- Robin Lindsey
- Where's Asha
- Dope Deal
- Quiz Night
- New Works
- Jail Expansion
- Foliage
- Rentier Gouging
- Coot Shoots
- Student Donations
- Little Dog
- Brook Wanted
- Honey Blast
- Whipple Booked
- Knight Driving
- Wife-Knifed
- Meth Man
- Purloined Purse
- Rough Babysitter
- Yesterday's Catch
- Electrical Fires
- Cannabis Resistance
- Empty Lives
- Stolen Art
- Pumpkin Party
- Seltzer Singalong
- Firestorm Survey
- Notorious Winds
- Tunnels Trumped
- Third Party
- Yes B
- Oswald
- Think Not
No memorial service will be held. Any memorial donations should be made to Hospice of Willits. “The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face to shine upon you. The lord lift His countenance upon you, and give you peace.”

DOPE DEAL: UKIAH, Wed., Oct. 25. — The recent focus of an intensive manhunt — a county-wide marijuana thief — threw in the towel this afternoon and accepted the District Attorney's "take it or leave it" settlement offer in order to avoid the threat of greater punishment down the road. The DA's time-sensitive offer would have expired at the close of business today.

Trevor Michael Jackson, age 34, transient at the time of arrest, plead guilty before Mendocino County Superior Court Judge John Behnke to a felony crime spree that included: burglary in the second degree (a burglary of a locked structure to steal marijuana) occurring in March 2016; kidnapping and robbery in concert while armed with an assault weapon (to steal marijuana) occurring in July 2017; and vehicle theft (while running from the law on the two prior cases) in August 2017. As part of the negotiated pleas, the defendant was required to and did stipulate to a state prison sentence of 25 years. Under current law, he will be required to serve at least 85% of that sentence.
As also required by law, the defendant's three felony cases were referred to the Adult Probation for a social study and sentencing report. This report is relied on by the prison authorities when they are undertaking intake classification and facility housing decisions for defendant Jackson. Being returned to prison should not be too great of a lifestyle shock for this defendant — this will be the fourth time he has been committed to state prison.
Jackson is scheduled to be back in court on November 27, 2017 at 9 o'clock in the morning in Department H for formal imposition of the agreed-upon 25 year sentence. Any person interested in one or more of these cases or this defendant is welcome to attend that sentencing hearing on the 27th.
The prosecutor who has been handling these cases and who formulated "the deal" is District Attorney David Eyster. The law enforcement agency that responded to and investigated with tenacity the many crimes perpetrated by this defendant was the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office.
(DA’s Office press release)
FREE BRAIN EXERCISES: Aka The General Knowledge and Trivia Quiz… Today: Thursday, 26th October. Lauren’s Restaurant in Boonville. 7pm prompt. I will be there, I hope you will too.
Steve Sparks, Quiz Master
LIT CRIT: The prolific Jonah Raskin has published an interesting detective novel based in Sonoma County, I said to myself, "OK, I'll read it because I know the guy, he's a very good writer of non-fiction, and it's set in a geography I know, although I don't read much contemporary fiction because so much of it is so bad, cf 9 out of 10 New Yorker short stories. But Dark Land, Dark Mirror was fun, a real page turner, so I can recommend to the highly literate, mega-sophisticated ava readership without any of them accusing me of log rolling.
DITTO for A Vintage of Sour Grapes by Mendo guy, John Perrill, who I met in the early '80s when we were both confined to the Mendocino County Jail and, I must add, both of us for reasons of high principle, whatever they were. Perrill's collection of Bukowski-like short stories is refreshingly negative, especially in Mendo County's bubbly, smiley-faced context. Where else but Mendocino County would chronological adults, these laboring for the City of Fort Bragg, straight-facedly propose deportment rules for persons addressing the city council? Anyway, Mr. P's very first story had me laughing out loud. It's the all-time contrails fiction! Don't let your tin foil hat friends read it alone. I liked the heck out this collection. I hope you can find your own at your local book store.
WRAPPING UP today's book chat, a sad story. An acquaintance asked me to read her novel, still in manuscript form. She can't find a publisher, although all her previous books have made money. I thought there must be something seriously off about it, given the author's rep. So I read it, raced right on through it, actually, and it's so good that even in the post-literate age, as soon as it got out there I know it would take off like, say, Gone Girl took off. My daughter handed me that one. "I know you'll like it," she promised. What's it about? I demanded. "Uh, this young woman…" Hold it right there. Any story about a young woman that isn't by one of the Bronte sisters or Jane Austen, spare me. I'm not reading it. But Gone Girl drew me right in. It's very good, and I'm here to tell you the unpublished novel by my friend is better — more serious, more literary without being oppressively smart, and really, really good. With a couple of the characters based on Mendo people. And also a page-turner. She said her agent won't even try to sell it, although the Hollywood maw would swallow it whole for the movie rights. Maybe she's just more pessimistic about the book's chances than she should be. Stay tuned.
A READER points out that the County has been successful in securing a $26 million state grant to build a mental health annex to the County Jail. The grant was awarded back in June. Somehow the news escaped the hawk-eyed vigilance of the ava, but is now apparently causing some confusion that if the Sheriff already has $25 mil for a mental health unit, why Measure B?
BUT ACCORDING to Supe's board chair John McCowen, the eventual jail unit "is not a mental health jail annex; it is a separate building that will allow for better housing of inmates with mental health issues, but also violent inmates, gang members, vulnerable inmates, and anyone else classified as appropriate for administrative segregation, as I think it may be euphemistically called."
IN OTHER WORDS, the County Jail expansion will house people who have run afoul of the law, not the 5150s now housed at the County Jail simply because there is no other place to put them. The Jail unit is jail, not a mental health facility. Measure B is strictly mental health.
ERICK O'DONNELL of the Ukiah Daily Journal, in a story published in February called “Mendocino County to apply for $25 million for new jail wing,” made it clear the grant would not be for a Measure B-type mental health effort:
Mendocino County to apply for $25 million for new jail wing
by Erick O’Donnell, udjeo@ukiahdj.com
February 7, 2017
The county is set to request state funding for new housing, health services, and rehabilitative programs for inmates in its aging and overcrowded facilities.
The Board of Supervisors authorized county staff on Tuesday to submit an application to the state prison board requesting $25 million from a state bond program, the largest amount that can be awarded to small counties.
Mendocino County, which as a small county is allowed to contribute less than the match required from other counties, has set aside a little over $1 million as its portion of the funding.
The county will submit its application, which it developed alongside planners from architectural firm Nacht & Lewis, to the Board of State and Community Corrections by Feb. 28. If the state board approves the project in June, the county would finish its plans and then begin construction by spring of 2020 at the earliest, and construction would continue into 2021.
A 2015 needs assessment found that the county’s most vulnerable and high-risk inmates lacked adequate facilities and services in the dilapidated jail complex. Over 22 percent of inmates were mentally ill, with severe illness rendering some inmates unfit to stand trial.
Older inmates lacked medical care to treat age-related ailments, including Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, and more single-occupant cells were needed to house maximum-security inmates.
In addition, inmates lacked rooms for rehabilitative education and confidential meetings with attorneys, and the women’s section of the prison was chronically overcrowded, according to the report.
Under preliminary plans, the county would demolish a section of the jail campus’s oldest building, making way for a new building to take its place. The new building would contain medical and dental exam rooms, rooms for mental-health care, vocational and rehabilitative classrooms, attorney-client meeting rooms, and 60 new beds, which would replace 20 beds in the old wing’s overcrowded, rusted and unsafe cells.
The county is choosing to get rid of the old wing rather than renovate it in order to make room and avoid the high cost of bringing antiquated buildings up to code. It would be costlier to rehabilitate an old structure, according to the modern state building code, than to create a compliant building from scratch, said Eric Fadness, an executive at Nacht & Lewis.
In addition, the jail complex has little room for new construction, making demolition necessary, he said.
Mendocino County has applied for state funds twice in the past, narrowly losing out on funding from a competitive grant program in 2015. The county has better chances this time around as fewer counties will be competing for the bond money, which the Legislature set aside specifically for counties that failed to secure funding under previous programs.
The new building would meet only the complex’s most pressing requirements, and the county will need to make other construction plans in order to produce an adequate jail system, Fadness said.
The county should plan in the short term to replace the rest of the older jail and create a new booking and intake facility, projects that would cost between $50 million and $75 million, he said.
In addition, the county will need to engage in longer-term planning to replace the kitchen, laundry, and property storage facilities and will need to determine future housing needs based on population projections, Fadness said.
(Courtesy, The Ukiah Daily Journal)
Rents rise after Sonoma County fires as luxury vacation homes come on the market
by Robert Digitale
The cost of a median-priced rental on one real estate website jumped sharply in Sonoma and Napa counties after this month’s wildfires, a surge apparently accelerated by an influx of luxury vacation rentals into the local housing market.
The median rent in Sonoma County rose 36 percent to $3,224 in a weeklong period after the fires, compared to September, according to online real estate site Zillow. Napa County experienced a 23 percent jump in the median rent to $3,094 for the same seven-day period ending Oct. 18.
In contrast, the median rent fell 4 percent in Marin County during the same period and rose 1 percent in Solano County.
The sample of available rentals was admittedly small: about 30 properties in Sonoma and 26 in Napa listed on Zillow’s website.
The vast majority were for properties that hadn’t appeared on Zillow in at least the past eight years.
“About 80 percent of the listings that we saw that week are for listings that we’d never seen before,” Aaron Terrazas, a senior economist at Zillow, said Tuesday.
That likely means some of the properties formerly were used as vacation rentals, he said. Even so, the increase in the median rent after the fire also likely reflects some appreciation in the value of existing rental properties, Terrazas said.
Thousands of families lost their homes during wildfires in both counties, he noted.
“That’s an enormous kind of demand that’s suddenly there,” he said.
A large increase in demand for housing could prompt more vacation home owners to place their properties on the rental market, said Randy Knight, CEO of the vacation rental company 5StarVR.com. Insurance companies “are begging us” for such properties for their clients, he said.
Among the rentals he offered Tuesday on Zillow was a four-bedroom home near Sebastopol, listed at $13,000 a month. The fully furnished home normally rents for up to $650 per weekend night and $12,000 a month, he said, meaning the proposed rent increase amounts to less than the 10 percent limit set under state price-gouging laws.
Three potential renters were scheduled to see the house Tuesday, Knight said.
Zillow has not collected enough data yet to determine if price gouging is occurring in Sonoma County’s rental market, a company spokeswoman said. State law generally prohibits rent increases of more than 10 percent during a declared emergency. As such, Terrazas said he doubted landlords seeking “excessive hikes” would try to make their deals using publicly available sites like Zillow.
Zillow will release a report later this fall measuring rent changes for the full month of October. That report will attempt to control shifts in the types of rental properties coming onto the market.
Sonoma County rents climbed 48 percent in a six-year period ending in August, Terrazas said, based on an analysis of properties listed on Zillow. County rents rose only modestly this summer.
The median rent in Sonoma and Napa after the fires was for a property of 1,300 square feet, most likely a three-bedroom house.
For the city of Santa Rosa, the median rent in the days after the fire climbed to $2,982, a 16 percent increase compared to September.
(Santa Rosa Press Democrat)
GIVE THIS OLD GUY A BREAK, What With Fire And Tweakers All Around, How The Heck Was He Supposed To Know
Redwood Valley Oldster Shot at Firefighters Who Parked on His Property During Catastrophic Wine Country Blaze, Mendo Sheriff Says
On 10-14-2017 at approximately 12:02 AM Mendocino County Sheriff’s Deputies along with several other law enforcement officers from other county and municipal jurisdictions responded to a shooting directed at a CalFire crew that were engaged in fire suppression/prevention efforts in the 10000 block of West Road in Redwood Valley.
There were multiple law enforcement officers from several agencies providing mutual aid patrolling in Redwood Valley area due to the Mendocino Lake Complex Fire.

Deputies conducted an investigation and learned the Cal Fire crew and their fire engine were parked on John Maxwell Heron’s property. The Cal Fire crew heard a male shouting at them from the residence on the property and then heard gun shots coming from the area where the male was shouting.
The Cal Fire crew quickly departed and contacted law enforcement.
While Deputies were investigating the incident Heron contacted 911 to report intruders on his property and that he had discharged his firearm.
Heron was subsequently contacted in front of his residence and he resisted arrest when law enforcement officers attempted to arrest him due to his negligent discharge of his firearm.
Heron was booked into the Mendocino County Jail on the listed charges and was to be held in lieu of $15,000 bail.
Mendocino county office of education distributes donations to fire victims
Ukiah, CA — On October 10, the day after the Redwood Valley Complex Fire tore through local neighborhoods, Mendocino County Office of Education (MCOE) employee Blythe Post, posted a request on social media asking for people to donate supplies for local foster and homeless youth. Prior to the fires, Mendocino County had identified 817 homeless students. After the fires, Post expected that number to rise. “Unfortunately, we’re anticipating an additional 150 or more children to add to that list,” she said. Blythe’s sister-in-law, Jessa Post, who was born and raised in Mendocino County, called to ask what she could do to support the community. Jessa’s daughter attends The San Francisco School in San Francisco, CA, and upon hearing the request for supplies, the school immediately held a 48-hour collection drive. Parents and community members filled a U-Haul with books, art kits, backpacks, lunch boxes, makeup, hygiene items, clothing, and baby items and drove it to the Mendocino County Office of Education. Blythe and her colleagues sorted the donations and distributed to them to the Mendocino County Youth Project in Willits, Mendo Baby, and directly to school sites supporting families and students throughout Mendocino County. Blythe said, “In addition, Mendocino Book Company provided the amazing gift of 138 new books for children and adults to enjoy. Mendocino Book Company has been a rock for our foster and homeless students throughout many academic years, and we greatly appreciate their generosity during this time.” To further support homeless students and those affected by the recent fires, the Mendocino County Foster and Homeless Youth Services program is currently gathering new jackets and shoes for the upcoming cold months. Please contact Blythe Post at 467-5104 or Alisa Susan at 467-5146 for sizes needed.
(Sheriff’s Press Release)
LITTLE DOG SAYS, “My great granddad always watched the Friday night fights on tv. He loved Carmen Basilio and Sugar Ray. "Those were warriors, LD, " he'd say. Me? I like a cage fight now and then, but I stick pretty much to the pro sports and the crime shows for my tv.”
Eric Brook is Wanted
*Vc 10851(A)-Theft Of Vehicle
*Pc 12022(A)(1) Sa Armed W/Aslt Weapon In The Commission Of A Felony
*Pc 484(A)/488/490.2 Petty Theft <$950
*Vc 23452(E )Under The Influence
*Vc 40508(A) Failure To Appear
No Bail
Age: 23 years old
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 175 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
If you recognize this individual or have information which could lead to their arrest, please contact the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office at (707) 463-4086
A Honey Oil explosion at Brooktrails Lodge last Sunday night burned a total of four rental units at the Lodge complex. The detonation injured two persons, one of them seriously enough that he had to be airlifted to a distant burn unit. It took firefighters from three departments an hour to extinguish the fires, which broke out about 9:30pm. A second person, a young woman assumed to be the partner of the honey oil chemist, was not seriously injured. Brooktrails is a subdivision northwest of Willits where, incidentally, cell phone service was again "spotty" Tuesday into Wednesday. Service to Willits had been totally severed during the recent fires.
On 10-18-2017 at approximately 9:40 P.M., Deputies with the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office were notified that officers from the Round Valley Tribal Police Department had stopped a vehicle on Hopper Lane near Mina Road in Covelo. Tribal Officers identified one of the occupants in the vehicle as Douglas Whipple III, 31, of Covelo, who they knew to have an active pick-up order for his arrest issued by his Probation Officer for 3453 PC [Violation of Post Release Community Supervision - PRCS].

The Round Valley Tribal Police Officers detained Whipple and requested MCSO Deputies to respond and take custody of the subject. MCSO Deputies responded and confirmed Whipple's identity. Deputies confirmed the pick-up order issued for Whipple's arrest and took custody of Whipple. Whipple was subsequently booked into the Mendocino County Jail on a no-bail status due to Violation of Community Supervision and Probation hold.
SO, A GUY GOES FOR A NIGHT TIME DRIVE In Willits With A Headlight Out, And What The Heck, Fire Up A Doob And Throw A Gun And Some Crank In The Back Seat For The Kind Of Emergencies That Tend To Pop Up In The Gateway To The Redwoods
On 10-19-2017 at about 7:53 PM a Mendocino County Sheriff’s Deputy observed a vehicle with an inoperable headlight traveling northbound on South State Street in Ukiah. The Deputy conducted a traffic enforcement stop on the vehicle at South State Street and Wabash Avenue for the equipment violation. The Deputy made contact with the driver and sole occupant Keegan Knight, 27, of Willits.

The Deputy detected the odor of burnt marijuana and also observed other drug paraphernalia in plain sight in the vehicle. The Deputy conducted a search of the vehicle and located a loaded .40 caliber semi-automatic pistol concealed in the vehicle behind the dash. Also found in the vehicle was a methamphetamine glass pipe and marijuana. Deputies learned Knight had a prior criminal conviction which prohibited him from possessing a firearm at this time. Knight was evaluated and found to be under the influence of a controlled substance. Knight was arrested for Unlawful Possession of Firearm with a misdemeanor conviction, Possession of Controlled Substance while armed with a loadedFirearm, Under influence of Controlled substance and in possession of Firearm, Carry concealed firearm in a vehicle and Carrying a loaded Firearm in vehicle: Public Place) and incarcerated at the Mendocino County Jail. During the jail intake process, methamphetamine was found in Knight’s possession. Knight was to be held in lieu of $35,000 bail.
JEEZ, MELANIE, aka Melaine, aka Melanine
On 10-23-2017 at 10:02 am Mendocino County Sheriff Deputies were dispatched to the Laytonville Fire Department regarding a victim of a stabbing. When the Deputies arrived they learned an adult male and his wife, Melaine Gilmore, 40, of Laytonville, were at home when they got into a verbal domestic argument.

During the argument Gilmore threatened to kill the adult male. Gilmore obtained a knife and a physical confrontation ensued. The adult male was stabbed on the left wrist and received a traumatic injury after being cut with the knife. He was able to get away from Gilmore who left the location in a vehicle. The adult male was treated at the firehouse and released after declining any further medical attention. Gilmore was located a short time later in the 46000 block of Huntsman Way in Laytonville. Gilmore was evaluated for being under the influence of a controlled substance and arrested for Felony Domestic Violence Battery, Assault with a Deadly Weapon, Criminal Threats, and Under the influence of a control substance. Gilmore was subsequently booked into the Mendocino County Jail where she was to be held in lieu of $30,000 bail.
On 10-13-2017 at about 3:23 PM a Mendocino County Sheriff’s Deputy was dispatched to conduct a welfare check on an elderly adult male at a residence in the 500 block of Lake Mendocino Drive in Ukiah. Upon arrival the Deputy observed Daniel Skaggs, 68, of Redwood Valley seated in a vehicle at the location.

The Deputy knew Skaggs and was aware he was on Mendocino County formal probation. The Deputy conducted a search of Skaggs' person and the vehicle he occupied based upon the terms of his probation. The Deputy located two baggies containing a large amount (over 17 grams) of methamphetamine. The Deputy obtained information during his investigation that Skaggs was in possession of the methamphetamine to sell. Skaggs was arrested for Possession of Controlled Substance for Sale, and Violation of Probation and booked into the Mendocino County Jail where he was to be held without bail due to violating his formal probation terms.
On 10-06-2017 at about 10:40 AM, Mendocino County Sheriff's Deputies were dispatched to a local elementary school regarding a possible child abuse report. Deputies went to the school and talked with school staff who reported a 3 year-old female student had been brought to school by her mother with visible bruises on her arm, back and buttocks. Deputies with the assistance of Child Protective Services (CPS) conducted numerous interviews into the possible abuse. Deputies determined on 10-05-2017 at around 11:00 PM, the 3 year-old female child and her 5 year-old brother were dropped off by their mother at an unknown location on Agency Road in Covelo. The mother left the children in the care of her boyfriend, Cody Lee Williams, 27, of Covelo.

During this period of time the children slept in a car with Williams on Agency Road. The mother then returned to pick up the children on 10-06-2017 at about 5:00 AM. The children were picked up by their mother and transported back to Ukiah for school. The bruising on the female child was consistent with someone's hand applying force to the body. Due to statements and the evidence in the case, Deputies arrested Cody Lee Williams for inflicting Injury upon a Child. Williams was transported and booked into the Mendocino County Jail where he was to be held in lieu of $25,000 bail.
CATCH OF THE DAY, October 25, 2017

CRAIG ANDERSON, Ukiah. Probation revocation.
JENNIFER BLACK, Ukiah. Disorderly conduct-alcohol.
JESSE BLANTON, Ukiah. Community supervision violation.

ANDREW FABELA, Philo. Probation revocation.
SCOTT FRANKS, Ukiah. Probation revocation.
JOSEPH GIORDANELLA, Ukiah. Disorderly conduct-alcohol.
THOMAS HANOVER JR., Covelo. Leaded cane/billy club, controlled substance, probation revocation. (Frequent Flyer)

ALEXANDER HARRIS, Santa Rosa/Ukiah. Failure to appear.
RICHARD HONER, Ukiah. Failure to appear.
DANIEL MATTHEWS, Indianapolis, Indiana/Fort Bragg. Suspended license, false ID, fugitive from justice.

SHAWN MCNEELY, Branscomb. DUI, probation revocation.
TRAVIS RILEY, Ukiah. Failure to appear, resisting.
JOSHUA SHELLY, Willits. Failure to appear, resisting, probation revocation.

JOHN SULLIVAN, Ukiah. Domestic abuse, probation revocation.
FRANKLIN WHIPPLE, Covelo. Sawed-off shotgun, handgun and firearms, felon-addict with firearm, ammo possession by prohibited person.
LEONARD WHIPPLE, Covelo. Community supervision violation.
AUSTIN WOODEN, Lakeport/Ukiah. DUI.
When is PG&E going to start taking responsible measures to prevent fires caused by its power lines and equipment? While the cause of the Sonoma and Napa fires has yet to be determined, the San Jose Mercury News reported that a review of radio traffic that showed at least 10 fire crews were dispatched on the night of Oct. 8 to respond to sparking electrical wires and exploding transformers.
The state Department of Forestry and Fire Protection reported that in 2015, the last year for which information is available, “149,000 acres were burned by electrical failures.” This is more than twice the amount as the next leading cause.
Other states have far fewer problems and don’t charge excessive fees as many believe they are paying in Northern California. There needs to be more oversight on PG&E’s contracted tree services and new standards put in place as the number of downed wires caused by high winds and transformer explosions is not acceptable.
PG&E line workers aren’t to blame, and their efforts to restore service after fires and floods are always greatly appreciated, as they are only following poor company policy that needs change.
Jordon & Carla Berkove
by Shepherd Bliss
Sonoma County, California — “No Pot on Purvine” read a catchy flyer appearing in a rural Petaluma neighborhood in Northern California, announcing an Oct. 8 meeting. It almost got cancelled, because of the rampant wildfires, so some people did not make it. However, 30 concerned citizens attended.
“We live in rural West Petaluma, and are spearheading a campaign to keep our ag. and open space just that,” arrived an email to a group called Preserve Rural Sonoma County, which maintains a website and Facebook page. “We are up against a big money cannabis operation with sights on land purchased on our rural Purvine Road. It calls for acres of indoor and outdoor Cannabis cultivation and processing, which will impact our water, safety, security, traffic, etc.,” wrote Ayn Garvisch.
Garvisch hosted the meeting at her home across the street from the large grow. Three other articulate women joined her at the front of the crowd — Britt Jensen, Phoebe Lang, and Autuym Condit. Participants were asked to sign in and a large table displayed the site plan and communications with the county. The owner of this contested cannabis grow at 334 Purvine, who lives in San Francisco, showed up at the meeting with a few people. He was not invited and was not allowed to enter, since this was the first meeting of the group.
It was a family affair, with one person being 14-years old, and another mentioning that he began living in the neighborhood in the 1940s, as well as sweet dogs welcoming visitors with their playful energy. The issues at hand were serious, yet the laughter among friends and people meeting for the first time was contagious. One couple has already paid a substantial retainer to an attorney. So the group has both an activist and a legal approach.
Following are notes this reporter took:
“Water is a big issue, since we do not have much water in certain parts of this neighborhood. Some of us have shallow wells, which would be compromised.”
“The Water Quality permit will be key and could be hard to get. They will have to keep their run-off on site.”
"I don’t want the traffic, drugs, thieving, guard house tower, triple barbed wire, and 24-hour surveillance. This scene will look like a prison.” “We should demand an EIR (Environmental Impact Report). The cultural resources of this area and the historical nature of a 150-years-old barn and chicken houses are also important,” said Autymn Condit.
“The advice we received from another local group, Petalumans for Responsible Planning, was that an EIR report would stall the project and catalog all environmental and cultural resources in the area. There are many cultural resources and history connected to Purvine Road that the County is unaware of.”
“We are guinea pigs for the County's forthcoming cannabis policies. It has yet to be determined if their current restrictions on water use and water quality address the tangible effects of such an operation for years to come."
“Our property values would be likely to go down once this operation has been established, which may draw other pot growing operations.”
“We want to keep our neighborhood as beautiful countryside and for food agriculture, rather than have it industrialized.”
“This differs from the small operations that have been happening.”
“We have to prepare for a protracted struggle.”
“One of their applications says they will have 5 workers, whereas another says 15. Purvine is a narrow, windy road, so this would be a traffic nightmare, leading to increasing accidents, some potentially serious.”
“A current tenant at the site, a school teacher, is being evicted, thus taking an educator of children out of the community.”
“The owner lies. He says it is only a weekend home and organic farm. Then they tore down the historic chicken houses."
“We’ve researched who the owners are, and they have lots of money. I do not expect them to back down.”
“We have to be ready for a protracted struggle. We need to become a royal pain in their back.”
“A benefit of this is that we will get to know our neighbors better.”
This initial meeting accomplished many things, including the development of an email list of concerned citizens and creating a neighborly feeling among participants. Next steps include a neighborhood picnic and displaying lawn signs.
The group has started a letter-writing campaign to 2nd District Supervisor David Rabbit and others. One such letter includes the following:
“I have many concerns about this industry’s impact on our area’s water quality, availability, safety and traffic. Furthermore, I believe that the proposed plan would contribute to increased theft, odor, and would have permanent effects on the cultural and natural landscape of the area.”
More information on the challenged website: 334 Purvine Rd.
file parcel 022-230-018 the dropbox link follows:
Neighborhood website: nopotonpurvine.org.
(Dr. Shepherd Bliss {3sb@comcast.net) is a retired college teacher, a food farmer, and has contributed to 24 books.)
Depravity and frivolity now stands in for art and entertainment. A walk in the woods to enjoy the fall colors of autumn leaves will not suffice for much of the population. So desperate for a rush of endorphins people constantly seek more and more outrageous things to give it to them. Normal things can no longer give them a feeling of joy. Their own lives are empty so they focus on the lives of people famous for nothing else than being famous to fill them up. We are a society more interested in reality television than actual reality. Such a society can’t possibly be invested in their our future. Consequently we are ‘going down‘ and by that I mean no sexual innuendo.
Over the weekend some one broke into the ceramics studio at the Mendocino Art Center and took a bunch of pieces for an up coming show in L.A. These belong to Evan Hobart, the ceramics director at the Center. The ceramics room was broken into and much of his work was stolen. He really needs them back. He said there is a no questions asked return policy. If you see any bits please let him know. 707 937-5818
This Saturday, OCT 28
No cost to enter the contest!
50% OFF ADMISSION to the Pumpkin Night Party (see details below) if you enter by the end of the day today!
To Enter The Contest:
1. Complete an entry form online at http://www.gardenbythesea.org/calendar/pumpkin-night or fill one out at the Garden's gift shop
2. Carve or design a spooky or spectacular pumpkin
3. Deliver your pumpkin creation to the Gardens between 12:00PM and 3:00PM on Saturday, October 28 and retrieve your discount voucher for the Pumpkin Night Party.
4. Get dressed up in your Halloween best and join us for the Pumpkin Night party after 5:30PM on Saturday, October 28 for some spooky games, haunting music, and fall treats. Admission is $10 for adults; FREE for children ages 16 and under. Winners will be announced at 7:00PM (do not need to be present to win) as well as on the Gardens' website, Facebook, and Instagram page.
Entry forms are available at The Garden Store and online at https://www.gardenbythesea.org/calendar/pumpkin-night/
Prizes will be awarded in four categories:
- Adult (age 18 and up)
- Teen (ages 13-17)
- Kid (ages 7-12)
- Kid (ages 6 and under)
Pumpkin Night Party
OCT 28 from 5:30PM to 7:30PM, Adults $10; children 16 and under FREE
Come dressed in your Halloween best and light up the night with some creatively carved gourds and painted pumpkins. Vote for your favorite pumpkins, enjoy spooky games, haunting music by DJ Nutrishious, and fall treats. Winners of the Pumpkin Contest will be announced at 7:00PM (do not need to be present to win) as well as on the Gardens' website, Facebook, and Instagram page.
Mendocino Courage Campaign and Ukiah United Methodist Church
Ukiah United Methodist Church, 270 No. Pine St.
November 17, 2017, 7:00 p.m.
(707) 462-3360
Songs of courage, justice, love, and community will resound throughout the sanctuary of Ukiah’s Methodist Church on Friday evening, November 17. Part of the church’s “Ukiah Unplugged” music series, longtime local pianist and vocalist Charlie Seltzer will lead the sing-along. The event begins at 7:00 p.m. and includes a mix of Seltzer’s solo work and specially selected songs for audience participation. Tickets, $15 at the door, are available in advance for $10 at Mendocino Book Company and Mazahar in Willits.
“It will be easy to sing along since we’re projecting the lyrics on a wall,” explains Seltzer. “Also, ten friends will help lead the audience from the stage.”
Charlie Seltzer brings a lifetime of musical experience to Ukiah where he has lived since 1997. The son of a singing mother, he majored in singing and earned a Master’s degree in music. But, the musician really found his métier following an invitation from friends Michael and Robert Ducharme, to perform the music for the Ukiah Players’ production of “Gypsy.”
“That experience led me down the path of musical theater,” he says.
“I discovered that I loved the idea of music in service to another art form.”
The November sing-along provides Seltzer an opportunity to use his talents in service again – this time to uplift a community facing many uncertainties, from immediate consequences brought here by the recent wildfire to global concerns about our environment, social justice, freedom, and peace.
The performer concludes, “These songs reflect the courage and community that are essential for us right now.”
This “Ukiah Unplugged” event, co-sponsored by the Ukiah United Methodist Church and the Mendocino Courage Campaign will benefit the Ukiah Community Concert Association and the church’s “Building for our Future” fund. Monetary donations to help those in need due to the fire also will be accepted at the sing-along.
FIRESTORM 2017 Survey
Dear Friends,
It is now 2 weeks post fire, and I hope that everyone is recovering from this trauma that our county has experienced. I know that for those who have lost homes, the re-building will take years and I am so so sorry for your loss.
During the "sunny day" outages of 2014 and 2015 we documented the scope of the telecommunications outages. Data from those surveys were compiled with other sources (OES reports, AT&T reports, etc) into a comprehensive report which was shared widely with elected representatives, the CPUC, and even the FCC. They were also cited in comments from CPUC commissioners (pages 8, 9, and 12) in specific proceedings, in an GAO report and I believe had a role in the positive decision that occurred in the Rural Call Completion in December 2016.
It's important to go through this process again and do our best to get data on the outages during this disaster. How widespread were the outages and what areas lost what? We have to get a grasp on that info, and since the telcoms do not share this outage information I don't know any other way to get it than to ask the residents. Believe me, this is not something I like to do (it's a huge amount of work) but it's important to have data from which to advocate.
Please take 5-10 minutes to complete this and THEN SHARE IT with any residents of Napa, Sonoma, or Mendocino. The survey will be open for the month of November.
Trish Steel
Los Angeles — Notorious winds linked to many of California's worst wildfires are known by various names — Diablo, Santa Ana and Sundowner — but all share the common trait of being able to whip a spark into a deadly inferno that seems to come out of nowhere.
Here's a look at where and when these winds occur:
Diablo Wind
This wind fanned the deadly firestorms that turned swaths of Northern California wine country into an ashen moonscape on Monday, Oct. 9.
The name is informally applied to a hot, dry wind in the San Francisco Bay region that blows from the interior toward the coast.
Known as an offshore wind — the direction the air is moving toward [Ed Note: from?] — it's the reverse of the normal onshore flow of cool, moist air from the Pacific Ocean.
The wind is spawned as high pressure builds over the West and air flows toward areas of lower pressure along the coast.
The air is so dry that relative humidity levels plunge, drying out vegetation, making them ready to burn.
In forecasting the offshore wind event on Sunday, the National Weather Service noted that analysis by land management agencies showed that fuels were at or near an all-time record for dryness. A bumper crop of grasses produced by record winter rains combined with heavier vegetation stressed by years of extreme drought and disease, the weather service said.
During the event, wind peaked at 79 mph (127 kph) in northern Sonoma, and a Santa Rosa weather station recorded a temperature spike of 91 degrees at 4:30 a.m., the weather service said.
The most infamous Diablo wind occurred in 1991 when remnants of a tiny blaze were whipped into an inferno in the hills of Oakland and Berkeley. The fire killed 25 people, injured 150 and destroyed more than 3,000 homes and apartments.
Santa Ana Wind
This name is given to offshore winds that sweep through Southern California, commonly during fall, and fan fires like the one that erupted at midmorning Monday in Orange County suburbs southeast of Los Angeles.
A classic Santa Ana is formed when high pressure over the Great Basin causes air to flow out of the interior in a clockwise rotation and enter Southern California from the northeast.
Squeezing through the mountain ranges that separate the desert from coast, the air speeds up like a river through the narrow passes, loses moisture and heats up as it descends through passes and canyons.
The plunge in relative humidity saps moisture from vegetation. High wind speeds combined with any flame can produce a blowtorch.
The origin of the wind's name has never been settled. But most arguments mention Santa Ana Canyon in Orange County.
The southern coast of Santa Barbara County is prone to dry winds that blow down the slopes of the Santa Ynez Mountains and out to sea, often in the late afternoon or early evening, sending temperatures and fire danger soaring.
Among the worst Sundowners was the notorious 1990 Painted Cave fire that quickly burned more than 400 homes and killed one person.
"For the last 25 years or so the Oakland hills fire has been the seminal fire event that was seared into Bay Area residents' psyche. For the current generation of North Bay residents, today's firestorm will leave an indelible scar and for years to come we will all recall the Columbus Day firestorm." — Meteorologist Ryan Wilbrun of the National Weather Service office for San Francisco/Monterey.
(Associated Press)
By Dan Bacher
The Trump administration does not support Governor Jerry Brown's controversial Delta Tunnels project, reversing the Obama administration position in support of the project, according to a U.S. Department of the Interior spokesman.
Interior deputy communications director Russell Newell told Ellen Knickmeyer of the Associated Press that "the Trump administration did not fund the project and chose to not move forward" with the project to build two giant tunnels under the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta.
When asked if this meant that the Trump administration opposed the California WaterFix project, Newell said yes.
The Trump administration has been cooperating with the Brown administration on the planning for the project to date, but this is the first time that the Trump administration has taken an official position on the California WaterFix. The federal fishery agencies recently approved the environmental documents for the project, but without federal support now, this approval will be likely be moot.
In a tweet, Representative Jared Huffman, a vocal critic of the project, said today, "Bombshell blow to Delta Tunnels/Water Fix: Trump admin officially opposes. Time 4 long-needed reality check on this?"
Today's announcement by the Trump administration comes in response to yesterday's request by Huffman and five other House Democrats for a new federal investigation of the funding for Brown's proposed tunnels project. That request fellows the Inspector General's audit of funding for the project.
"The $84 million spent in taxpayers' money without disclosure to Congress and kept hidden from the public were decisions driven and executed by the Obama Administration and that team," Newell told AP.
Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke "believes that using tax dollars wisely and ethically is a big responsibility and is at the heart of good government," according to AP.
Led by Representatives Jared Huffman (D-CA) and Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), the Natural Resources Committee’s Ranking Member, the six House Democrats Tuesday called on the GAO to open a “new investigation into the misuse of taxpayer funds” by the Interior Department’s Bureau of Reclamation. California Representatives Mike Thompson (D-CA), Jerry McNerney (D-CA), Mark DeSaulnier (D-CA), and Anna G. Eshoo (D-CA) also signed the letter sent to the Comptroller General of the United States, Gene L. Dodaro.
“In its September audit, the Interior Department’s Inspector General found that the Bureau of Reclamation improperly subsidized the planning process for the California WaterFix project, also known as the ‘Delta Tunnels,” according to a statement from Huffman’s Office. “The audit identified at least $84 million in taypayer funds spent without disclosure to Congress as required by law, and kept hidden from other water users, stakeholders, and the public.”
The California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) responded to my request for a comment on the AP revelations with more questions about the Interior spokesman's comment.
"Thanks for reaching out," said Lisa Mien-Mager, CNRA spokesperson. "Have you seen an actual statement from Interior on this, or are you working off the AP’s characterization of a comment provided to them? Have you had a chance to clarify with Interior whether the comment provided to AP was intended to be an announcement of a new, sweeping policy position on this project?"
After hearing of Interior's decision to oppose the project, Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, Executive Director of Restore the Delta said, "the Trump administration’s opposition to CA WaterFix is another nail in the coffin for the project."
"Water exporters have only pulled together about $6 billion in funding, and even a single 6,000 cfs tunnel would start at $10-11 billion. Water exporters would need either federal funding or access to WIFIA loans to build the project. In addition, it is highly unlikely that federal agencies will now sign off on the Record of Decision required to begin construction for the project," she explained.
“It is time for Governor Brown to get serious about solving California’s water problems with 21st century solutions. It is time for him to work with all people across the state to promote and create programs of regional self-sufficiency and to repair existing infrastructure," Barrigan-Parrilla concluded.
In a Facebook post, the Institute for Fisheries Resources (IFR) responded, "Without massive federal subsidies (i.e. your tax dollars), the tunnels don't stand much of a chance. Although the Trump Administration is certainly not making this call with healthy salmon runs in mind, fishermen can breathe a little easier knowing that there's another nail in the coffin for this boondoggle of a project."
A broad coalition of fishing groups, conservation organizations, Indian Tribes, family farmers, environmental justice groups, Southern California ratepayers, scientists, and elected officials opposes the Delta Tunnels proposal. They say the California WaterFix would hasten the extinction of Sacramento River winter-run Chinook salmon, Delta and longfin smelt, Central Valley steelhead, green sturgeon and other fish species, as well as imperil salmon and steelhead populations on the Trinity and Klamath rivers.
I will update this breaking news article as more information comes in.
Associated Press article: https://apnews.com/77018b8712fd45ec94e449ca59d83f5a/APNewsBreak:-Trump-opposes-massive-California-water-project
For more background information, go here to read my article: Breaking: House Democrats seek GAO probe into federal scheme to fund Delta Tunnels
THE DEMOCRATS have achieved their greatest political and policy successes when they have ignored the “centrists” – in reality, ever-present naysayers who cloak their negativity in the pseudo-technocratic jargon of centrism. It’s hard to imagine that the New Deal, Medicare, or the Moon Landing would have ever happened if milquetoast Democrats like these had been in charge. Meanwhile, the old order is crumbling. 73 percent of voters are dissatisfied with the way the country’s being governed, despite topline economic improvements. 61 percent agree with the statement, “Republicans and Democrats have done such a poor job representing the American people that a third party is needed.” That’s nearly twice as many as those who feel that the two parties are doing an “adequate” job. The bipartisan, centrist political consensus is breaking down. That’s not an accident, and it’s not an injustice. It’s the result of repeated failures, both abroad and at home. The question is, what will replace it: something better, or something worse? If Democrats continue to follow the losing ways of the past, we probably won’t like the answer.
Richard Eskow
I’ve been following your comments, and you support albeit with some reservations regarding Measure B. I don’t know how much I can add to the discussion. I was for the measure last time, and continue favoring with some of the changes favoring more effective management this time. As you know, being somewhat under a cloud from early childhood until midway through high school when something clicked in and I managed to become more competent to manage the educational programs that were offered, I see educational dysfunction as a central factor in disordered living. Catching on made an enormous difference in my life and still plays a major role for me today. I designed and helped put a program together that worked rather well for the students at Unicorn, and was sorry to see that program didn’t continue. I believe Measure B would help us centralize our efforts to have a mutually cooperative involvement with individuals who have educational, social or motivational problems also with drug use and depression. But I quite agree, when you and one of your recent readers/writers asked how would it be different than Hospitality House in Ft Bragg? People who are aware of the need to persistently be involved in managing growth oriented focus for clients need to be part of an engaged team. It can be done by an engaged team. I’ve been part of several, and would be a willing member of this one.
Gregory K. Sims, PhD
IN THIS NOV. 23, 1963, file photo, surrounded by detectives, Lee Harvey Oswald talks to the media as he is led down a corridor of the Dallas police station for another round of questioning in connection with the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy. President Donald Trump tweeted that Thursday's long-awaited document release will be “very interesting.”
Portion on Practice
Upon awakening in the morning, do not follow thoughts. Just lie there, and allow the spiritual Absolute to move the body and activate the mental factory. In other words, do not be attached to anything at all! Do not follow any thought, but simply watch the thought arise and dissipate. And then it is gone. No problem. Continue in this way all day, at night, while sleeping, and again upon waking. Your true nature will do everything necessary, and the best choice therefore is "non-interference". Eventually, the practitioner realizes that the real power is always flowing through the body-mind instrument, and eventually the practitioner realizes that nobody is the body-mind instrument, and never was. Rather, everyone is fundamentally that original source which is moving all phenomena. [This was portrayed in neolithic times as a double spiral, counter revolving energy patterns which manifested as this universe; galaxies are double spiral shaped, for example.] We are not "persons", and the proof is that in deepest meditation, no "person" can be found. This is very liberating. The time for organizing spiritualized direct action is right now. The stupidity of the global military industrial chaos matrix is terminal. But there is no reason to wait for it to destroy itself. Indeed, we are welcome to help it along. This will usher in conditions which will be fertile for permaculture. This will allow a peaceful sane civilization to exist on the earth plane. Wow, that would be really cool, wouldn't it? I am chillin' in San Francisco at this time, non-interfering with the flow of spiritual energy which directs the body-mind complex. And I am going to continue like this, because there isn't any more effective direct action method possible. Feel free to contact me. Tell me, what would you do in this world if you knew that you could not fail?
Craig Louis Stehr
October 24, 2017
Email: CraigStehr@inbox.com
Rich Alcott on KNYO Thursday night (tonight).
Rich Alcott, in Rutland, Vermont, is ready to phone-interview the man running the Sonny Rollins Bridge project to rename the Williamsburg Bridge after jazz saxophonist Sonny Rollins, who walked out upon it every day, from 1959-1961. In that time he wasn’t recording or playing gigs or participating in any way in the music industry, he was just standing there in the weather playing the saxophone, and for some reason he loved that bridge.
The appointment window for the interview is narrow and precise: 9:02pm to 9:50pm, Thursday, Oct. 26, and KNYO has set aside that time for it.
107.7fm in or near Fort Bragg, or via http://knyo.org (Listen Live button), or http://TuneIn.org and look for KNYO-LP.
If you want to get up to speed on the project before the interview, there’s some info and a short video at http://SonnyRollinsBridge.net
When all ya got is a hammer…
A little thing like a $25 million dollar jail wing that the County is now going to somehow have to staff shouldn’t get in the way of taxpayers voting yes on Measure B.
Where’s the money Camille?
Don’t forget the new Communications Center…that mixed up with Measure B and this new jailhouse business, Hell boy, the Mendo must be flush city…
As always,
Alison Weir speaks about Israel, Palestine, and Zionism.
re: Jackson arrest. He pleaded or pled, not ‘plead’.
My spell check makes me do those things.
Doesn’t your spelling checker have an “add to dictionary” option, or something similar, like “skip one” or “skip all”? I have mine set up so that it ignores “aint”, since the apostrophe is ridiculous in that word.
Measure B creeps me out.
First, Because The Stepping Up Initiative exists. The Stepping Up Initiative has a $29 Billion budget. Mendocino County took $150K and gave it to the Sheriff’s Department for training. To my knowledge that’s as far as Mendocino County went with Stepping Up Initiative. That is a shame because the counties that took advantage of the programs are saving millions, ending their frequent flier lists, while emptying their jails and providing better court schedules.
The newsletter I received today from Stepping Up Initiative had this offer:
Register for Webinar: Addressing Housing Needs of People in the Criminal Justice System Who Have Mental Illnesses
Hosted by the National Association of Counties, with support from The Council of State Governments Justice Center and the American Psychiatric Association Foundation.
Date: Thursday, Nov. 9
Time: 2–3:15 p.m. ET
Join the Stepping Up partners for a webinar about evidence-based strategies for addressing housing needs for people who have mental illnesses and have had contact with the criminal justice system. During this webinar, a national expert from the Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) will provide an overview of the Frequent Users Systems Engagement (FUSE) model, a data-driven approach to creating and implementing supportive housing for high-need populations that cycle through jails, shelters, and other crisis services. County officials from Johnson County, Iowa, and Harris County, Texas, will then share their progress with implementing this model as part of their Stepping Up efforts.
The webinar will be followed on Thursday, Nov. 16, by a Stepping Up Network Call, which will involve an in-depth discussion of this information.
It’s very interesting, resourceful and gives hope.
Second, The USA has more prisons and prisoners per capita than any nation in the world. While Stepping Up Imitative looks to reduce the number of people with mental disorders cycling through courts and jails, I’m ashamed to say Mendocino is looking to build another prison/ jail and lock up people who have not committed a crime. People who are experiencing difficulties from not being on the right medication, not enough or too much, or none at all and in need. Will this include Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Low Blood Sugar, epileptic episode? With the Mendocino Coast District Hospital bankrupt will the Jail replace hospitals or clinics?
3. President Trump made a statement today declaring a national state of emergency opioid epidemic. He didn’t call it a war on drugs. He called it a health crisis. He gave me the impression that he is aware of the Stepping Up Imitative. He claimed the Federal government, which is not a central government, was going to be giving hundreds of millions of dollars to states and it is up to the state to decide how to use the money. What will California do? What will Mendocino do? Will California become a prison state because we can depend on our Sheriffs to get the job done, but we can not depend on our central governments, behavioral health, mental health, department of health, to keep the public safe without the use of armed forces and jail?
I’m going to say it, though it isn’t easy to say, but I know I’m not alone in my thoughts, at least in the liberty movement where everyone calls California “communist” (and it’s ok if Jerry Brown sells everyone out to China, we begged for it). On the right, it’s not Hitler that represents fascism as much as the holocaust because the holocaust’s “never again” tells of the crimes against humanity and how it begun, by removing the weak minded to jails, institutions, and labor camps. Why are we going where the holocaust began? For the lack of a conservative Jewish community no doubt.
I’d rather the tax go to fix the healthcare system, but central government has dropped that ball and refuses to pick it up, while passing it off to Sheriff Allman.
I don’t begrudge Sheriff Allman for Measure B. I admire him to step up and do what central government completely fails, suicide after suicide, homicide after homicide, and the Sheriff isn’t going to fix it, or make it go away, but build a jail, maybe take 5150s from other counties? I don’t know. I know Measure B creeps me out big time and now you know why.
Depositions now go on this coming week behind closed courtroom doors, with the government attorneys probable strategy, to drain plaintiffs litigation funds into possible bankruptcy, in the wrongful death lawsuit of mental health client Steven Neuroth, while in custody of Willits police and County Jail support staff, a death, following the timeline prompted the Sheriff to create drafts of Measure B, before which the Sheriff Department stalled on releasing cause of death for several months and didn’t at all, after first leaking a smear, then the Sheriff indicated cause of death can’t be released because there is a lawsuit, followed with, fill out the request and submit your finger prints to get on the list for information. Vote regressive sales taxation. Vote mental health containment. Vote homeless out. Keep our green space safe. Remove the green shade.
We’ve all guzzled boxcars of McEwen’s Scots Ale, bottled and branded w/ H. R. M. (perhaps premature) imprimature, and unfortunately for those of us who live abroad, McEwen’s Scotch Whisky is of so royal a favor that the export tariff alone is more dear than the cost, the price of the whole cask, making it only affordable at Balmoral Castle during Lent.