIRE ‘RANCH FIRE’ (POTTER VALLEY) UPDATE: 175-plus acres - 0% Contained And 1 reported firefighter injury. (This was outdated when it was received.)
About 7:45: Calfire reports that the Ranch Fire was up to about 1,000 acres. (No further details.)
About 8:10: (From Bruce McEwen in Ukiah) — Sirens going off down the streets all day, steady stream of fire-bombers gunning their engines overhead, smoke filling up the valley and old people in the trailer park, packing up overnight bags, a few keepsakes, identification cards, passports, and any kind of readily negotiable currency, standing by to evacuated...
About 10:20pm: Calfire reports that the River Fire is up to 4,000 acres with no containment. “Ground resources, as well as aircraft, are actively working to suppress this fire. High temperatures and aggressive fire behavior are hindering firefighting efforts. The fire is burning a mix of grass and oak woodland. Threat to the UC Berkeley Hopland Research and Extension Center. 1 residence and one outbuilding destroyed so far.” 121 firefighters on scene with 12 engines and two helicopters, 8 dozers, etc. deployed.
10:47pm: Mendocino County Sheriff's Office - Press Release (written by Richard Ehlert, Emergency Services Coordinator)
Synopsis: On July 27, 2018 around 1:30 pm, the Mendocino County Sheriff’s office was contacted to assist fire suppression teams in the area of Highway 20 near the 7000 block. This fire is currently referred to as “The Ranch Fire” (#RanchFire).
At about 1:48pm, Sheriff’s units were also contacted to assist with the report of a fire in the 6800 block of Old River Road near Hopland Ca. This fire is currently referred to as the “River Fire” (#RiverFire).
Currently mandatory evacuations are in effect for the River Fire. The evacuations are in place from the 8000 block of River Road, south to Highway 175, and from the Russian River, east to to the Lake County Line. This includes the Hopland Band of Pomo Indians.
Mendocino County Sheriff's Office issued an evacuation warning (advisory) for the River Fire Hopland. Affected area is south of Hwy 175, east of Old River Road to highway 101 and east to Old Toll Rd and Ranch Rd area.
Reports from the Ranch Fire indicate the fire is moving east towards Lake County. Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office personnel are working with the Lake County Sheriff’s Office and providing information to residents in these areas. Currently there are evacuation warnings in effect for Highway 20 from the 6000 block to the Lake County line and into the Blue Lakes area.
Residents are urged to remain aware of their surroundings and use their best judgment. If the fire begins to approach their location they should evacuate to a safe location.
Shelter Opened:
The Mendocino County Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) is opening a shelter at Mendocino College. The shelter will be located at the Mendocino College Dance Room at 1000 Hensley Creek Road in Ukiah.
The J arena located at 4800 Burke Hill Road, Ukiah, is accepting animals however no horses. The Redwood Riders Arena located at 8300 East Road in Redwood Valley is accepting horses. Small animals will be accepted at the Mendocino County Animal Shelter.
Register for Emergency Information
Residents should pay attention for future evacuation warnings. Additional evacuations may occur. Resident can sign up for emergency alerts at www.MendocinoCounty.org/MendoAlert and can receive updated info at www.Facebook.com/MendocinoSheriff.
Please contact the Mendocino County Emergency Operations Call Center at (707)-467-6428 for questions or additional information as needed.
MENDOCINOSPORTSPLUS is the go-to site for up to date and accurate information in emergency fire situations as faced by NorCal and Mendocino County today. MSP is a Facebook page maintained by Paul McCarthy. McCarthy does a remarkable job staying abreast of fast-moving events. As of 4pm there were two fires burning in the Ukiah Valley.
FROM FRANK HARTZELL: Nice to live in Fort Bragg but CA is being ravaged by heat that is way worse than anytime in my lifetime. So glad the GOP thinks this is a great time to stop working on climate change and remove all the future car pollution standards, which actually helped USA be competitive in car quality again.
RESIDENTS of North Fort Bragg, especially along Airport Road, are relieved at the arrest of this guy, assumed to have been stealing the contents of mailboxes and generally unnerving people in the area, especially the elderly.
ACCORDING TO A FORT BRAGG RESIDENT: a “male trespass suspect” was contacted and detained for trespass by a Sheriff's Deputy out toward the end of Airport Road. He was cited and may have been arrested and booked, but I have not been able to confirm this. The Sheriff's Log states that the suspect was also in violation of probation and had a warrant for his arrest. Just a few moments ago, I received a text from one of your Neighbors on the Watch. It was a picture of a young male in his late 20s or early thirties.
He matches the description of the individual seen trespassing on my property. He also matches the description of the individual contacted and detained by the SO last night. Young white male, scruffy strawberry hair and dress fairly nicely and in his late 20s or early 30s.
The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office needs the public’s help to locate a Kentucky man reported missing from the Trinidad area.
Basil Tolson, 32, of Hazel Green, Kentucky, was reported missing to the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office on July 25, 2018. Tolson last contacted a family member on June 2, telling them that he was working on a cannabis farm in the Trinidad area. Tolson may have possibly last been in the Freshwater Lagoon area.
Tolson is described as a white male adult, approximately 6 feet tall, 180 pounds, with hazel eyes and brown hair.
Anyone with information about Tolson’s whereabouts is encouraged to contact the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office at (707) 445-7251 or the Sheriff’s Office Crime Tip line at (707) 268-2539.
OK, Anderson Valley, it’s been long enough. We still have a few finishing touches to do but we want to start cooking. We are open tonight (Friday) and tomorrow night for dinner by reservation. We’re serving a limited menu for training and we’d love for you to join us. Craft Beers, local wines, and home cooking Farmer John style. Call the Roadhouse to make your reservation (707)895-RIBS.
by Malcolm Macdonald
The end of July and the beginning of August always reminds me of berry picking time, blackberries that is. Until the extinction of rotary phones this part of the year meant the telephone at the Macdonald ranch would seemingly ring every few minutes with requests to come and pick blackberries.
My paternal grandparents had the foresight to plant a domesticated variety of blackberry along the banks of our part of the Albion River. Those vines and feral blackberries as well benefited from lateral seepage from the river that kept the bottom lands here irrigated more or less year round. My father planted and tended vegetable gardens just north of the wall of berry vines, again without watering.
In the 1990s the Albion River started to diminish. The year round flow and the level of the river dropped steadily until by the end of that decade and century on through to now, except in prolonged winter storm periods, the Albion River is barely more than a small stream and often dries to a non-flowing trickle in the summer months, even drying up some years where the fresh water stream meets salt water about a half mile west of where I reside. This low flow is not the result of logging practices, it's probably only mildly effected by global warming. Most of the decreased flow of the Albion is attributable to greater and greater usage near to its sources.
I digress from my original intent to discuss berry picking. My oldest sister has always been a very capable picker, meaning she didn't stuff too many in her own mouth before fetching a pail home, unlike our sister Muriel, whose face, in August, usually remained smeared with blackberry juice for weeks at a time.
Our father, Lorne Macdonald, was both a good blackberry and huckleberry plucker. The latter requires a different kind of dexterity, picking the huckleberries (some eastern 19th century transplants called them whortleberries) rapidly and at the same time so clean that it isn't necessary to sift out all the debris later.
My father excelled at this, but he remained a third place finisher compared to his maternal uncles Will and John Finley Robertson. In their retirement years when they resided just upstream from here in two separate cabin homes, these two men walked to Albion at least once a week, several miles each way, to collect their mail. In huckleberry season they stopped on the return trip on the prairie road near what is now the Littleriver Airport to fill three gallon pails each, clean enough to go right into a pie when they dropped them off for my mother at the ranch.
These two Robertsons learned their huckleberry picking as lads when they accompanied their father, John Robertson, on drives from Little Lake (next to Willits) to the coast. The senior John Robertson was a stockman who drove everything from oxen to turkeys over the coast hills to markets, hotels, logging operations, and the occasional turkey shoot. In their spare time, while camping along the way of the drive, John Finley and Will perfected their berry picking techniques.
When my father and his younger brother, Forrest, were boys in the 1910s and 1920s, huckleberry picking augmented the family income. Their pickings were packed in handmade redwood boxes that they had cut and split themselves. The berries were shipped from Albion to Levy & Zettner Co. at 200 Washington Street in San Francisco. At the height of a great drought in the early 1920s a small crate of blackberries cost $5.00 in the City.
Uncle Forrest's berry picking ventures crossed over into his social surroundings. He grew so fond of talking in the vernacular of a certain Mark Twain character that many of his school chums called him “Huckleberry.”
CATCH OF THE DAY, July 27, 2018

JESUS BERMUDEZ, Fort Bragg. Narcotics possession for sale, manufacture of imitation controlled substance with intent to distribute.
CRISTOPHER BRITTON*, Covelo. Unspecified misdemeanor. (Booking photo not available.)
MICHAEL CAPLAN*, Ukiah. DUI. (Booking photo not available.)
KASSANDRA CHAVEZ-CHAPMAN, Santa Maria/Willits. Failure to appear, probation revocation.
MAKAYLA CROSS-STURGES, Ukiah. Domestic battery.

KEVIN DIRKSEN, Willits. Failure to appear.
GEORGE FIGUEROA, Fort Bragg. DUI-alcohol&drugs.
JUAN GONZALEZ-MAGANA, Ukiah. Domestic abuse, domestic battery.

JOSE GUZMAN, Ukiah. Possession of drugs or alcohol in jail.
AMANDA JEWELL, Kendrick, Idaho/Ukiah. Probation revocation.
JEANNIE KNAPP, Ukiah. DUI, reckless driving.

ADAM PEARSON, Ukiah. Parole violation.
FREDERICK PERE, Fort Bragg. Kidnapping-forcibly or instilling fear, steals, takes, holds, details, or arrests any person.
SEQUOYAH PICKNER, Ukiah. Concealed dirk-dagger, probation revocation.

JESSE RODGERS, Ukiah. Parole violation.
BUCK SILVA, Assault with deadly weapon not a gun, battery with serious injury.
CHARLES WORDEN, Fort Bragg. Parole violation.
(*ED NOTE: Britton and Caplan were booked on Monday, July 23, but no accompanying booking photo has been posted on the Sheriff’s Booking Log as of Friday. We will repost these bookings if/when photos are uploaded.)
The City of Rohnert Park today announced that it has hired Howard Jordan, a police practices and procedures expert and retired police chief, to help the City investigate allegations involving police practices related to past drug interdiction incidents. A number of complaints have been filed by individuals over traffic stops and asset forfeitures conducted by Rohnert Park police officers.
The City is in the process of investigating what happened to determine whether any of the complaints are well founded and has expanded its investigation into a wider examination of police practices and policies.
“The City of Rohnert Park takes these allegations very seriously,” City Manager Darrin Jenkins said. “We intend to fully investigate whether all policies and procedures were followed. If policies and procedures were not followed, we intend to address any missteps.”
“We have great respect for our Public Safety officers and our Public Safety Department. It is because of that respect that we will make sure that any misdeeds are uncovered and any recommended improvements are implemented.” Mr. Jenkins said.
The City is pleased to welcome Howard Jordan, who served on the Oakland Police Department for more than 25 years, during which time he helped reduce violent crime and helped launch a real-time crime reporting program for police officers to speed investigations. Mr. Jordan also provides instruction to students in Administration of Justice programs at Diablo Valley College and Merritt College.
Prior to the passage of Proposition 64, the California voter initiative to legalize marijuana, the City’s police force joined other Sonoma County law enforcement agencies in an interdiction program focused on Highway 101, which for years has been a major drug trafficking route.
The impetus for this was a series of drug-related murders and other violent crimes in Sonoma County, often involving out-of-state drug traffickers. In one incident, in February 2013, three men were shot and killed in nearby Forestville during a large marijuana drug transaction.
After this incident, Rohnert Park police worked with other Sonoma County police forces to develop a Highway 101 interdiction program, to crack down on violent crime involving methamphetamines, opioids, cocaine, ecstasy, and marijuana.
The program has been effective in many ways. Rohnert Park’s crime rate has remained historically low, and response times to fires and other emergencies are in line with national standards.
Around February of 2017, in response to voters’ approval of Proposition 64 and the Sonoma County District Attorney’s Office changing its approach to marijuana crimes, the Rohnert Park Public Safety Department adjusted City practices to limit its pursuit of marijuana-related cases, including most interdiction efforts.
The City is committed to compliance with the law and our mission to serve and protect the public.
In the event concerns are raised about police officer conduct, we take the concerns seriously and investigate. When all the facts are known, we take appropriate measures.
The City is in the process of recruiting and hiring new officers to increase Public Safety Department staffing. The City also has begun the process of searching for a new Public Safety Director, following the recent announcement by Public Safety Director Brian Masterson that he plans to retire next month.

(Photo by Susie de Castro)
by James Kunstler
The political insanity roiling the USA only gets worse, with no end in sight. On Wednesday, Senator Ed Markey (D-Mass), made the astonishing statement on CNN that “the American people wanted a confrontation, not a conversation,” between Presidents Trump and Putin in Helsinki.
Really? We wanted a mud wrestling bout and all we got was some lousy chit-chat? Next time, maybe Mr. Trump will bring a fungo bat to the room and “tune up” his counterpart — a popular negotiating technique from the rough-and-tumble New York City construction scene back in Mr. Trump’s halcyon days. Some people you just can’t reason with, especially the hell-spawned man-beast who personally directed Russian “meddling” and “interference” in our election and stole certain victory from president-designee Hillary. (I know this because The New York Times and The Washington Post said so.)
Another astonishment: in his testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee this week, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the US would not recognize Crimea as part of Russia and would demand the return of the region to Ukraine. Not to put too fine a point on it, Mr. Pompeo is pissing up a rope on that one. Russia will not give up its warm-water naval bases on the Black Sea anymore than the US will return its San Diego naval installation to Mexico, and Mr. Pompeo knows it.
So do the posturing idiots on the senate committee, who apparently forgot that our own government officials fomented the 2014 Ukrainian coup that prompted Russia to annex Crimea and its military assets in the first place.
How many of you feel a gnawing disgust and contempt for both sides of the US political spectrum? The news, day and night, reveals a nation unable to think, unable to discern reality from fantasy, avid to dissemble and lie about absolutely everything, eager to support any racketeering operation designed to fleece its own citizens, and utterly ignoring the genuine problems that can drive us into a new dark age.
On balance, and just for now, I’m more disturbed by the side represented by the Democratic Party, aka the “progressives” or “the Resistance,” because they are responsible for politicizing the FBI before, during, and after the 2016 election and that was a dastardly act of institutional debauchery in an agency with the power to destroy the lives and careers of American citizens. The product of that corruption is a dangerous manufactured hysteria inciting hostility and aggression against another nation that could lead to a war that humanity will not recover from.
Nobody in that group of rogue FBI agents and their Department of Justice enablers has had to answer for any of this, especially those whose misdeeds have been identified in detail by the DOJ’s own Inspector General. Am I the only one in the country wondering why they have not been called to a grand jury? That is generally how the rule of law works when evidence of criminal misbehavior comes to light and a formal inquiry must determine whether indictments are warranted. You’d think The New York Times or The WashPo would want to ask Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein why he has not assigned a federal prosecutor to walk these cases into grand juries. What is he waiting for? What are the papers waiting for?
Mr. Trump seems completely over his head in all this. The permanent Washington bureaucracy and all its handmaidens on K Street and news media are determined to expel him from the Deep State’s craw like a lump of under-chewed hanger steak so they can get back to business-as-usual, namely asset-stripping what’s left in the nation that’s not nailed down. Mr. Trump lacks even the most rudimentary rhetorical skills to defend his legitimacy in office, and obviously his enemies deny that there’s anything legitimate about him, not least his presence in their swamp.
Nobody can say where all this is tending, but if we do not stumble into some version of World War Three before Christmas, I foresee a drawn-out, bloody house-cleaning in American leadership that will make the French Revolution look like a simple civic colonic.
(Support Kunstler’s writing by visiting his Patreon Page.)
THE MENDOCINO COAST WRITER’S CONFERENCE presents our First Friday Faculty Reading at Fort Bragg Town Hall. On Friday August 3rd, at 5:30 p.m. join us for readings by keynote speaker Elizabeth Rosner, short fiction instructor Vanessa Hua, novel instructor Shanthi Sekaran, poetry instructor Indigo Moor, and middle grade/young adult instructor Guadalupe Garcia McCall. This event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments and wine will be served. Out of respect for our readers, doors will open only before and in between readings. Visit mcwc.org for more information.
Join the Mendocino Coast Writer’s Conference on Thursday August 2, at 6:30 p.m. at St. Anthony’s Church in Mendocino for faculty readings from Master Class instructor Elizabeth McKenzie, memoir instructor Linda Joy Myers, emerging writers’ instructor Jason S. Ridler, and screenwriting instructor Nina Sadowsky. Admission is free, but out of respect for our readers, doors will open only before and in between readings.
Visit mcwc.org for more information.
Maria Trombetta, MCWC Board Member
The U.S. has been a youth obsessed culture for decades. It appears we have reached the pinnacle of that obsession by having no adults to speak of in any role of significance, public or private. The few adults we do have are like people over 30 in Logan’s Run. Hiding. Disgusted. Embarrassed. Scurrying to become an expat before they get locked into the asylum. Adults fully realize that this will get worse, a lot worse, before it ever gets better. If it ever does.
LITTLE DOG SAYS, “As the watchdog for this place, and fires everywhere, I asked these guys to sprinkler-system my igloo. What do I get? Johnny Cash singing 'Ring of Fire'!”
Mike Pence walked into the Oval Office and said, "Mr. President, I had a dream last night and you were the star in it."
"Tell me about it," said The Donald.
"Well, there was a big parade down 5th Ave in NYC, many blocks long, thousands if not millions jammed onto the streets, cheering that was deafening, confetti streaming from all of the office buildings, bands playing all of the great march tunes, it was complete euphoria."
"How did I look?" asked The Donald. "Was my tie on straight, did I have that 'I am in control of the situation' look, was my hair combed just right?"
"I couldn't tell,” said The Veep, “the casket was closed.”
“Yeah, whatever. At least we got the hell out of 2018.”
More than 60 studies have shown increases of childhood leukemia around nuclear facilities worldwide. Despite this finding, there has never been independent analysis in the US examining connections between childhood cancer and nuclear facilities. The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) had tasked the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to conduct such a study, but then withdrew funding, claiming publicly that it would be too expensive.
(Photo by Susie de Castro)
Drop off your redeemable bottles & cans this weekend to benefit our volunteer fire company.
I've just returned from a week away and am now ready to receive your cans and bottles. I'll be in the usual places at the usual times this Saturday and Sunday. Beer/beverage glass bottles, soda/beer aluminum cans, plastic water/beverage containers (without tops, please)--anything with CRV printed on the label--is good. I'll be collecting at the Little River fire station by the airport on Saturday from 11-1 and at the fire station in Albion behind the grocery on Sunday from 1-3. No plastic milk jugs, wine bottles, 100% juice bottles, or other beverage containers just marked "recycle"--if it doesn't say CRV or California Redemption Value, I don't want it. Coconut water cans and juice cans, which are bi-metal, are also ok.
I wanted to share the results of the FY 2017-18 redemption -- for the period July 1-June 30, all your donations translated into $2,597. That's almost $2,600 that has gone from garbage to funds that can be used by our fire department. We will use these funds to help support the purchase and installation of address signs that will allow department responders to quickly find you when we need to. So, if you're interested in participating in this project in any way, from offering financial support to assisting with sign installation, please drop me a note or stop by during the collection times. Thanks for your support.
From: Debbi Wolfe, debbi.wolfe@gmail.com
Acreage for Ranch, River fires grows overnight
Cal Fire said the Ranch fire was up to 2,700 acres by midnight.
Just after midnight early Saturday, Cal Fire issued an update on the complex, which together have burned 8,300 acres, with zero containment, and two structures – one residence and one outbuilding – destroyed. Two firefighters have been injured.
The River fire, which was reported at about 1 p.m. Friday along Old River Road six miles north of Hopland, has burned the largest portion of the complex’s acreage, and was at 5,600 acres early Saturday, according to Cal Fire.
The chickens look exhausted.
Fowl air
The emergency warning worked. I was phoned over 4 times with evacuation warnings for the River fire.Thank you first responders.
Ash the size of quarters are falling in Lakeport right now.
River Fire Evacuation Advisory
Lake County CA Sheriff’s Department
Saturday July 28th, 2018 :: 12:33 p.m. PDT
Advisory Evacuation Notice for Lakeport & Surrounding Area The Lake County Sheriff’s Office & City of Lakeport Police Department are jointly issuing an Advisory Evacuation Notice to the entire City of Lakeport and the surrounding areas. Evacuation advisories are in effect from:
The Mendocino County line to to the west;
To the 3000 block of Scotts Valley Road and Park Way to the North;
To the shoreline of Clear Lake to the East;
To Highland Springs and Big Valley Road to the South.
They just switched it to mandatory evacuations in City of Lakeport.
Winnebago Chicken: My wife and I saw that vehicle with its rear-end chicken coop yesterday at Rite-Aide, made us laugh. There were at least 2 chickens in the coop. We wondered how they survive all the exhaust gases they must breathe. Wondered also what the story is. It reminded us of the time, years ago, when we came upon a cat sitting contentedly in a small cage on the back of a Harley parked in Mendocino…