Every year people say, “I just haven’t got the holiday spirit (yet).” Here’s a list of holiday boosters more or less guaranteed to give you at least a twinge of spirit. Remember childhood when Santa Claus was coming to town? And remember- he’s making a list…checking it twice… gonna to find out who’s naughty and nice. Lots of choices below - some overlapping. Pick the ones you like the best and take a tour of lots of laughing kids, parents who are trying to keep up and a bedazzling variety of goods designed to delight. Don’t be a Scrooge - live a little and get your red and green on.

In Anderson Valley:
Dec. 1- Tree Lighting at the Boonville Hotel starting at 5:30. Cups of soup and good cheer in a benefit for the AV Food Bank.
Dec. 3- Unity Club Bazaar at the BV Fairgrounds 10-4 gifts, raffle, food, music, Santa. Support the Unity Club because the Unity Club is always supporting our community.
Dec. 4- is the Holiday Community Dinner put on by the AV Grange and AV Foodshed. A monster potluck 5-8- all your friends will be there. The basics will be provided by hosts but you bring a dish to share.
Dec. 10- find a Winter Market at the AV Brewery 1-4 (also check out their many musical offerings throughout December online) An example of music is Bob Day and Erica Zissa on Dec. 16th 4-6.
Dec. 11- A real Bonfire sponsored by The Village. A chance to symbolically burn up every bad thought you want to leave behind and to banish the gloom of 2022! AV Senior Center Hwy. 128 BV- bring paper and pen.
In Ukiah:
Dec. 3- Ukiah Parade of Lights (combination of truckers and downtown parades) 6 PM State Street
Dec. 3 & 4- Ukiah Symphony Holiday Celebration with Mendo College Chorus and Guest soloists Sat. 7:30 Sun. 2:00 Mendocino College Theater
12/15- 12/31- Visit “The Bush House” 5000 lights at 1161 N. Bush Ukiah
In Willits:
Dec. 2, 3, 26, 27 and 30th Skunk Xmas Tree Train to Santa Mr. Skunk. A 16-mile trip into the redwoods for a meet up with Mr. Santa Skunk. $59.95 @ seat, $94.95 V.I.P., $10.95 for your dog and infants are free. Tickets online.
Dec. 9-10 Willits Center for the Arts Holiday Crafts Fair. Fri. noon-7, Sat. 10-4 www.willitscenterforthearts.com 71 Commercial St. Willits. Some really artistic items show up at this fair.
In Fort Bragg:
Nov. 25- Dec. 18 Mendocino County Coast Botanical Gardens Festival of Lights 5-7 each night rain or shine. Hot chocolate, apple cider, sweets, gift shop $10 and kids under 16 are free. Buy tickets online.
Every Monday Night 6-9 Mendocino Coast Jazz Band and Swing Dance lessons upstairs at the Company Store above Kokko’s Bar 301 N. Main. Every Thursday 5-7 Blues and Jazz
In Mendocino:
Dec. 19- Gloriana Musical Chorus 7 PM- Victorian costumes. Mendo Presbyterian Church 44831 Main St.
Dec. 25- Xmas at Ford House includes scale model of Mendocino Village in 1890- 45035 Main Street
In Point Arena:
Dec. 10- Hometown Holidays 11-7 tree lighting, carolers, crafts, music and treats Main Street also Point Arena Lighthouse will be open 10-3:30 at 45500 Lighthouse Rd. cider, cookies and gift shop.
In Gualala:
Nov. 25 & 26- 10-4 at Gualala Art Center- Festival of Trees, Arts and Crafts, Mrs. Claus Bakeshop, Santa photo op and ugly sweater competition in three divisions; Best overall, Best group, Best pet
In Sonoma County
In Cloverdale:
Dec. 1- Nicholas Beard Trio- Silky baritone sings jazz standards and holiday favorites with piano and bass- 7:00 at Cloverdale Arts Alliance Gallery 204 N. Cloverdale Blvd. $25 buy tickets online Cloverdale Arts Alliance
Dec. 2- Winter Festival 4:30-8:30 downtown. music, food, shops, sights and sounds of the Holidays
Dec. 3, 4, 10, 11- The Elves and the Shoemaker a holiday play at Cloverdale Center for the Performing Arts $10 adult, $5 kids . Sat. 7:30, Sun. 2:00- 209 N. Cloverdale Blvd.
Dec. 17- Matthew Witthaus, Tika and the Moonshines and Leddy Park Band at Performing Arts Center (see above) 7:30 $15.
In Healdsburg:
Dec. 2- Merry Healdsburg Tree Lighting 5-8:30 on the Plaza – complimentary Santa photo, hot chocolate, carriage rides and live music
Dec. 10 & 11- 3-4:30 Season of Light Healdsburg Chorus “Joyful Collection of Holiday Tunes” Raven Theater 115 N St. $20
In Windsor:
Dec. 1- Holiday Celebration and Tree Lighting on the Town Green- artificial “snowfall”, music, food, crafts
In Santa Rosa:
Nov. 25-Dec. 31- Winter Lights Synthetic Ice Rink at Old Court House Square- skates to rent there is a fee to skate
Nov. 26- Dec. 19- “Scrooge in Love” a play at the 6th Street Playhouse 52 W. 6th St. 707 523-4185
Dec. 3- Have your picture taken with “Santa Paws” at the Santa Rosa Farm Supply $25 benefits Canine Companions 21 W. 7th St. Santa Rosa
Dec. 11- John Denver’s Rocky Mountain Xmas – Luther Burbank Center 3:00
Dec. 17- French Winter Fair 11 AM Courthouse Square Santa Rosa
In Sebastopol:
Dec. 4- 12-3 Holiday Gift Away- A fun ecological way to get “new to you” household items and clothes and giveaway quality reusable goods 6000 Sebastopol Ave.
In Guerneville:
Dec. 3- Parade of Fairy Lights 7-8:30
In Occidental:
Dec. 10- Occidental Holiday Crafts Fair 10-5 at Occidental Community Farmers Market 3611 Bohemian Hwy.
In Lake County:
Dec. 4- Harwood Park Xmas Bazaar 10-4 Harwood Hall- Laytonville
Dec. 10- Xmas in Middletown 3-7 Santa, tree light, shops, library craft bazaar
Dec. 21- “How the Grinch Stole Xmas” the Jim Carrey movie- wear your PJ’s 6:00 Soper Reese Community Theater 275 S. Main Lakeport.
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