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Group Speaks Out To Supes On Homeless

A recently formed group of frustrated property and business owners addressed the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors Tuesday to request they take more action to protect residents from the costs and damage inflicted by what one member described as the “Homeless Industrial Complex.”

“I’m here today to ask the board to take corrective action on the disarray of our Homeless Industrial Complex,” said Julie Golden, describing herself as “exhausted and overwhelmed from the actions I personally have to take, to call code enforcement, the sheriff and the city of Ukiah Police Department for illegal camping, trespassing and dumping on all of my private properties. I have to engage all of my employees to protect and defend my property boundaries (on a daily basis), cleaning up and filling up trailers with debris to be taken away (and repeating the process the next day).

“Our creeks and streams are an environmental disaster, with human feces and needles strewn everywhere, drugs and debris endangering our health and safety, not to mention the devastation and destruction of fish habitat,” continued Golden. “If I committed even one of these offenses in a waterway, I would be fined, and quite possibly arrested. Whether housed or unhoused, all citizens are subject to the rule of law, (and) the City of Ukiah and the County of Mendocino have been derelict in protecting its citizens, their private property, and the environment. I look forward to the actions you will take to acknowledge the misuse of millions of taxpayer dollars that flood this county each year, and I look forward to the plan you implement to address the chronic disarray, which can be addressed when everyone in this room becomes accountable.”

Golden, Adam Gaska and Kerri Vau all introduced themselves to the board as members of Mendo Matters, which Gaska described as “a group of business owners, property owners, and concerned citizens who are united by the shared goal of improving the vitality of our community (and) believe the current approaches are insufficient in resolving the persistent challenges we face as a county, and we urge the implementation of new, effective strategies.

“We respectfully request the immediate adoption of the Care Response Unit model, developed by the city of Fort Bragg in collaboration with the Marbut Report,” Gaska said, reading from a statement he provided to the board. “The CRU model was originally designed to address the homeless crisis in Fort Bragg and is based on the findings of Dr. Robert Marbut’s comprehensive study on homelessness in Mendocino County, conducted between 2019-2021. While Fort Bragg has successfully adopted his recommendations, they have yet to be implemented county-wide. We strongly believe that the county-wide adoption of the CRU model will enhance both the safety and appeal of Mendocino County for residents and visitors alike. The model offers nearly 30 recommendations, including the principle of ‘engage, don’t enable,’ a zero-tolerance policy toward encampments, and the reduction of redundant services.”

Vau also addressed the board, stating that “a significant amount of taxpayer money is being spent to fuel what has become a multi-million dollar ‘homeless economy’ in our county, however, this board does not appear to know the total dollars spent per individual, nor the cost-benefit outcomes. I am requesting this board initiate a comprehensive audit and cost/benefit analysis to determine exactly how much each homeless individual (both housed and unhoused) is costing this county. This should include all relevant service agencies such as fire, police, sheriff, hospitals, public works, etc. Also, there should be a requirement and condition of funding that all county contractual service providers submit verifiable documentation of monies they received from both the state and federal governments.”

Vau ended her comments by saying that the “Mendo Matters group is formally requesting the board add this request to a future meeting agenda within the next 60 days.”

After Gaska read his statement, 5th District Supervisor Ted Williams said that he had “brought forward an item on this topic almost a year ago, in September of 2023, and I can bring forward another item — or is something already underway?”

Board Chairwoman Maureen Mulheren said there was an item already underway, and when Williams asked if the board “could give the public an estimate on when” it might be discussed, Mulheren said, “I have been working actively with (Mendocino County Sheriff) Matt Kendall, the CEO’s Office, Social Services and Behavioral Health on coming up with a solution for the inland Ukiah Valley, as well as the entire county, that works with the principles of some of the things that CRU does, as well as what other programs are doing to really create united policy and process, rather than just dealing with the problems as they arise.”

When prodded for a “rough date,” Mulheren said, “I’m hoping we’ll be able to bring forward something mid-October, late October, possibly November.”


  1. Nunya September 20, 2024


  2. Lazarus September 20, 2024

    “When prodded for a “rough date,” Mulheren said, “I’m hoping we’ll be able to bring forward something mid-October, late October, possibly November.”

    One of the 3 Great Lies…
    Have a nice day,

    • Bob Abeles September 20, 2024

      It’s a concept of a plan. (Bob ducks)

  3. Mazie Malone September 20, 2024

    Happy Friday.

    A ridiculous demand although I understand the frustration………………………

    mm 💕

    • Call It As I See It September 20, 2024

      What’s the harm in trying this suggestion out County wide. What do we have to lose? If you think these programs that are currently addressing these issues are working, they’re failing miserably. If you don’t like what this group proposes, then come up with a solution.

      • MAGA Marmon September 20, 2024

        Mazie has been influenced by Jan McGourty and they are determined to believe that the only answer is a CIT program. Jan and her supporters have been enraged because all our Law Enforcement Agencies have rejected the so called program and training.

        MAGA Marmon

        • Mazie Malone September 20, 2024

          Actually you are wrong my influence on CIT was entirely from somewhere else not in Mendo. That was a NAMI influenced project that went down the tubes, had nothing to do with me. The only reason I care about CIT is because yes officers should have special training in handling these matters, but more than that a supportive cohesive system that is educated and intervening appropriately. I had nothing at all to do with CIT but it was in the works and by far a much better advancement in protocols, practices and care.

          mm 💕

      • Mazie Malone September 20, 2024

        Call it……………………
        Of course, I do not think they are working in fact like everyone else I know that so why believe for 1 second CRU will work? A hope and a prayer? People need immediate care and interventions an actual house or shelter is the first step to compel stability and adherence to any treatments necessary. Demanding people leave, get treatment or jail as a choice is not going to work for the majority. So, for the limited numbers it will help great, but for the goal of 0 tolerance on homelessness and poverty, Mental Illness and Addiction the answer is Housing, treatment and support long term. Worried about supporting transients with your hard-earned tax dollars? Let’s find out how many there actually are. If I were rich, I would be housing and feeding people suppose I could become a non-profit and do something ……hahaha instead I will just bitch, complain and offer my 2 cent opinion…………………………in 2 or 3 years……….get back to me and grovel…

        mm 💕

    • Adam Gaska September 21, 2024

      How is it ridiculous?

      It makes the program consistent throughout the County.

      It’s not about criminalizing homelessness or poverty . It’s about not allowing people’s self harm to extend out and harm the community. No one has the right to harm others through their behavior. I consider pooping in creeks, publicly using drugs, strewing needles, shoplifting and general vagrancy harmful to the community. Being addicted to drugs or mentally ill is not justification and the behaviors shouldn’t be tolerated.

      The CRU program isn’t just about sending the three outreach workers to hold hands with people and support them into accessing services. It also includes increased enforcement of laws that already exist. It means not tolerating people being a public nuisance.

      I have been having a lot of conversations with people in our community. Most support being more insistent on people taking advantage of the service and treatment options available. They support increased consequences for people being a public nuisance. Most believe that the number one factor in why people are homeless is drug addiction.

      We also need to build more affordable housing. There just isn’t enough. The 170 units slated to be built on the south end of Ukiah is a drop in the bucket and not within reach for most people. Most can’t afford a $500,000 house with a $3000/month mortgage. We need apartments, small condos, townhouses.

  4. MAGA Marmon September 20, 2024

    Fort Bragg Mayor Bernie Norvell’s plan to address homelessness county-wide

    “FORT BRAGG, CA — Fort Bragg Mayor Bernie Norvell, recently elected by over 81% of the vote in District 4 to serve on the County Board of Supervisors, will take office on January 1, 2025. Coming to county government with him is his plan to replicate the success of the City of Fort Bragg’s Care Response Unit (CRU) for the entire county of Mendocino.”


    MAGA Marmon

    • Chuck Dunbar September 20, 2024

      The Coast rules! But glad to share our mayor with the whole County, good for all of us, if he can lead the way with a workable, humane, homeless program.

  5. Ron43 September 20, 2024

    It’s not rocket science to implement what is already working!
    Come on supervisors.

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