Norma A. Scaramella Iversen Combes, a longtime Mendocino Coast resident passed away peacefully in her sleep on Tuesday, December 17, 2024 after 99 years and 8 months of living a full life.
She was born on April 7, 1925 on the Charlie Lawson Ranch. Josephine Ciapusci Aquistapace was her midwife. Her parents were Ferdinand and Ancilla (Curti) Scaramella from Italy. Norma attended grammar school in Manchester and High School in Point Arena. She graduated in 1943. She married Sam (Spud) Iversen and had two daughters, Cheri Piper Carlstedt (Butch) and Cynthia Reynolds Sundstrom (Gary). Cynthia proceeded her in death in 2010. She is survived by her daughter Cheri Carlstedt and her son-in-law Butch who lives in Point Arena, her brother Raymond Scaramella and his wife Sadie, her sister Lynda Curtis and her husband Howard. She was proceeded in death by her older brothers Bobie Scaramella, Alfredo Scaramella, Elmer Scaramella (Aggie), and her sister Esther Bean (Ralph). She had six grandchildren: Nikki Piper, Ericka Guynes, Heidi Piper, Greg Reynolds, Chad Sundstrom, and Trevor Sundstrom; eleven great grandchildren: Casie Smith, Bella Brostrom, Claire Guynes, Dominic Sahl, Andrew Reynolds, Ali Reynolds, Taylor Reynolds (deceased), Lucy and Will Sundstrom, Justin, Sabrina, and Ryan Sundstrom; and seven great, great grandchildren as well as many nieces and nephews and her God Daughter Angela Opperman and many good friends.
She worked at Bank Of America for 25 years, two in Point Arena and 23 in Fort Bragg. She was a beachcomber, bottle digger, collector, fly fisherwoman, hunter, and one hell of a woman. She could play scrabble, and cards with the best of them. She loved to play the slots, and have a good drink with friends. One of her friends Sonny Handley said, “She could out dig most of the guys!” She always had a kind word to say, and spoke her mind when she needed to. She was loved by many.
Honoring her wishes no funeral services are planned. In the summer there will be a small family burial in the St. Aloysius Catholic Cemetery in Point Arena. Any memorial donations can be made to The Redwood Coast Humane Society at PO Box 1072, Gualala, CA 95445.

Whitesboro Grange Sunday Morning Breakfast CANCELLED
Our former Grange president, Bob Canclini passed away yesterday at age 93. In respect for his family, we have opted to cancel this Sunday's breakfast. Arrangements for a memorial will be issued by his family at a later time. At this time we ask for their privacy, as well as your grace and kindness as they navigate through this difficult time
Dear Anderson Valley Community,
I hope this update finds you well! Our schools are bustling with activity and students are learning, playing, and having fun.
Photos from FFA: FFA members who participated in the Leadership Conference in Rohnert Park, and two students with goat kids!
District Updates
Murals at AVES
Many have shared concerns about murals at Anderson Valley Elementary School. The murals were removed when the buildings were painted and the new panther logos were installed. Some love the new look, feeling it is clean and fresh, while others miss the murals, feeling that those contribute to the warmth and feel of the campus.
Our previous administrators saved the old murals for us; they are in storage. The murals are in various states of disrepair, due to effects of weather and age on materials that were not designed to withstand the elements. Some may be able to be restored while others will not.
In order to ensure everyone’s thoughts have been considered, we are asking for your input!
Please take this survey to share your thoughts about murals on the AVES campus.
Please consider attending our Mural Meeting at AVES, on February 6th at 4:00 p.m. in Room 19, to review the data collected, view a slide show about the murals, and provide final input for Mr. Ramalia as he and his team make final decisions regarding old, new, and future murals at AVES!
Immigration Support & Updates
Anderson Valley USD is committed to its students and families. Please see the attached Board Policy and Administrative Regulations, as they pertain to immigration support. We will have these translated into Spanish soon, and I will share them again at that time. Below are some key points from our Administrative Regulation; I apologize for awkward translation, due to my use of Google translate:
I encourage all students and families to update their emergency contact information throughout the school year and to provide alternative contacts, including an identified trusted adult guardian, in case a student’s parent/guardian is detained or is otherwise unavailable.
Information on the emergency card will only be used in response to specific emergency situations and not for any other purpose.
I encourage all students and families to learn their emergency phone numbers and be aware of the location of important documents inducing birth certificates, passports, social security cards, physicians’ contact information, medication lists, lists of allergies,and other such information that would allow the students and families to be prepared in the event a family member is detained or deported.
In the event that a student’s parent/guardian is detained or deported by federal immigration authorities, the superintendent or designee shall release the student to the person(s) designated on the student’s emergency contact information or to any individual who presents a caregiver’s authorization affidavit on behalf of the student…
Here are some resources for families who are concerned about immigration enforcement:
Adult School Classes Will Start The First Week Of February
Please see the adult school website for class information, including teachers, cost, and meeting days and times. If you wish to register, you can attend the open house registration event on Sunday, February 26th from 1- 3 p.m., visit the Adult School website at, email, or call 895-2953. Thanks!
We love to see parents at our events, supporting their kids. If you would like to be more involved, please contact your school’s principal, Mr. Ramalia at AVES or Mr. McNerney at AV Jr/Sr High, or me, district superintendent, Kristin Larson Balliet.
We are deeply grateful for our AVUSD families.
With respect,
Kristin Larson Balliet, Superintendent
Anderson Valley Unified School District
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