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Meet Candidate Williams

[Feb 23]

Ted Williams, 5th District Supervisorial Candidate, will be at Lauren’s Restaurant in Boonville on Friday, February 23, 2018 from 3-5pm.

His Experience: Fire Chief of Albion‐Little River; Business owner and Software Developer; Author of 2 County Measures that improve fire services; Father and husband.

Some Priorities: Establish county‐wide Internet; Increase Affordable Housing; Encourage Livable Wage Jobs; Strengthen Fire & Emergency Services; Protect Our Environment.


  1. Pat Kittle February 14, 2018

    Let’s face it…

    More humans = Less everyone else.

    We need serious ways to stop human population growth — and not merely debate how to encourage it.

    “More affordable housing” encourages it. More “un-affordable” housing encourages it too.

    “So what do we do, kill people??”

    That’s an asinine response and you know it. There’s plenty we can do:
    — [ ]

    • james marmon February 14, 2018

      Outside of killing people Pat I suggest slowing the influx of illegal immigrants from Mexico into our County as a good place to start.

      Second I would stop luring homeless folks to our County which not only adds to our homeless population but also puts a strain on all of our services.

      I ask this one question, how many illegal immigrants and out of County homeless people are we able to sustain?

      sus·tain (sə-stān′)

      a. To keep in existence; maintain, continue, or prolong: sustain an effort.
      b. To keep up (a joke or assumed role, for example) competently.

      a. To supply with necessities or nourishment; provide for: the income needed to sustain a family.

      • Pat Kittle February 14, 2018


        100% agreed, as you’d see if you opened my link to “Negative Population Growth”:
        — [ ]

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