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MCT Monday

About Tim Lincecum… Just like a drinker to assume he was stoned when you saw him have an off-day! On behalf of the Defense Committee I steer you to the AVA’s account of Lincecum’s bust after the 2009 season:

About the N-Judah… In the late ‘90s we were living in the Inner Sunset when Muni, with fanfare, replaced its old N-Judah cars. The new double- and triple-jointed units, manufactured in Italy, were expensive and screeched piercingly for about 10 seconds when they made the sharp turns on 9th Street. Residents, awakened every night, screeched back. Muni brought in consulting engineers and a partial fix ensued. It took about a year… We had a perfect little Dolger-built house –two bedrooms and a back porch that we used as a bedroom, with a basement and a backyard, for $1,250/month. Our landlady was living with her elderly mother in the Excelsior. We understood that when her mother died, we’d have to find another place. She never raised our rent for seven and a half years, never came by to inspect. We left the place in better shape than we found it.

I used to have the real estate knack

but all that I gaineth I giveth back

only to wind up with you in this cozy old

shack in the Sunset in the Sunset years

Obviously I did everything wrong

Except one or two that strung me along

the road to the club we call Chez Nancy Wong

a shack in the Sunset in the Sunset years

Where there’s noodles at midnight

if you’re in need of a treat

Where the Judah car makes an ‘N’

and careens down the streeeeet

I still believe that it’s all within reach

a big enough place between here and the beach

and from each and according to each

a shack in the Sunset in the Sunset years

The blood orange Sunset years

and the cool gray Sunset years

About Cannabis Use Disorder… For openers, it’s a misnomer. As Benson Hausman, MD, points out –and others in the Society of Cannabis Clinicians agree– it’s not the herb itself but one compound, THC, that is causing dependency in some users. “THC Use Disorder” would be a more accurate term, according to Hausman, because it’s not the plant that’s causing dependence but the one compound that ganjapreneurs are pushing. The American Psychiatric Association doesn’t list “Somniferum Use Disorder” or “Coca Leaf Disorder” in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. Specific compounds within the plant are singled out as being addictive –morphine, heroin, cocaine, etc.

For a more detailed commentary, Google “Cannabis Use Disorder“

It’s uncouth to say “I told you so,” but O’Shaughnessy’s foresaw decades ago that “Whiteman is apt to exploit marijuana the way he exploited coca and poppies and ephedra –by creating processed or synthesized versions of the active ingredients that produce effects 10 or 50 or 100 times stronger than people could achieve by smoking or chewing or making tea from the ‘crude’ plants.” And so it came to pass. The Industry that subsumed the medical marijuana movement now peddles products with megadoses of THC appropriate for patients coping with cancer pain.

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