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Mendocino County Today: October 21, 2012


JACQUELINE AUDET, 22, aka Goldilocks, aka Pixie, was arrested on the Mendocino Headlands last Thursday (October 18th) for public intoxication and illegal camping and for probation violation. She was accompanied by Donald Jordan, 49, of Willits. Jordan was also arrested for public intoxication and illegal camping. Ms. Audet was so drunk that when a State Parks ranger took her into custody she became incontinent. We have discovered that Ms. Audet was born in Boone, North Carolina and seems to have been raised in the Big Bend area of Shasta County. Her mother is Pamela Audet. We couldn't find any information about her father, and we don't know if mother and child remain in contact. Ms. Audet came to our attention three years ago when a caller, worried about her welfare, asked us to draw attention to her self-destructive behavior. We hope she can be held long enough in the County Jail to come to her senses. At the time of Thursday's arrest, she was on probation out of Ten Mile Court for public intoxication, which should be the pretext for keeping her in custody beyond the usual weekend. At 4'11" and 97 pounds, apart from her drinking and the company she keeps, Ms. Audet poses a definite hazard to herself. She has written to us requesting that we butt out of her life but we think she's a poster child for the absence of rehab programs on the Northcoast. We will continue to follow Ms. Audet's misadventures.


C.W. NEVIUS writes for the SF Chronicle. Last week one of his columns was headlined, “City's progressives have lost their way,” and his lead sentence read, “There was a time when the far left wing of the Democratic Party stood for something.” The city's “progressives,” as Nevius describes the conventional liberals he's talking about, are not “left” in any traditional sense of the term which, in the days when words still had meaning, “left” meant persons hostile to capitalism as the basis for social-economic organization. The SF progs are not hostile to capitalism, and “far left” applied to any sector of the Democratic Party makes no sense. The whole show has been shoved so far to the right as the left has disappeared, there's only this purplish miasma of capital's servants slowly poisoning all of us. Progressive is merely a term some liberals apply to themselves, perhaps out of guilt that contrary to Nevius et al, that they stand for more of the same but with everyone talking nicer about each other.


STEVE DUNNICLIFF has been appointed Mendocino County's director of Planning and Building Services.

Dunnicliff has worked in the County CEO's office as Deputy CEO since June 2008.

He is also licensed as a real estate broker and as a general building contractor.

Dunnicliff has been working as interim Director of the Planning and Building Department since former interim planning director Roger Mobley resigned in August.

Jesse Denver Bacon
Jesse Willard Bacon

THE ITEM we posted on Thursday about the Sheriff’s Department announcement that “a small package of marijuana” was found in the County Jail cell of Jesse Bacon, 51, of Willits was accompanied by a picture of the wrong Jesse Bacon. Jesse Willard Bacon is the 51 year old guy who was in jail when a drug-sniffing dog sniffed out the dope in a toilet paper roll holding a mix of tobacco and marijuana in his cell then, proceeding to a suspiciously odiferous sock, discovered six small bundles of tobacco and marijuana according to Sheriff’s Lieutenant Greg Van Patten. Bacon, age 51, was charged with felony possession of drugs in jail, “and other misdemeanors.”

JESSE DENVER BACON, 29, is Jesse Willard Bacon’s son. Jesse Willard Bacon appears so frequently in the Sheriff’s booking log that we inadvertently ran the son’s picture with the item about his incarcerated father.

A READER IN UKIAH who is familiar with the Bacons tells us that Bacon Jr. is a “traveler” (aka itinerant dopehead) who has stopped traveling and become a more or less permanent fixture in the WalMart parking lot. Bacon Sr. is the one who  was arrested and jailed after he stole a car with a sleeping teenager on board. He let her out once he realized his mistake, but still could have been looking at serious time. Jesse Sr. was offered a plea deal on the lenient side, which he took. Then he was let out for a few days to get his affairs in order, which he apparently interpreted as being synonymous with packing his rectum full of dope. Originally from Tennessee, Jesse Sr. is said to be one of the numerous marijuana migrants drawn here by Mendo’s pot friendly reputation. His recent more serious  problems (the car heist, etc.) are said to stem from involvement with speed.


  1. Bobby McBobster October 15, 2022

    Yeah, their both total losers. The elder Bacon is dead and his son stole a fire pickup from Sonoma County Fire and crashed it in Healdsburg. Jesse Denver Bacon is his name. He graduated from methamphetamines to fentanyl and I’m expecting him to be dead from an overdose sooner than later. Let’s hope anyway. Waste good oxygen those two. That’s all they do.

  2. An Artist who got off the streets. June 15, 2024

    Jesse Denver Bacon may have fallen on hard times. He may be doing wrong and drugs may have forced him to the lowest standard. But there was a time where he was a trustworthy bestfriend and road dog. A kind person and someone who always had the back of his friends even at the roughest times of street life. . . He would take a charge if it ment you’d get away. He would make sure you were safe if you had blacked out and had people looking to do you harm. A protector of Innocent who disnt know better . I pray he finds his way back to health and wellness. Because he deserves better. .

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