NANCY GALBREATH JOHNSON is not dead. A prankster of the malicious type sent us an informal announcement that she had died, which we assumed was true because what kind of jerk would send out a statement lamenting the death of a person who is alive? Mrs. Johnson’s family is understandably upset about the false report, as are we.
ON FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 2022, the statewide requirement for vaccine verification or proof of negative tests for attendees at Indoor Mega Events will be lifted and will move to a strong recommendation. This shift acknowledges that case rates and hospitalizations are declining statewide from their peak during the Omicron surge, but also that Indoor Mega Events continue to involve several factors that increase the risk of transmission of COVID-19. (Mendocino Public Health)
A LOCAL WRITES re PG&E’s destructive “line clearing project”: “One of the most dreadful sounds is that of these massive trees giving way and falling in pieces to the ground. Saws are another dreadful sound. They came here last Friday with a chorus of saws like I have never heard. So. Many. I’m watching a parasitic takedown majestic madrone this morning. I also noticed that the fir that was part of the landscape yesterday is gone today. Does anyone know if they are leaving soon? Do they have any limits or is this going to be complete destruction? Poor Indian Creek. Poor everywhere. Parasites.”
ANOTHER LOCAL ASKS: “Ok. This may sound really dumb…Why does the mailbox in front of the PO look like it has a walker? Lol. Is it a new security thing? It just looks funny.”
THE INSTALLER of the new “walker” around the mail box, Rod Balson, said he and others had noticed that the elderly were using the mailbox to help themselves up the high curb fronting the Boonville Post Office, thus loosening the mailbox's attachment bolts. The bars, molded and welded by ace local metal worker Steve Rhoades, are made from auto exhaust pipes. They are designed to give elders a handhold for getting up and onto the sidewalk.
DROUGHT. Lake Mendocino is about half full and dropping fast. The Russian River is being fed just enough water to keep it flowing to store as much water in the reservoirs as possible. Optimists said we’d get a half-inch of rain last weekend, but not even half of a third hit the ground.
FROM SUNDAY’S WEATHER FORECAST: “Otherwise, showers will spread across the area this evening, and will continue through Monday afternoon, followed by dissipation during Monday night.” Uh, how about those of us who are too old to enjoy dissipation?
MENDOCINO COUNTY FAIR dates for 2022: September 23, 24 & 25. Management assured us, ““We are busy making plans for a GREAT 2022 FAIR!
MENDOCINO COUNTY’S NEWEST PROBATION OFFICER: Drake Mezzanato is a graduate of AVHS, class of 2013.

The AVHS Ag Dept could use your help.
“How can I help?” you ask.
The students are installing raised garden beds. We have a BIG pile of compost soil we made and will use to fill the beds, but it is not enough.
We need soil for the raised beds.
Today, Monday, I was a Costco and they had 50 quart (1.6 cu ft) bags of organic soil on sale until April 3rd. I bought my membership 10 bag limit.
If you are a Costco member, would you buy bags of soil for us? I estimate we could use another 50 bags. You can be reimbursed for the purchase with a receipt. If you would like to donate we will write you a donation letter. Again, the last day of the sale is April 3rd.
Thank you for considering!
I WATCH the Channel 7 News because they are “Building a Better Bay Area,” and “finding solutions” and “moving forward.” I herewith vow to build a better Boonville, find solutions and move forward.
FIRST THING to building a better Boonville would be traffic cameras, second a bench downtown for Jose Garcia, third trees, fourth flowers, fifth a training burn of the Ricard kindling at Haehl and 128.
STILL AND ALL, Boonville made Architectural Digest’s list of the 50 most beautiful places in the United States, which is hyperbole above and beyond although the mag probably meant the Anderson Valley taken as an aesthetic whole. Boonville has its attractions but beauty’s stretching it.
QUAIL HOLLOW PRE-SCHOOL: Hello families! We have two spots open at Quail Hollow preschool. This is a Waldorf inspired, play based preschool in downtown Boonville. We have a waiting list for the fall but have had a couple of rare openings mid-year. We take children 2 1/2 to kindergarten age and children must be potty trained (with some exceptions made for kids who are almost there). If you are considering preschool for next September I have a waiting list so signing up now will ensure your child’s spot for next year as well. Program runs Monday through Thursday 9 AM to 1 PM with an option of aftercare until 5 PM. Send me a message for more info and to schedule a tour
A LOCAL RECOMMENDS: Finally got my long awaited “bodywork” from Anderson Valley’s highly recommended ‘AbraKaDebra.’ She’s friendly, affordable and she really knows the mechanics of the human body. I got some pre-Covid injuries worked out plus a bit of acupressure and acupuncture…Wow! So stoked she’s once again available Monday thru Friday in downtown Boonville! (707) 357-3068
IN THE FIFTH DISTRICT John Redding has filed to run against incumbent Ted Williams. According to Redding’s campaign website:
For the last three years I have been the Treasurer of the Mendocino Coast Health Care District, an elected position. During that time, the Board secured the future of the hospital by entering into an affiliation with Adventist Health to operate our facilities, launching plans to build a new health care facility and formulating a plan that will both retire all term debt and set aside money for the new facility. But the sustainability of any healthcare facility depends upon a thriving, prosperous community with new jobs and new housing. I was prompted to run for the Board because of the lack of urgency for addressing these needs throughout the County.
GIVEN the political demographic of the fifth district we doubt the incumbent has much to worry about, but we’re glad Redding is running against Williams, who has been an ongoing disappointment on arguably the weakest, least responsible board of supervisors in memory, and this county has seen some doozies.
FROST FANS have disturbed the sleep of a thousand or so Valley people three times so far this grape season, and I remain surprised how many locals still don’t know that this annual nuisance has lessened their property values. If you sell you’ll have to disclose to the buyer that they can expect to bolt upright out of their 3am bowers at what sounds like a combat helicopter landing on their roofs. Locals can count on at least 15 mornings in late March through early April when their sleep will be destroyed. Of course official Mendo assuming the prone position at the foot of any entity with money, all noise abatement laws are waived for the wine industry.
The second installment of your 2021-2022 Secured tax bill is due by Monday April 11, 2022 without penalty. Postmarks dated 4/11/2022 are accepted as a timely. When the statutory due date falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the hour of delinquency is 5:00pm the next business day.
You may pay online at, search by your parcel number or address. You may also drop your check payment at the County Administration drop box located in the drive through roundabout. The drop box will be closed on Monday April 11, 2022 at 5pm. Please see the Tax Collector website at for more information.
Thank you!
FREE FOOD PHILO, an initiative of Love to Table, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, is distributing meals in town to those in need. We cook nourishing meals using produce from our farm and others, and would love to offer you a warm lunch on Monday March 27. If you could use a home cooked meal, or have a friend in mind who does, please call or text Arline Bloom (415) 308-3575, who will head up distribution in town.
~ This week’s menu ~
Steak Salad
Homemade Bread Rolls
Chocolate Pudding
Thank you for letting us be of service.
For more information on Free Food Philo / Love to Table, check out:
If you’d like to volunteer with us to cook or prepare the meals, please reach out. You can donate to our efforts here as well:
Our meal this week is made possible with donations from New Agrarian Collective, Community Grains, Central Milling, Sonoma County Meat Co., Sierra Nevada Cheese Company
ANN SIRI, from the Siris’ workshop in the hills above Philo: This is a project we engineered and built a few years ago for an artist (Ned Kahn) It could change tilt, change speed of rotation or stop. He put some sand in the top which would make impressive patterns. There was a big story he had to go with the flowing sand. This 20ft. Dia. creation had to assemble and disassemble to fit through doors in a museum because it was for a traveling museum show.

GOOD NEWS FROM UKIAH: Hey, hikers! Ukiah is about to get a new trail! Ukiah City Council has authorized an extension of the favorite City View Trail in Low Gap Park--the “Upper City View Trail” will add a one-mile loop to the upper leg of the existing trail. Who’s building it? The Ukiah Valley Trail Group and the CCC--work is beginning immediately, and the trail is expected to be open in May!
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