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Murray Sentencing Postponed

KEVIN MURRAY SENTENCING has been postponed, and no new date has been announced by presiding judge, Ann Moorman. Murray, a former Ukiah police officer, had been scheduled to be sentenced today in a highly suspicious plea deal that saw his felony charges of rape and sexual assault magically reduced to misdemeanors with no jail time. This case, the most controversial in Mendocino County in many years, grows curiouser and curiouser. 


  1. Marmon August 24, 2022

    I figure they all believe this guy should be treated differently because his victims were trash, or Eyster doesn’t want all the cases this guy was involved in re-litigated.


  2. Jane Doe August 24, 2022


  3. John Sakowicz August 24, 2022

    A suspended sentence? Really?

    Kevin Murray is a creep. A disgrace to the UPD uniform he once wore.

    A suspended sentence is a miscarriage of justice and an insult to good cops everywhere! Kevin Murray belongs in prison where other inmates can mete out some jailhouse justice.

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