- Museum Job Cuts
- Ukiah's Frequent Fliers
- Zelig Gets Jumped
- SF Deemed Least Country
- All is Truth
- Bitties with Lyme
- Reagan's Legacy
- Big Oil Rules
- Confronting the Navy
- Police Reports
by Tiffany Revelle
Saying it might want to eventually fill the position, the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday put off a proposal to cut the museum's vacant curator position until budget hearings later this year.
The county's Human Resources department proposed eliminating three jobs, including the vacant curator position, an entry-level staff assistant and a supervising staff assistant. In keeping with county policy, the eliminations were needed to create three other positions, including a level-two staff assistant, an office services supervisor and a level-two program specialist.
The change, according to a summary prepared for the board, "would allow the assignment of higher-level work, relieving the museum director of day-to-day clerical and administrative functions."
Second District Supervisor John McCowen and board chairman 3rd District Supervisor John Pinches expressed concern about deleting the curator position, and county CEO Carmel Angelo said there could be more general fund money in the museum's budget this year to fund the job.
"It is our procedure that we would delete a position to add a position," county CEO Carmel Angelo said. "If it is the intention of this board that the museum have a curator position in the future, we can certainly look at that ... and we could do that (by) deleting a position, most likely from another department, to add that position to the museum."
"Depending on how our budget situation goes, we'll have the discussion here in a few months to talk about whether there's funding to do that," Pinches said. "But I think it makes no sense ... especially with our short staffing in Human Resources, to delete a position and then create it again."
Angelo asked Human Resources staff if there were another position that could be cut instead of the curator job, but Pinches proposed that the board continue the matter, and that county staff bring the proposal back to the board later in the month with the goal of preserving the curator post until the county could discuss it during September budget hearings.
Museum Director Alison Glassey told the board she was "thrilled" with the decision.
Noting that county staff was tasked with proposing the elimination of a vacant job from another department, 5th District Supervisor Dan Hamburg said, "I don't want to see us say we're going to take somebody off the road department so we can bring a curator into the museum. I understand that you want to keep this on but you don't want to fill it, but what the board has been trying to do is remove positions that are on the books but are not filled."
McCowen said the county would want to eventually fill the position, "because it's important to preserve the collection, which is one of the primary obligations we have to the people who have donated their, in many cases, personal artifacts to the museum."
(Courtesy, the Ukiah Daily Journal)
On March 27th at about 8:40am a Ukiah Police officer observed Scotty Willis and Kelisha Alvarez, both transients within the City of Ukiah, walking on N. Orchard Ave. The officer was aware that each had warrants for their arrest due to violation of probation. Both were contacted and arrested without incident.
ON MARCH 29TH at about 10:30 PM a Ukiah Police sergeant responded to the night lobby of the Police Department due to 54 year old Michael Kevin Arnold, of Eugene, Oregon, yelling in the lobby. When the sergeant spoke with Arnold he provided Marin County jail release paperwork dated 03/28/14, as identification. Arnold claimed that he had just been robbed while in front of the Forest Club Bar by four Hispanic males. Arnold reported that he was going to purchase marijuana from one of the Hispanic males and agreed to walk to another location away from the bar to make the purchase. Arnold reported that as he walked away from the front of the bar he was pushed to the ground by the four males and his wallet taken. Arnold further claimed that he was related to the next king of England, Wyatt Earp and the current chief of police for San Rafael PD. Upon further investigation and interviews of witnesses at the bar the sergeant was unable to substantiate Arnold’s claims, although it was learned that Arnold was refused entrance into the bar due to his odd behavior in that Arnold was claiming to be a veteran of World War I and II, as well as being a Hells Angel member.
THIS JUST IN: The real estate website called Estately has ranked the 50 largest cities in America from most “country” to least “country.” Confirming data comes from Facebook interest in 10 topics: country music, fishing, hunting, NASCAR, firearms, barbecue, cowboy boots, pickup trucks, rodeos, and sweet tea. Fort Worth came in as the most “country” city in America with San Antonio, Tulsa, and Oklahoma City not far behind. San Francisco, to its credit, was rated dead last.
O ME, man of slack faith so long!
Standing aloof — denying portions so long;
Only aware to-day of compact, all-diffused truth;
Discovering to-day there is no lie, or form of lie, and can be none,
but grows as inevitably upon itself as the truth does upon itself,
Or as any law of the earth, or any natural production of the earth does.
(This is curious, and may not be realized immediately — But it must be realized;
I feel in myself that I represent falsehoods equally with the rest, And that the universe does.)
Where has fail'd a perfect return, indifferent of lies or the truth?
Is it upon the ground, or in water or fire? or in the spirit of man? or in the meat and blood?
Meditating among liars, and retreating sternly into myself, I see that there are really no liars or lies after all,
And that nothing fails its perfect return — And that what are called lies are perfect returns,
And that each thing exactly represents itself, and what has preceded it,
And that the truth includes all, and is compact, just as much as space is compact,
And that there is no flaw or vacuum in the amount of the truth — but that all is truth without exception;
And henceforth I will go celebrate anything I see or am,
And sing and laugh, and deny nothing.
Walt Whitman
A READER WRITES: "Just when I think I've seen it all here in The Wacky Wacky World of Mendocino County, now comes a meeting of the “postmenopausal women's lyme group.” I just saw this on the MCN announcement listserv for April 9: “Tonight is the meeting of the postmenopausal women's lyme group at 45180 Main St in Mendocino. 6 pm.” Really? Old bitties with Lyme Disease have their own group? Is there a difference between postmenopausal women with Lyme Disease and other people with Lyme Disease? What's next? Friends with Fibromyalgia? Lesbians with Lupus? Republicans with Rheumatoid Arthritis? Sissy Boys with Sjögren's Syndrome? God, I love Mendocino County!”
A well-educated, wordly wise man once said what he believed about the homeless: One third are homeless for sad/bad reasons, such as loss of job, financial problems, sick child, etc. These folks work to NOT be homeless. They would flip burgers at any fast food place to dig out of their woes. One third of the homeless, he said, are truly mentally ill; closing the state hospitals was done by Reagan as governor without planning or programs for them to be in a community. And, he grinned, one third of them WANT to be homeless. The latter make it ugly to be homeless. They wouldn't take a job if it was offered. They know how to get free food, free clothes, free blankets, free sleeping bags....they dont't care if free means occasional thefts. They have a lifestyle that is simple and choose to throw out material items because they neither worked nor paid for free stuff. So there. The duck pond and gardens off of old F ward at Napa State Hospital was a truly "less restrictive" environment than being cold, hungry and persecuted by personal demons, robbed, beaten, killed. Every patient had a clean bed, warm room, activities, nutritional meals and medicines that took away the devils in their heads. We won't spend money to help the mentally ill homeless.
by Dan Bacher
A report released this month by Common Cause and the ACCE Institute reveals that Big Oil contributions to political campaigns and candidates in California have increased 400 percent to $143.3 million in the past 15 years.
The ground breaking report, “Big Oil Floods the Capitol: How California’ s Oil Companies Funnel Funds Into the Legislature,” says the oil and gas lobby has spent nearly $15 million to influence Sacramento lawmakers halfway through the 2014-15 legislative session. The record is $25.5 million, set in 2011-12.
You can read the full report at; http://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/makebankspay/pages/266/attachments/original/1396393828/Bil_Oil_Floods_the_Capitol_4.1.14v2.pdf
As one of the few journalists willing to expose the power of the oil industry in California in recent years, I am very pleased that Common Cause and ACCE have put together this invaluable report that confirms what I’ve been saying all along – that the oil industry has overwhelmed and corrupted the political process, including hijacking what passes for “marine protection” and “environmental protection” in California.
The report reveals how members of Big Oil are some of the largest corporations in all of California, including Chevron, Exxon, Aera Energy and Occidental Petroleum.
“And these big corporations spend big time. Over the past 15 years, Big Oil spent a whopping $143.3 million on political candidates and cam-paigns. That’s nearly $10 million per year," the report points out.
The report also documents how individual legislators have received tens of thousands from Big Oil over their careers. Over the last 15 years, the top currently serving legislative recipients are: (1) Senator Rod Wright ($83,100), (2) Assemblymember Isadore Hall, III ($80,600), (3) Senator Jean Fuller ($76,850), (4) Assemblymember Henry Perea ($73,050), and (5) Senator Bob Huff ($69,400).
This report profiles the top recipients, as well as those legislators who are facing a vote on the Oil and Gas Extraction Tax (Senate Bill 1017) this April.
But direct contributions are not the only way Big Oil dominates politics in Sacramento – the industry also spends millions on lobbying those same politicians every year.
Price tag for lobbying exceeded $123.6 million
“In addition to its political contributions,” the report continues, "Big Oil exerts considerable influence lobbying in Sacramento. Big Oil employs high profile, high powered lobbyists to ensure their interests are represented.”
In the past 15 years, the price tag for these lobbyists has totaled $123.6 million. In 2013-2014 alone, the top lobbyist employer, the Western States Petroleum Association, headed by President Catherine Reheis-Boyd, the former chair of the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) Initiative to create fake "marine protected areas" in Southern California, spent $4.7 million.
To make things worse, the oil lobby presence in Sacramento is growing, as evidenced by the industry's successful campaign last year to defeat all fracking bills except one, Senator "Frackin' Fran" Pavley's Senate Bill 4, an oil industry-friendly bill that gives the green light to increased fracking in California. The odious legislation was opposed by the vast majority of conservation and environmental justice groups in California - but supported until the very last minute by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Environmental Defense Fund and the California League of Conservation Voters.
“So far during the 2013-2014 session, the Oil and Gas lobby has spent nearly $15 million in Sacramento,” the report revealed. "Only halfway through the session, and with expenditure rates typically increasing late in the legislative season when more bills are up for a final vote, California is on track to surpass the roughly $25.5 million spent on lobbying in the 2011-2012 legislative session.”
Similarly, the number of oil and gas industry lobbyists in Sacramento has gone from 22 lobbyist employer organizations registered with the FPPC in 1999-2000 to 32 registered sector for the current legislative session (2013-2014), according to the report.
Yet for the oil industry this money is mere chump change, the cost of doing business. Big Oil's estimated profits in 2014 to date are $24,978,007,900, based on information from the Center for American Progress.
The 2013 profit totals for the big five oil companies combined - BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Exxon Mobil, and Shell - were $93 billion, or $177,000 per minute. (http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/green/news/2014/02/10/83879/with-only-93-billion-in-profits-the-big-five-oil-companies-demand-to-keep-tax-breaks/)
As Big Oil spending rises, fracking increases
The rise of the oil industry spending documented in the report corresponds directly with the increase in fracking in Monterey Shale deposits in Kern County, coastal areas and Southern California ocean waters – and the creation of so-called "marine protected areas" that fail to protect the ocean from fracking, oil drilling, pollution military testing and all human impacts other than fishing and gathering.
Oil companies have fracked offshore wells at least 203 times over the past 20 years in the ocean near California’s coast, from Seal Beach to the Santa Barbara Channel, according to a Freedom of Information Act Request and media investigation by the Associated Press and truthout.org last year. (http://bigstory.ap.org/article/calif-finds-more-instances-offshore-fracking)
The report also counteracts the attempts of state officials and corporate "environmental" NGOs to portray a false image of a “Green California” where no one single interest dominates. David Helvarg, in a recent article on the Nation Geographic website gushing about the fake “marine protected areas" created under the privately-funded Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) Initiative, claims:
“With its ports, the U.S. Navy, fishermen, surfers and the coastal tourism industry, marine science centers and more no single special interest can dominate ocean policy. And it is where you have single interests dictating policy in places like Louisiana with oil and gas or Florida with real-estate developers that you see coastal seas in decline,” said Helvarg. (http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/2014/03/21/the-ocean-comes-to-sacramento-2/)
This statement completely avoids addressing the undeniable fact that the oil industry is the largest corporate lobby in California, one that dominates state politics like no other industry does – and that California is much closer to Louisiana and Florida in its domination by corporate interests than California politicians and corporate "environmentalists" would like to think.
The report's data and charts also make it perfectly clear that the oil industry spending on campaigns and lobbying correlates directly with the rise to power and influence by Catherine Reheis-Boyd, President of the Western States Petroleum Association, and her service as a “marine guardian"on federal and state marine protected area panels.
Corporate media outlets have failed to cover one of biggest environmental scandals in California history, Reheis-Boyd’s chairing of the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) Initiative Blue Ribbon Task Force to create alleged "marine protected areas" in Southern California from 2009 to 2012, as well as her "service" on the Central Coast, North Central Coast and North Coast task forces from 2004 to 2012. MLPA Initiative advocates falsely portrayed the process as “open and transparent" and based on "science" when it was anything but. (http://www.counterpunch.org/2014/03/28/big-oil-lobbyist-serves-on-federal-marine-protected-areas-panel/)
Brown's tunnels will provide water for fracking
Meanwhile, Jerry Brown is fast-tracking his Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) to build the peripheral tunnels - during a drought! The proposed tunnels would divert Sacramento River water to corporate agribusiness interests, Southern California water privateers and oil companies to expand their fracking and steam injection operations.
Governor Brown recently declared a drought emergency in California and now a broad coalition of environmentalists, fishermen and Tribal leaders is demanding immediate halt to water-intensive fracking.
According to Oil Change International, "This drought is already devastating farmers livelihoods, causing an increased risk of wildfires, and threatening our water supplies. So why is the Governor still allowing fracking to take place? Fracking wells can consume between 2 and 10 MILLION gallons of water in their lifetime."
If you want to take action and help fight the flood of dirty energy money in California, go to: http://www.bigoilbrown.org/#take-action
The Navy’s War on the Pacific Ocean
by Ellen Taylor
It was clear, from the rigid, entrenched postures of the U.S. Navy officers, during the public comment segment of their NEPA-mandated presentation of the Northwest Testing and Training Plan (NWTT) last month, that similar appearances in other cities along the coast had prepared them to get slammed.
Most of the crowd shuffling through the dark rabbit-warren of the Red Lion Inn in Eureka, California knew the whole process was rigged. Anything they could say would have no more effect on the Navy’s implacable expansion cycle than it did on the last one 5 years ago. Even though in September Judge Magistrate Nandor Vadas had determined, in the Eureka Federal District Court, that the National Marine Fisheries Service violated the Endangered Species Act by permitting the Navy’s plan, there had been no injunction. Just a few miles west of the Red Lion the deafening sonar, mines, bombs and extensive testing of new weapons systems were continuing to blast on toward the Navy’s objective. The NWTT show-and-tell presentation seemed to have no intention to persuade, and basic questions addressed to the public-relations people manning the booths such as the location of the continental shelf at different latitudes, effect of sonar on salmonid migration, and damage to the hearing mechanisms of marine mammals, could not obtain answers.
Yet the crowd recognized this meeting as a unique occasion though a mere procedural requirement where a small community had an opportunity to cross the bows of the largest geopolitical force on the planet. So it delivered an eloquent, comprehensive and unanimous rejection of this five-year plan.
The Navy's response exhibited a characteristic famously portrayed by Alec Guiness as Colonel Nicholson in “Bridge Over The River Kwai”: so total an absorption in and obsession with the project’s progress that he lost consciousness of who the enemy was. We’ve been practicing out there for 50 years, said the Navy reps. Most of you wouldn’t even know about the sonar, mines, explosions and nuclear submarine games happening over the horizon if we hadn’t been gracious enough to tell you. We’ve been brutally honest about our proposed takes of endangered species, and, for you landlubbers, aren’t these issues a bit of an abstraction anyway?
The Navy is right. Whales, orcas, leatherbacks and salmon runs are no doubt fatally damaged species already, and thus, minor catastrophes on the death road down which the U.S. military mania is driving us. Greenhouse gasses and toxic emissions are making marine environments uninhabitable. The Navy has a command role in the human war on the oceans.
The Armed Forces of the United States are the largest single polluter on the planet. They consume 93% of the U.S. government fuel budget. The military produces more greenhouse gas than all but 35 countries in the world, or about the same as Nigeria, with 140 million people. However, because of stipulations demanded by the U.S. when the Kyoto Protocol was being negotiated, the Pentagon is exempted from all measurement or reporting requirements, and its emissions are not included in U.S. totals. Congress passed legislation exempting the military from such restrictions on the grounds of “self-defense, peacekeeping and humanitarian relief.” More recently in an executive order directing federal agencies to reduce their emissions, President Obama again exempted the military.
Added to toxic runoff from Navy bases, underwater mines, submarine dumps and sunken nuclear submarines, the Navy’s unregulated CO2 emissions are making life more difficult for each generation of sea creatures. Phytoplankton, the base for the ocean’s entire food chain, and producing the oxygen for two out of every three breaths we take, has diminished by 40% since 1950. The ocean is 30% more acidic than a century ago, and is predicted, at this rate, to become 2 ½ times more acidic by the end of the century. Acidification of course affects the lives of marine species at many stages of their development, particularly in vulnerable egg and larval states. For crustaceans, mollusks and corals, it’s harder to form shells. One third of the world’s fisheries have been depleted, which affects large numbers of the world’s human population dependent on fish as their sole protein source.
Like the Obama Administration, which proposes more funding for nuclear weapons, the Navy is blind to environmental destruction, the real threat to our national security. Instead, as U.S. geo-politicians execute their imperial pivot, it has titanic plans for the Pacific. $15 billion has been allocated for a giant buildup on Guam and the Marianas. The Navy is obtaining additional base privileges from the Philippines. “Valiant Shield” naval exercises in the South China and Yellow Seas have alarmed the Chinese government into increasing its military budget and defining its Economic Exclusion Zone. This, in turn, has disturbed Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines, among whom there have been petty conflicts over island jurisdictions. Mutual defense agreements with the U.S. are triggered, which the war-makers can invoke at their leisure. In a recent publication of the Naval Institute, a strategy employing submarines to mine Chinese harbors and interdict trade routes is discussed in tactical detail.
The Arctic, predicted to be open water by 2030, is the object of a Navy roadmap for militarization.
Furthering and perfecting these military strategies, then, are the objective of the NWTT. Confronting the Navy in the Red Lion, listening to local peoples’ speeches unyieldingly regulated by a minute hand, it all of a sudden seemed as if the speakers were dressed in the solemn regalia of the northwestern tribes, in deerskin robes, and decorated with dentalia, eagle feathers and whalebones. Here was the Great White Father again, sailing down the coast, enforcing treaties he had no intention of keeping. You could almost hear waves lapping, feathers rustling, and the faint echo of words on the wind like Chief Seattle’s.
In Fairhaven, on the other side of Humboldt Bay, an inspirational project is underway. The local Veterans For Peace discovered and raised from the bottom a world-famous boat, which had been lost to history for fifty years. In 1958 four men set sail from California aboard a small ketch, The Golden Rule, in an attempt to halt atmospheric nuclear weapons tests in the western Pacific. Their heroic effort resulted in the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, passed in 1963.
Veterans for Peace is restoring the boat, with the goal of a ten-year voyage in opposition to militarism, “nothing less than to abolish war as an instrument of national policy”. It plans to be on the sea by October. What better target, then, than this menacing corridor of weapons testing which wraps our shores? The Humboldt Baykeeper could be recalled, fishing boats engaged, then an entire flotilla could be mustered up and down the coast!
In the words of Chris Hedges, “The most daunting existential struggle our time is to accept the awful truth intellectually and emotionally, that the power elite will not respond rationally to the devastation of the ecosystem, and to rise up to resist the forces that are destroying us”.
Ellen Taylor lives in northern California.
ON APRIL 3, 2014 at approximately 6:16 P.M., Deputies initiated a traffic enforcement stop on a vehicle being operated by suspect Robert Fuller, 41, of Fort Bragg. Deputies knew Fuller’s California license status was suspended/revoked and that he could not legally operate a motor vehicle. Deputies also knew Fuller to be on active CDC Parole and two other active terms of probation and that he must submit to search. After Deputies arrested Fuller for the driving violation, a search of the vehicle was conducted and a small clear plastic bag was located that contained a white crystalline type substance, suspected to be methamphetamine. Further investigation revealed that the bag and its contents belonged to Barajas. The suspected methamphetamine field-tested positive for amphetamine and had a gross field weight of 0.5 grams. Deputies arrested Barajas for possession of a controlled substance. Deputies also administered a field drug evaluation on Fuller in belief he was presently under the influence of a central nervous system stimulant. As a result of that evaluation, Fuller was additionally charged with being under the influence of a controlled substance and violation of parole. Both Fuller and Barajas were transported to the Mendocino County Jail. Fuller was booked on charges of possession of controlled substance, under the influence of a controlled substance, and driving on a suspended license with no bail. Barajas was booked on possession oa a controlled substance with bail set at $10,000.00. (Sheriff’s Press Release)
ON APRIL 2, 2014 Deputies were actively looking for suspect Steven Claus, 39, of Fort Bragg, who was wanted on four outstanding arrest warrants for possession of a controlled substance for sale, violation of probation and two counts of possession of a controlled substance. Claus was also out on release/bail pending trial for criminal matters. At approximately 10:52 P.M., Deputies initiated a traffic enforcement stop on a vehicle being operated by Claus in the 17000 block of Boice Lane in Fort Bragg. Deputies ultimately arrested Claus and a search of his person and vehicle was conducted incident to that arrest. During said search, Deputies located two hypodermic syringes on Claus’s person. One of the syringes was loaded with a clear substance. Deputies then located a clear plastic bag containing a white crystalline substance and a .22 caliber BB gun under the front driver’s seat. The substance in the bag field-tested presumptive positive for amphetamine and had a gross field weight of 8.3 grams. Claus was transported and booked into the Mendocino County Jail. Claus is being held in lieu of $50,000 bail for Possession of a Controlled Substance for Sale, Transportation of a Controlled Substance for Sale, and Committing a Felony while Released on Bail or on Own Recognizance. (Sheriff’s Press Release)
ON APRIL 7, 2014 at approximately 5:41 P.M. Mendocino County Sheriff's Deputies were dispatched to a residence at the 24000 block of Birch Street of Willits regarding a family disturbance. Once at the location Deputies found that a family disturbance started a physical altercation between the Cody Lewis, 19, of Willits, and his father, Scott Lewis, 44, also of Willits. During the physical altercation Cody Lewis took two folding knives from his pockets, opened the knives, and lunged at the victim while threatening to kill him. The victim stated he feared for his safety and believed Cody Lewis was going to try and kill him. Cody Lewis was taken into custody without incident and transported to the Mendocino County Jail where he was lodged for Assault With a Deadly Weapon and Threats to Commit Great Bodily Injury Upon Another with bail set at $30,000. (Sheriff’s Press Release)
ON APRIL 4. 2014 at approximately 1:40am, Deputies from the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office contacted 23 year-old Ruben Spaggiari of Willits at the intersection of Railroad Avenue and East San Francisco Avenue in the city of Willits. They knew Spaggiara to be on probation with terms which included search and testing. Spaggiari was found to be in possession of approximately .04 grams of methamphetamine. Spaggiari was arrested without incident for possession of a controlled substance and violation of probation. Spaggiara was transported to the Mendocino County Jail and held in lieu of $15,000 bond. (Sheriff’s Press Release)
ON APRIL 3, 2014 at approximately 19:28 P.M. Mendocino County Sheriff's Deputies received information from an Officer from the California Highway Patrol that a carjacking, with a firearm involved, had just occurred at Mile Post Marker 12 on Highway 162, Covelo. It was learned the victims in this crime, Michael Gunter, 30, of Willits and Richean Watchman, 31, of Willits, were in the area of Mile Post Marker 12 at the river. When the victims got into their vehicles (the red lifted Chevrolet truck, and another unknown vehicle) and began to drive away a large brown Ford truck cut the victims off, stopping both their vehicles. At that point Christopher Bayard II, 31, of Covelo, and Lori Schwarm, 30, of Covelo, exited the suspect vehicle. Bayard got out of the vehicle pointing an unknown type handgun at both victims. Bayard and Schwarm made the victim in the red lifted Chevrolet truck get out of the vehicle. Both Bayard and Schwarm then got into the Chevrolet truck and drove eastbound on Highway 162 towards Covelo. Deputies were given a description of the stolen vehicle (red lifted Chevrolet truck), and were also advised the vehicle was last seen traveling towards Covelo from Mile Post Marker 12 on Highway 162. Deputies located the suspect vehicle in the area of Mile Post Marker 21 on Highway 162, and a felony traffic stop was completed on the suspect vehicle in the 23000 block of Howard St., Covelo. At that time Christopher Bayard and Lori Schwarm were taken into custody. During contact with Bayard and Schwarm they both showed signs of being under the influence of a controlled substance. A used glass methamphetamine pipe and ammunition were located on the driver's side of the vehicle. Due to Bayard being a convicted felon, he was also arrested for possession of ammunition by a felon, and being in possession of drug paraphernalia. The suspect driving the Ford truck has not been identified and is still outstanding. Bayard and Schwarm were transported to the Mendocino County Jail where they were booked on the listed charges with bail set at $75,000.00 each. (Sheriff’s Press Release)
The following items were compiled from reports prepared by law enforcement agencies.
Willits Police Department
March 27
Ramon Ramirez Nieto, 43, of Willits, was arrested on suspicion of public intoxication.
Marvin Henry Richmond, 62, of Carmichael, was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving and violating probation.
March 29
Sean Christopher Delcampo, 37, of Willits, was arrested on suspicion of violating probation.
March 30
Joseph Paul Agrillo, 41, of Willits, was arrested on suspicion of violating probation.
Eugene Isadore Jacomella, 66, of Willits was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving.
April 1
Krista Marie Mitchum, 29, of Clearlake Oaks, was arrested on suspicion of burglary.
April 3
Richard Edward Davis, 48, of Willits, was arrested on suspicion of public intoxication.
Barbara Ann Sandford, 59. of Willits, was arrested on suspicion of public intoxication.
April 6
Jennifer Louise Tinsley, 31, of Ukiah, was arrested on an outstanding warrant.
Mendocino County Sheriffs Office
March 24
Matthew Eric Britton, 45, of Covelo, was arrested on suspicion of possession of a controlled substance and violating probation.
March 27
Ryan David Benz, 35, of Eureka, was arrested on suspicion of transport of marijuana for sale and
conspiracy to commit a crime.
Paul Hughes Winkler, 44, of Santa Cruz, was arrested on suspicion of transportation of marijuana afro sale and conspiracy to commit a crime.
March 28
Raymond Joseph Smith, 25, of Willits, was arrested on suspicion of committing offenses while out on bail and failing to register. Smith was arrested and released on March 23 for possession of hashish, providing false identification and possession of marijuana for sale.
March 29
John William Bolton, 37, of Willits, was arrested on suspicion of public intoxication and violating probation.
Deborah Gertrude McCloud, 22, of Covelo, was arrested on outstanding warrants and on suspicion of possession of methamphetamine.
March 30
Noah Seth Ericksen, 27, of Eureka, was arrested on suspicion of possession and cultivation of marijuana for sale.
David Lee Joaquin, 43, of Covelo, was arrested on suspicion of violating community supervision.
Michael Gene Glass, 50, of Willits began serving time for probation violations and for being under the influence of a controlled substance. He is scheduled for release on April 8.
March 31
John Maurice Gibson, 35, of Covelo, was arrested on suspicion of violating felony probation.
April 1
Raphael Saunders Knapp, 26, of San Francisco, was arrested on suspicion of possession of marijuana for sale and conspiracy to commit a crime.
Jack Stewart Owsley, 51, of Willits, was arrested in Ukiah on suspicion of grand theft.
April 2
Joseph Blanco, 40, of Miami, Florida, was arrested on suspicion of transport of marijuana for sale and conspiracy to commit a crime.
Charles Vernon Griswould, 68, of Spring City, Utah, was arrested on suspicion of engaging in three or more acts of substantial sexual conduct with a child under 14.
Sean Manuel Molina, 44, of Stockton, was arrested on suspicion of transportation of marijuana for sale.
April 4
Daniel Scott Waring, 36, of Willits, was arrested on suspicion of being an ex felon with a loaded firearm and violating probation.
California Highway Patrol
March 24
Zachary Hebert Leclair, 29, of Willits, was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving.
March 26
Rebecca Lee Franke, 22, of Miranda, was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving.
March 28
Heather Sunshine Hawthorne, 28, of Laytonville, was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving.
March 29
Eric John Burtleson, 48, of La Quinta, was arrested on suspicion of being a fugitive from justice, possession of methamphetamine and vandalism.
Antonio De Jesus Calderonrosas, 23, of Willits, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs causing great bodily injury, vehicle theft, possession of methamphetamine, reckless driving with injury, being under the influence of a controlled substance, violating probation, assault with a deadly weapon, resisting peace officers, possession of drug paraphernalia, receiving stolen property, burglary and possession of burglary tools.
Luis John Oliver, 27, of Covelo, was arrested on suspicion of violating probation, possession of a controlled substance, being an ex-felon in possession of a firearm, evading a peace officer and committing offenses while on bail.
March 30
Louis Anthony Callahan, 48, of Sacramento, was arrested on suspicion of possession of a controlled substance.
Jesse Franklin Wolf, 28, of Willits, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs and possession of marijuana for sale.
March 31
Kevin Lee Jordan, 36, of Sunnyvale, was arrested in the Willits area on suspicion of transportation of marijuana for sale.
Vanessa Nell, 33, of Lakeport, was arrested in the Willits area on suspicion of being under the influence of a controlled substance, trespass and possession of hashish.
Grace Jeanette Turner, 48, of Ukiah, was arrested in the Willits area on suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs and being under the influence of a controlled substance.
April 4
Jessica Olivia Bentel, 32, of Laytonville, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence.
Malcolm Davis, 25; Vanessa Lynn Diaz, 25; and Julio Antonio Hernandez, 28,of Bronx, New York, were arrested near Leggett on suspicion of transportation of marijuana for sale.
Adam Michael Kendall, 25, of Vallejo, was arrested on suspicion of driving without a license and possession and transportation of marijuana for sale.
Ukiah Police Department
April 1
Jody Allen McCoy, 25, of Covelo, was arrested on suspicion of burglary.
April 3
Jacqueline Elizabeth Sheroisick, 27, of Willits, was arrested on suspicion of vehicle theft.
Mendocino County District Attorney's Office
March 30
Florine Ester Fulwider, 60, of Covelo, was arrested on suspicion of possession of marijuana for sale.
Mendocino Major Crimes Task Force
March 28
Christopher Troy Wiley, 21, of Willits was arrested on suspicion of possession of a controlled substance.
March 29
Tia Jean Higgins, 23, of Ukiah, was arrested on suspicion of possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia.
April 3
Luis Alfredo Villalobos, 21, of Ukiah, was arrested on suspicion of cultivation and possession of marijuana for sale.
(Courtesy, the Willits News)
The following were compiled from reports prepared by the Ukiah Police Department.
DRINKING IN CAR -- Caller in the 1200 block of North State Street reported at 2:09 a.m. Monday that two men driving in a white sedan were drinking in the car. An officer checked the area but did not find the car.
WINDOW BROKEN -- Caller in the 200 block of Observatory Avenue reported at 9:02 a.m. Monday that a boulder was thrown through a window. An officer responded and took a report.
TRANSIENTS CAMPING -- Caller in the 200 block of Ruddock Avenue reported at 10 a.m. Monday that two people were setting up camp along the creek. An officer responded and the people left.
SAW STOLEN -- Caller in the 900 block of North State Street reported at 10:28 a.m. Monday that a chop saw was stolen.
HOSPITAL WORKER PUNCHED -- Caller at Ukiah Valley Medical Center reported at 12:05 p.m. Monday that an employee had just been punched in the face by a man being restrained. No report was desired.
ROOSTERS IN CITY -- Caller in the 700 block of South State Street reported at 2:45 p.m. Monday that someone had two roosters. The information was forwarded to a Community Services officer.
SPEEDING CAR -- Caller on Burlington Drive reported at 3:17 p.m. Monday having an ongoing problem with a gray Dodge Charger "speeding up and down the street every day" in the afternoon.
IRATE MAN IN DRIVE-THRU -- Caller at Bank of America on South State Street reported at 5:40 p.m. Monday that a man in a Honda was banging on the drive-up window "yelling obscenities" and threatening to come back for the employees the following day. The callers were advised to call back if the man returned.
DUI ARREST -- An officer stopped a vehicle in the 1400 block of South State Street at 9:52 p.m. Monday and arrested Lynden Laseter, 62, of Ukiah, on suspicion of driving under the influence.
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