Greetings one and all. Are you are sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin. We are already at Valentine’s Day; February 14 is this coming Sunday, and yet the year seems as if it began yesterday. In fact some folks are still wishing me a Happy New Year! Valentine’s is of course a day to express love and affection, and we all need some of that, particularly curmudgeonly Turkey Vultures like myself, so I am expecting lots of hugs over the next few days. Don’t be bashful.
With “love in the air,” let’s bring in the author Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923): “If only one could tell true love from false love, as one can tell mushrooms from toadstools.” Diane Arbus (1923-1971), the American photographer and writer: “Love involves a peculiar, unfathomable combination of understanding and misunderstanding.” Author A.A. Milne (1882-1956), creator of Winnie the Pooh: “If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.” And Valley resident and author, poet, and activist, Alice Walker (1944-present): “I have learned not to worry about love; but to honor its coming with all of my heart.”
Public Service Announcements. #543. The General Knowledge and Trivia Quiz held at Lauren’s Restaurant is now on its winter/spring schedule of 7pm on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of every month. That means there will be one tomorrow, Thursday, February 11. #544. The Vets from the Mendocino Animal Hospital have one more visit this month to the AV Farm Supply on Highway 128, north of Philo, February 25 from 2pm-3:30pm. #545. The Boonville Farmers Market continues every Saturday at its winter venue, outside The Boonville General Store, from 10am-12:30 pm. More info: call Cindy at 895-2949. #546. Need a burn permit? From 11am to 3pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays you can get one from the Firehouse in Boonville. Call 895-2020 for more information or stop by. #547. The AV Lending Library, run by The Unity Club, is open at The Fairgrounds on Tuesdays 1.30-4.30pm and Saturdays 2-4pm. #548. The County Dump is open from 9am-4pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. Remember, no dead animals! The number for the Dump is 895-3569 and checking first to see that they are open is recommended. The Recycling Center in Boonville at The Fairgrounds parking lot is open Wednesday -Saturday, 9-4pm (489-2033). #549. The Anderson Valley Grange is having its regular second Sunday Pancake Breakfast on February 14 from 8:30-11am. Prices from $5-$10, kids through hungry folks; a delicious, locally-sourced breakfast. Choices include pancakes (gluten free available; extra gluten is not), eggs, and bacon, with a choice of juice, tea or coffee included. #550. The Food Bank is open on the 3rd Tuesday — e.g., next Tuesday, February 16. Gardeners, farmers and produce growers of all kinds, remember to donate your extra produce. It will be greatly appreciated. Please drop off on Monday, the day before, behind the Boonville Methodist Church. If you need someone to glean your produce to take to the Food Bank, contact Valerie Kim at Denisse Mattei is the Food Bank director, 895-3763. #551. I am told that the “Second Wednesday Drumming Circle” will be at The Grange tonight, Wednesday, February 10 from 7-9pm. To confirm, perhaps call Andy at 895-3020.
Here is the menu for the Community lunches over the next week in the Senior Center at the Veterans Building in Boonville. The Center asks for a $6 donation from seniors and charges $7 for Non-seniors. Tomorrow, Thursday, February 11, the lunch, served by Marti Titus and her crew at Noon, will be Jared's Clam Chowder with Banana Pudding for dessert. Then, next Tuesday, January 16, the lunch will feature Stuffed Shells with Marinara Sauce and Tiramisu for dessert. All meals include vegetables, salad bar, and fruit, plus milk, coffee, tea, and lemonade. What a deal. it maybe the best $7 you’ll spend all week! Tai Chi is now available every Tuesday from 10-11am, while on Thursdays also at 10am it is the water color painting class, leading into yoga at 11am. Hopefully you will be able to attend some of these events and certainly the lunches and dinners, and remember. ALL ages are welcome! Hope to see you there.
Topics and Valley events under discussion this week at The Three-Dot Lounge:“Moans, Groans, Good Thoughts, and Rampant (yet surprisingly reliable) Rumors” from my favorite gathering place in the Valley.
…Restaurant news. A little bit of advice that perhaps not all readers are aware of when it comes to the acceptable amount to leave for a server as a tip. Your total bill in a restaurant and/or bar will include cost of the food and drinks, followed by the sales tax, and then the total. Your tip (be it 15%, 20%, whatever) should be based only on the cost of the food and drinks, not the added sales tax too. Just trying to be of service, no tip required for this advice.
…Many Three-Dot regulars were raising their glasses to the AV High School Boys varsity basketball team, led by Coach Luis Espinoza, who went out to the coast last Tuesday and beat Coach Jim Young and the “always-good-to-beat” Cardinals of Mendocino for the second time this season. The Panthers won 57-55 giving them an 8-0 league record and, barring a couple of improbable defeats in the remaining league games, AV should now claim the regular season basketball title.
…The big topic of conversation around The Three-Dot this week has been the wonderful Crab Feed put on by Gloria Ross and her team of volunteers last Saturday evening in Boonville. There was an attendance of over 300 eager diners, the vast majority of whom live in the Valley, from all walks of Valley life. The crab (from Washington State), salad, and bread were all at a high standard; the wine (generously provided by Balo Winery) flowed and flowed; the service provided by high school students was very efficient; the raffle kept many in the crowd absorbed; the pacing of the evening was perfect; and the socializing with friends was hard to beat. From the social hour and the many post-meal mini-gatherings around the bar and throughout the Apple Hall, all the way through to the end at around 9.30pm, when the hard-working volunteers finally sat down to enjoy their own crab feed. They certainly deserved it!. This is surely the Valley’s most community-centric event of the year and if you missed out this year, I encourage you to make sure of your tickets next time.
…The next day it was Super Bowl Sunday. the only event that truly unites the national gaze in this country; it’s become a de facto national holiday in effect. The game was a defense dominated affair with Denver deserving the victory despite getting only 194 yards of offense. the lowest ever by a Super Bowl winner. They did not need any more with their unstoppable defense. Some of the ads were good, some not; the half time show was very entertaining and at times not very subtle in its political and social references, particularly Beyonce’s Black Panther dancing girls who didn’t just look good they were making a statement. Good for them. There were about 40 or more people in attendance at The Buckhorn, Boonville, and I had a wonderful afternoon, despite the fact that I was completely wrong on all of my wagers. Well, I would have been were it legal to make them in the first place.
Time to take my leave. Besides I’ve got see a man about a sheep. So, until we talk again. Keep the Faith; be careful out there; if you break a leg don’t come running to me; stay out of the ditches; think good thoughts; be wary of strangers with more dogs than teeth; be kind and show love to your pets; and may your god go with you. A final request, “Let us prey.” Sometimes poking, often stroking, but almost always humbly yours, Turkey Vulture. Contact me through the Letters Page or at PS. Keep wagging that tail, Fred. Hi, Silver Swan; behaving yourself? Hopefully not! Keep taking it easy, Round-eyed Robin.
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