BACK ON, APRIL 10th, Ralph Nader announced his support for the presidential candidacy of Rocky Anderson, former Democrat, former mayor of Salt Lake City, and the only progressive alternative to Obama. The libs are trotting out the same arguments for more of the same they’ve trotted out for the last 50 years — “We’ve got to go with the corporate Democrat because the other guy is worse.” Romney, an empty suit whose only principle is himself, would certainly be more irritating than Obama, but worse? Obama’s policies, everywhere you look, have been worse than Bush’s, and who thought any president could be worse than that murderous imbecile? But Obama has managed to be worse. One obvious benefit of Romney would be that he’d be sure to breathe expanded life into the Occupy movement just as the economy gets even worse than it is. As president, Romney would only accelerate the deterioration of the Obama Gang. Either way, it’s going to get rough. Down With Lesser Evil-ism! Go with The Rock!
GOOD NEWS for Ukiah. The courthouse planned for Ukiah, preliminarily described as nine courtrooms for $119 million, is one of 13 court projects under review for major downsizing or elimination. The new Mendocino County Courthouse will be reviewed to see if nine courtrooms are necessary. While they’re at it, the judges making the decision might also decide if 8 judges and a magistrate are necessary in a county with 90,000 people in it. Reduce the number of courtrooms, you reduce the number of ancillary offices and, thus, the size of the structure, and with funds tighter than ever, the monster proposed for Mendocino County just might not make the cut. The judge deciding the issue, a remote fellow named Hill, has said, “If we can't build the courthouses economically, we should cancel them.” Excuse me, yer honor, of course you can’t build them economically. No one can build anything economically anymore, let alone government. Anyway, it seems that the state legislature beat the judges to the money. Wes Chesbro and Co. took $750 million in court construction funds to balance this year's state budget. Persons opposed to the new Courthouse are urged to contact Laura Sainz at laura.sainz@jud.ca.gov, or via mail at: Laura Sainz, care of the Judicial Council of California, 2860 Gateway Oaks - Suite 400, Sacramento, Calif. 95883-3509. Tell Laura to get rid of the whole Courthouse and at least five of the judges and the magistrate.
DEPUTY DA Sergio Fuentes has been placed on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of a marijuana cultivation investigation. A search warrant was served Monday on the home in the Ukiah Valley the young attorney shares with his mother. Some 150 marijuana starts were found, all of them rumored to be Mom’s. Fuentes is one of 13 attorneys laboring in the DA’s criminal division. A graduate of Ukiah High School, Fuentes was hired by DA Meredith Lintott. His arrest has undoubtedly thrown a scare into the many closet stoners in the County Courthouse, but Fuentes is believed to be the only one involved in the production end of the business.
THE COURTHOUSE budget was a judges’ budget buster
So a new judge judger had to find a new adjuster
We know they’re going to whine
If she asks why we need nine
So the judges are unlikely to entrust her
One can only hope that USans will, some fine day, learn to count beyond the number two when it comes to voting and stop “choosing” between the slop served up by the single corporate party, with its two supposed wings, “both” of which lean far to the right. An Anderson presidency would suit me just fine.