WHEN ELAINE Matthews, 72, was arrested Monday night at her Little River home for an alleged assault on her boyfriend, James Meacham, 65, we took one look at her booking photo, her background, her age, her lack of a record, and a long look at the record of Mr. Meacham's many arrests, concluding that Ms. Matthews, ultimately, was probably the victim, not the perp.

MS. MATTHEWS has a not uncommon story. Her first husband, Bert Pulitzer, is descended from the famous newspaper family and is a famous men's clothing designer in New York. Media reports say Glen Beck is one of his favorite television personalities, an indication that Ms. Mathews was well out of that marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Pulitzer divorced many years ago with Bert leaving her with three children and little financial support. Their adult daughter, Lisa Pulitzer, is a well-known crime writer; the family is socially prominent enough to have her (Lisa’s) wedding written up in the New York Times. Ms. Matthews' second husband, Gilbert Matthews, is a San Francisco-based investment banker. They divorced sometime in the early 2000s.
MS. MATTHEWS moved to the Mendocino Coast from San Francisco and continued her work as an interior designer, receiving honorary acknowledgement from the Mendocino Historic Review Board for her “careful restoration and rehabilitation of the Denslow-Hayden House and guest cottage (circa 1875) on Ukiah Street.”
MEACHAM, seven years Matthews' junior, has a much less impressive pedigree. His arrest record goes back to 2007 (in Mendocino County) with DUI and domestic violence as the recurring themes. His arrests for domestic violence are recurring. On New Year’s Day 2011, Meacham was arrested at Matthews' home on Headlands Drive in Little River and subsequently pleaded guilty to domestic violence, receiving a 36 month probation but no jail time. The arrest was for corporal injury to a spouse, presumably Ms. Matthews, during which Meachem also physically prevented her from calling the police.
THE POLICE REPORT READ: “Deputies learned from both the victim and suspect [James Meacham] that they had been involved in a verbal argument that escalated into Meacham grabbing hold of the victim's arm to prevent her from summoning law enforcement by telephone. During the physical contact the victim sustained her injury…”
IN AUGUST 2013 Ms. Matthews obtained a restraining order against Meacham. And there was another call from the Matthews-Meacham household in January of 2014 for a domestic disturbance.
AND THEN last Monday, October 7th, somehow it is Ms. Matthews who attacked this creep?
FROM UKIAH TO YALE: The Astronomical Rise of Frank Schlesinger. Dr. Joseph S. Tenn, Professor Emeritus at Sonoma State University, will be the guest lecturer at the “Tours of Earth and Sky” lecture series, at the City of Ukiah Council Chambers, 300 Seminary Dr. on Thursday, October 23, 7:30 pm Joe Tenn is an engaging speaker and has written a number of popular and historical articles about astronomy and astronomers. In a turn of the Century “Only in Mendocino” tale, Joe will talk about Frank Schlesinger, (1871-1943) a noted American astronomer, who went on to become Director of the Yale University Observatory. A respected and well liked leader in his field, he served as president of both the American Astronomical Society and the International Astronomical Union. Yet his first job after completing his education was in Ukiah, where he was the founding Director of the Ukiah Latitude Observatory. He supervised its construction in 1899 and served as its lone astronomer for four years. While in Ukiah, he married Eva Hirsch and they had their only a son, Wagner, here. The talk is free to the public, sponsored by City of Ukiah Community Services and Friends of Observatory Park. For further information, contact Martin Bradley, 707-489-4607 or mbradley@cityofukiah.com.
STATE WATER DATA released last week shows that Californians cut their water use by 11.5 percent in August when compared with the same month last year — the largest reduction reported this year. Residents had achieved a 7.5 percent savings in July and a 4.3 percent reduction in June.
NOT THAT MANY of you are interested, but the rain last week was good for this year's marijuana crop, just enough moisture to hasten the bud, not enough to bring on mold. What will be interesting is pot prices, what with every other resident of the County now being in the business.
POT BUSINESS OLD TIMERS will remember when there were only two full-time cops chasing marijuana, Stewart and Silva, neither of them admirers of the counterculture. Those two achieved a kind of mythic ubiquity. On a Monday, a pot planter in Laytonville would claim Stewart and Silva had torn up his farm. The next day, a Gualala grower would say the dynamic duo had nailed him. And so it went for several years until Stewart left Mendocino County and went off to fight the dopers in Oklahoma where he was shot dead by one. The Oklahoma drug people turned out to be a tougher breed than Mendocino County hippies, but Stewart, even more than Silva whose fate is not known, is still talked about deep in the hills of Mendocino County.
REFRESHINGLY BLUNT COMMENTS about abortion services and the Adventist Health for-profit health/hospital chain were made by all five candidates for the Coast Hospital Board last week, as summarized in the Advocate-Beacon:
“…The question that got the most applause of the night asked if candidates support a woman's right to access a full range of medical services, including abortion, and if they would rule out Adventist's management of the hospital because of the company's stance against abortion. Across the board, all five candidates expressed resolutely their belief in a woman's right to have access to abortion services. Dr. Peter Glusker said if some form of alliance with Adventist or St. Joseph's is possible, it should be kept on the table, but if that alliance in any way jeopardized a woman's right to obtaining an abortion on the coast, he would absolutely not support it. Incumbent Dr. John Kermen got a laugh out of the crowd when he said he was against anything pertaining to Adventist, describing them as ‘shady’ and anti-union. Michael Carroll said the issue of affiliation becomes complicated because hospitals are surviving via affiliations nowadays; however, he has had direct personal experience with the business side of Adventist and would rather not deal with them in any way. Registered Nurse Kitty Bruning shared the other candidate's mutual distrust of Adventist, based in part on having worked at the Ukiah Valley Medical Center, an Adventist property. Dr. William Rohr said one of the challenges faced by MCDH is finding a way to offer abortions that doesn't jeopardize the financial stability of the hospital. He said the resolution truly lies with the state Legislature.”
ONE OF THE COUNTY'S great distance runners, and now nationally ranked as a senior athlete, Jim Gibbons, was in town for the Noyo Run in Fort Bragg on Saturday... “I've been keeping track of my races since my first in 1978, and just last month I ran my 500th race (I count track meets as one race, but don't include high school and college track and cross-county). What happened that day amused me...It was the Run for Hope 5K (anytime the word hope is usued in a footrace/walk, the money or some of it, goes to fighting breast cancer)...it was also my first race as a 70 year old that had age-divisions, so when I found out I was second I wanted to meet the guy who beat me, but all I could find in my grey-haired investigation was a 65-year-old who is also a triathlete and said he was doing the Ironman. I was impressed and satisfied that he was a fitter athlete. Then I looked a little harder at the results and there was no 70-year-old division, only 60 and over. Sort of like the 19-and-under age-group...usually a 19-year-old outruns a 14-year-old....”
THIS YEAR'S NOYO RUN was won by a 15-year-old girl from Fort Bragg High School. Gibbons, of course, won the 70/over division going away, leaving his fellow senior, Bob Deines of Willits, a few hundred yards behind. Gibbons wonders, “Where are the guys? The race I ran two weeks ago in Waimea was hilly and that's where my Achilles prob started, but again the real news is the first winner at that race was also a woman! So I must ask where the hell are the younger male runners? The majority of the participants in most races I've run in the past several years have been women, which I like because I'd rather follow a woman than a man, for the inspiration, but…”
FOUR MEN assumed to have committed a Redwood Valley home invasion robbery last Wednesday night, were arrested soon after near Geyserville by Sonoma County deputies.
CAPTAIN GREG VAN PATTEN of the Mendocino County Sheriff's Department said the invasion occurred at a Redemeyer Road home, adding that police don't believe the Hispanic crew stopped on 101 near Geyserville is linked to two other Redwood Valley home invasions, one of them at the home of the owner of the venerable and popular Redwood Valley restaurant, the Broiler Steak House. Those robberies were committed by white invaders. Van Patten said none of the victims of Wednesday's robbery had been injured.
THE REDEMEYER ROAD SUSPECTS are identified as Christopher Montoya, 29, no hometown provided; Jose Israel Cabrera, 24, no hometown provided; Jonathan Otero-Cruz, 25, of San Bernardino and Filomino Nunez, 38, of Compton.
THEY OFFERED conflicting stories of why they were in the Ukiah far from their homes in Southern California.
TEN POUNDS of marijuana, an assault rifle with a pistol grip and collapsible stock, a shotgun, zip-ties and several other bags containing marijuana were discovered in the suspects' vehicle, as were three black bandanas, a black ski mask, three sets of binoculars, 15 live shotgun shells, brass knuckles, a black paintball gun and two computers.
EVERY YEAR at this time thugs from all over the state head for the Northcoast to rip off properties where they believe they might find lucrative amounts of cash and/or dope.
THE 107TH WINNER of the Nobel Prize for Literature is 69-year-old Patrick Modiano. The Nobel citation read in part that Modiano won, “For the art of memory with which he has evoked the most ungraspable human destinies and uncovered the life-world of the Occupation.”
THE ACCOUNT of the award that I read didn't capitalize “Occupation,” so I had to read the paragraph several times before it occurred to me that the reference was to the French Occupation, but the Nobel committee isn't about to win any prizes for clarity. Anyone who can parse meaning out of their next phrase — “evoked the most ungraspable human destinies” — is more imaginative than we are. But your beloved community newspaper will give the guy a read and report back. The Swedes tend to the random when they pick their prize winners, having awarded their peace prize to Kissinger, a straight-up war criminal and Obama, an aspiring one.

WILL PARRISH was in court last Friday. CalTrans is demanding exorbitant restitution for costs they claim Parrish caused them when he locked down to a piece of construction equipment — a “stitcher” — at the Willits Bypass project this summer. Judge Behnke said he would rule on how much restitution Parrish must make after Parrish's lawyer, Omar Figueroa, and the prosecution in the form of Assistant DA Paul Sequiera, supply final briefs in next three weeks. The attorneys have until October 31st to do that, after which Behnke will issue the restitution figure.
JUDGE BEHNKE said he would not order Parrish to pay CHP personnel costs. He said there would be various considerations if the Parrish matter were a civil suit, but it's a criminal case so the judge will look only at “hard costs,” such as the rented cherry pickers used to extract Parrish from the machinery and the cost of night-time illumination during the time Parrish was strapped to the mechanism.
THE CALTRANS ATTORNEY, whose name we don't have, teamed up with Sequiera to represent Caltrans and “The People.” Their sole witness was Ms. Susan Tappan, a CalTrans construction manager assigned to the Willits Bypass since before construction began; it was Ms. Tappan and her office who came up with the wildly inflated figures tossed around in court Friday.
AS A FIRST ORDER of business, Ms. Tappan and the CalTrans attorney revised the restitution claim yet again, right there in the middle of the courtroom, with Tappan on the witness stand. It was clear they were plucking numbers out of mid-air with zero confirming paperwork. They determined that they had overstated the CHP costs by nearly $50,000, which brought the total of their claim down from $154,733 to a little over $100,000.
OMAR FIGUEROA cross-examined Ms. Tappan for about an hour, challenging her on the substance of the Caltrans claim. She conceded it was difficult for her to argue since she had witnessed very little of what took place during opposition demonstrations to the Bypass work, admitting that her staff did the legwork on the claim. (CalTrans was trying to charge Parrish for a day he wasn't even on the wick drain stitcher, and charged him for obstructing work on the days the project was rained out (June 24th through 27th). And Caltrans is trying to charge the County's favorite direct action journalist for the time the wick drain stitcher was sitting idle, tacking on charges for an idle forklift and a stationary pick-up truck. Caltrans also wanted to charge Parrish for the cost of the 32 CHP officers dispatched to hold back Parrish's geriatric supporters and the helicopter hovering overhead during his “extrication.” You'd have thought Osama bin Laden was locked to the mechanism.
THE CHP also arrested people who attempted to bring Parrish food and water when Parrish had very little water and no food, a fact Figueroa duly pointed out, so the CHP-Caltrans claim that the CHP was keeping Parrish safe is laughable. Of course, CalTrans lawyers stated that Parrish could have come down at any time of his own volition for, one supposes, another face-down arrest.
TODD WALTON tells us: “…the water delivery companies in the Mendocino-Fort Bragg area deliver with trucks carrying 3500 gallons, and if you have less than a 3500-gallon storage capacity they still charge you for the entire 3500 gallons. Should we need to buy water, we want to be able to receive the full load. Second, 5,000 gallons provides us with two months of water for our minimalist needs, and those two months might carry us through the driest months of the year to a resurgence of our well.”
WE WERE EXCHANGING views on the Giants and the Lincecum mystery, when Todd said, “I don't think Bochy trusts Lincecum in short relief situations, especially since Bochy has such good relievers for single inning work or even for facing just one or two batters. The scenarios where I think we'll see Tim pitch are those in which a starter gets lit up in the first three or four innings and we need two or three innings of relief to get us to the sixth inning and Petite is unavailable. Considering that Tim threw a no-hitter this year, and a few games later was pitching like a batting practice pitcher, his story is curious, indeed. My take, based entirely on some brief interview footage with Lincecum, is that he doesn't really hold baseball as the central focus of his reality. He's too smart, maybe. Too complicated. Or maybe he has nothing left to prove in that realm and has grown bored.
“I'VE DONE lots of reading about prodigies," Todd said — "musicians and writers in particular — and the thing about prodigies I find most interesting is that they all come to a point, usually with a few years after the conclusion of puberty, when their fabulous talents begin to wane. And most of the few prodigies who do manage to maintain their gifts are those who successfully teach their conscious minds to do what they have been doing largely unconsciously up to that point. Yehudi Menuhin writes about this in his autobiography, as do others, and I have known a number of musical and writing prodigies who went from producing works of genius as young teenagers to being quite ordinary people, their special talents lost."
“SO MAYBE that's Tim. Maybe for a few years there his genius was unconscious, and time caught up with him and he has never quite been able to teach his body to do what he once did without thinking.”
SAN FRANCISCO last Friday was a major traffic jam from bay to breakers. The leader of the free world flew into town in his tax-funded plane to scoop up private money for Hillary's campaign, and the Blue Angels were sonic-booming the city, the whole show bread-and-circuses squared. Incidentally, although it wasn't widely reported, for so-called "security reasons," the air corridor between Frisco and LA was shut down while Air Force One carried the president north, seriously delaying thousands of travelers at both ends. Are we having fascism yet?

THE SAME MARCOS ESCARENO? Yup. Mike Geniella of the DA's office writes: “For news media who covered the 2007 murder prosecution (that ultimately resulted in a 2010 voluntary manslaughter conviction) of Marcos Cattarino Escareno, and who then again may have covered the litigation wherein DA Dave Eyster was determined correct that the defendant's prior commitment to the Youth Authority versus state prison was unlawful (proceedings that took place from December 2013 through March 2014), you may be interested in the latest turn of events. Today, Friday, October 10, 2014, defendant Marcos Cattarino Escareno, now age 22, was arraigned on a felony complaint charging him the assault with force likely to cause great bodily injury, a special allegation alleging that he inflicted great bodily injury, a special allegation alleging that he acted in concert with others in committing a hate crime, and a Strike allegation alleging his prior violent conviction. The Public Defender was appointed to represent the defendant. Not guilty pleas and denials of special allegations were entered on his behalf. A preliminary hearing is now scheduled for October 27, 2014 at 9:30am in Fort Bragg. A readiness conference was also scheduled for October 20, 2014 at 9:30am also in Fort Bragg.”
UKIAH COUNCIL CANDIDATE MIRANDA MOTT includes this statement in her appeal to voters: “My platform centers on community empowerment, building a sustainable foundation, bridging gaps and taking action.” Even by the standards of Mendo-blab…
CONGRESSMAN JARED HUFFMAN'S idea of a public meeting — “Coffee with your Congressman” — occurs Wednesday at the Mendocino County Museum in Willits from 8:30-10am. “Questions may be submitted ahead of time, but question cards will also be handed out to those at the event.” And “Those planning to attend must RSVP to Heather Gurewitz by e-mail at heather.gurewitz@mail.house.gov.”
I WROTE to Heather asking her to place me at the very top of the guest list. Guess I didn't make it because I didn't hear back. Of course early morning interfaces with our federal leadership of the rsvp, pre-approved questions type are… Are what? Well, an indication of the contempt corporate bagmen of the Huffman type hold us in.
SCANNER TRAFFIC Sunday yielded the bad news that an abalone diver had drowned off Russian Gulch State Park, and one has to wonder who would be in or near the water in a high surf period? The dead man has since been identified as Michael Sean Lipsmeyer, 46, of Auburn, California.
IN OTHER NEWS from the Fog Belt, as reported by the ICO, the Sea Ranch has shut down Dan Garcia's wildly popular boxing class for South Coast kids 14 and under. Ranch “security” claimed too many parents were parking along the road near Garcia's place at the Sea Ranch Apartments. Garcia convened his non-contact, coed workouts on the nearby, outdoor basketball court.
RALPH BOSTROM OF WILLITS WONDERS: “When was the last time a resident of Mendocino County was elected to the State Senate or Assembly?”
HMMMM. Good question. I'd guess Never, at least not in the twentieth century.
A READER WRITES: “I get it that you are put off by Woodhouse for not stating his positions, but the race for Supervisor in the Third District is between someone who says nothing and someone who knows nothing. Holly Madrigal, despite almost ten years on the Willits City Council, has learned almost nothing about the key issues facing local government or how to resolve them. In fact, Holly is really starting way behind someone who truly knows nothing because so much of what Holly claims to know is completely false.
“TAKE A LOOK AT HOLLY'S PLATFORM from her website. Under the heading ‘Eliminate County Debt’ Jolly Holly says ‘Mendocino County is the second most indebted county in the State due to a staggering pension debt. It is this debt that nearly closed our libraries. Just a few years ago, this debt cost us the upper hand in negotiating our water rights with Sonoma County — we will feel the effects of that for years to come.’
“HOLLY SOUNDS like she is right on top of budgeting, debt and water rights issues. Except these two sentences speak volumes about what Holly does not know. First, there is no way she or anyone else will “eliminate county debt.” The county owes about $80 million for past debt for real estate financing and pension obligation bonds which will be paid off over the next ten or twelve years. If payments are accelerated, there will be little money left for anything else. Same with the current $130 million in unfunded pension debt. Holly does not offer a clue how she will ‘eliminate’ over $200 million in existing debt, but it sounds good to say.
“HOLLY CLAIMS THE PENSION DEBT ‘nearly closed our libraries’ but there was never a proposal to close the libraries. Hours were cut back, and at most the Bookmobile might have been on the chopping block, but there was never a time when the libraries were ‘nearly closed’ and there was no linkage between the libraries and the pension debt. Her claim that the County is the second most indebted in California is straight from the poison pen of local pension gadfly John Dickerson who has had a grudge against the County ever since he got fired from the Mendocino County Promotional Alliance about 15 years ago. He has been unable to find or hold a full time job since. Anything Dickerson says about County pensions and debt is highly charged and highly suspect. But Jolly Holly swallowed his line that the County is not even aware that they have a problem, to the point she went before the Board of Supes and told them it was just like being an alcoholic, that they first had to admit they have a problem. She did this following a lengthy presentation by financial experts who laid out the depth of the County pension problem and the limited options available to the county to do anything about it. Holly clearly was the one who was not getting it.
“HOLLY'S OFF-THE-WALL LINKAGE of the pension debt and water rights takes the prize for dumbest comment of this or any other year. The water rights to Lake Mendocino were decided in the early 1950s when the locals decided not to help fund construction of the dam and belatedly put up only enough money to secure the rights to 8,000 acre feet of water, leaving the rest to Sonoma County. Since that time, over 60 years ago, there has never been a negotiation with Sonoma County, no chance for the County to get a larger share, and no connection between the Lake Mendocino water right and the pension debt. Someone should ask Holly where she got the wacky idea of a link between a water rights issue that was decided 60 years ago and a debt that did not exist until decades later.
“HOLLY ALSO CLAIMS to be a leader on water rights, especially the County drought ad hoc committee, but Holly attended only one meeting of that committee and never went back. At that meeting someone from the state offered grant money for Willits to develop an alternate source. The money came through, a well was drilled, but the water is unusable because of the high mineral content. The well sits there, unusable, while Willits tries to figure out what to do and how to pay for it.
“WILLITS IS ALSO MIRED in a costly lawsuit with the Brooktrails Community Services District over how to allocate costs for the wastewater treatment plant. Brooktrails has been able to prove that Willits made several key decisions, costing millions of dollars, without consulting with Brooktrails. When Brooktrails complained, Willits tried to bully them into submission. Brooktrails responded by filing a lawsuit. Holly tried to use her influence as Mayor of Willits to settle the lawsuit, but failed. As the case gets ready for trial, Brooktrails appears to be in the driver’s seat, the legal bills keep mounting, and now Brooktrails has uncovered documents that prove the Willits sewer ponds are leaking one million gallons of effluent into the Little Lake Valley aquifer on a yearly basis. This dwarfs any possible impact Caltrans is having on the water table in Little Lake Valley, but the enviros are keeping quiet because they don't want to embarrass Holly.
“HOLLY VOTED TO SPEND MILLIONS of local transportation dollars (acting as a city rep on MCOG, the local transportation funding agency) on the Willits bypass, then went to Sacramento to speak out against funding for the bypass. Then Holly voted with MCOG to spend millions more to support the bypass. And if the bypass is not built the intersection of Sherwood Road and Main Street (which is a traffic safety and congestion bottleneck) is not going to get fixed. Caltrans is putting up the money but it will not be built until the bypass is finished. It also says something that Holly, as a sitting member of the City Council, went all the way to Sacramento to try and sabotage a project that the City Council has supported for at least the last 25 years, if not 50.
“HOLLY'S STANCE AGAINST THE BYPASS was just plain dumb strategically because everyone who is against the bypass was already going to vote for Holly anyway. By coming out against the bypass Holly made sure that the people in the north county (who can't wait to drive around Willits) know who to vote against. After Holly spoke out against the bypass she voted as a member of MCOG to give the bypass several million more in local transportation funding. And as a member of the City Council Holly has consistently voted with the majority to give Caltrans and the bypass contractors everything they want in terms of road closures, access to city streets, and looking the other way on previously agreed to conditions. Holly's bypass flip-flops have cost her some anti-bypass support without winning back any pro bypass voters.
“HOLLY SAYS THE COUNTY NEEDS TO HAVE A BALANCED BUDGET, but they already do. In fact, the County has done an amazing turn around in the last few years. Instead of being on the verge of bankruptcy, the County has a balanced budget and record reserves. Willits, by contrast, has passed deficit budgets for the last four or five years. Is this an example of the financial leadership Holly will bring to the Board of Supes?
“FINALLY, MR. EDITOR, how can you endorse Holly Madrigal, a member of the KZYX Board of Directors, who has sat silently by while the station’s management has offed Doug McKenty and open lines, Norman DeVall and his candidate interviews, and now John Sakowicz who had one of the most popular shows on the station and one of the few that thinking people could tune into without being assaulted by audio pabulum? Holly can't even stand up to the autocratic John Coate and petty dictator Mary Aigner, and you want to put her in charge of over 1,000 employees and the more than $200 million dollar county budget? Because you are ticked off at Woodhouse?
“WHOEVER TOLD WOODHOUSE to keep silent on the issues gave him bad advice, but a look at his professional and personal life tells me he will do the right thing once he gets elected. It says something that he has been able to stay in business locally and pay the bills for over 30 years given the ups and downs of the local economy. By contrast, Holly took a job with a family friend (at Sparetime Supply) after coming back from college and has really done nothing on her own to distinguish herself. And she quit her job at Sparetime (which is a major supplier to north county marijuana growers) because she didn't want to be too closely identified with the marijuana industry. Except I hear she has been having tailgate “potluck parties” out in the hills organized by marijuana advocates who want to see Holly get elected.
“WOODHOUSE ALSO GETS CREDIT for organizing and leading community clean ups to paint over graffiti and clean up trash from the homeless camps, including along the creeks. He has done all this and more without seeking the limelight or taking credit. By contrast, Holly always tries to make much out of the little she does. The sad fact is that Holly really has no vision or plan of her own for what she would like to see. At this point she is just looking for a job. Her policy on debt issues and the budget will be set by John Dickerson. On the bypass and environmental issues, by David and Ellen Drell and Naomi Wagner of Earth First!, on marijuana by the growers themselves. Just because you don't live in the Third District doesn't mean you won't suffer the ill effects of electing someone like Holly who is so lacking in knowledge and experience.”
OUCH! Still and all, I think the candidate who at least takes positions deserves the nod over an affable guy who hopes to chuckle his way into the Supe's job. There's no indication Woodhouse is any better informed or will cast intelligent votes on local matters than Holly.
WE EXPRESSED our reservations about Holly early on, especially about her flip-flop on the Bypass, which was simply failed opportunism on her part. And wherever her opinions on County finance come from she really ought to at least try to get caught up with the basic fiscal facts. This stuff isn't all that complicated.
IF MRS. MADRIGAL gets elected and immediately affiliates with Supervisor Stoner Dude, the guy who brings his comfort pet to public meetings and zones out most of the time when he isn't hustling local government for special favors for himself, I will drive north to pray before the Willits Arch for forgiveness. On the other hand, as the liberals like to say, if she takes her cues from the serious supervisors — Gjerde, Brown, and McCowen — JH will be a good supervisor.

SPEAKING OF HAMBURG, he has announced his engagement to former Point Arena mayor, Lauren Sinnott, in the Independent Coast Observer.
MS. SINNOTT markets “The Velvet Vulva line of fine purses, purposeful bags and framed fabric miniatures,” an only in Mendo enterprise reminiscent of “penis soaks,” a kind of organic bird's nest marketed back in the day out of Comptche, the idea being restoration of the (presumably) exhausted male digit. Mendocino County! Always on the cutting edge of free enterprise!
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