MISS JACQUELINE AUDET, aka Goldilocks, writes: “Dear AVA, My name is Jacqueline Audet, not Goldilocks! Three times in a row now you have put my picture along with what seems like concern and slander against my acquaintances. I'm wondering why did you decide to target me, compared to many, many more serious cases and things that are happening in your own community? Yes, I enjoy drinking alcohol and sometimes I do drink too much. The purpose of this reply is that if you want to show your genuine concern, please talk to me instead of placing my personal business to the public without my consent. I am not a young, helpless lost kid. I do do other things than drink and I would appreciate your discontinuing putting me in your paper. Thank you. — Jacqueline Audet, Mendocino County Jail, Ukiah”
WE DO WANT to talk with you, Miss Audet, but we don't know how to reach you. And we want to talk with you because you've become of interest to a large number of Coast residents worried about your well being, mostly because in the Fort Bragg company you keep you look like Fay Wray in the clutches of King Kong. I just talked to the Fort Bragg Police Department about you. You have them worried, too. When they arrested you two weeks ago for ripping off a bag of potato chips at Safeway, someone at Safeway had called to say there's a young girl in here who's so drunk she can hardly stand up. That was you. The caller thought you were a young teenager. A large, untreated gash to your leg was noted. The cops sorted all this out, taking you to ER to get your leg attended to, and they even dried your clothes for you and made sure your dogs were cared for. They all know you, and they all say you invariably mouth off to them when they have to deal with you, evidence that drinking doesn't make you happy. They think you probably camp out near the Boatyard Shopping Center where you're often seen either under the influence or you're panhandling so you can get under the influence. You're a lot younger than most street drunks. That fact alone alarms everyone who encounters you. We want to know where you're from, how you came to be in Fort Bragg, who your people are, what happened to you to make you want to stay loaded. Of course none of this is any of our business but you've become a default public figure and, as I said, an object of widespread curiosity. We have heard you may be related to Mr. Wittenkeller, Fort Bragg's all-time drunk in public champ, presently incarcerated and looking at serious assault charges. Is he your Pops? Uncle? We hope you can get a grip on yourself before you get hurt. What you're doing to yourself is not good. There are people who get paid to help you. All you have to do is ask. We all hope you ask. And soon.

EARLY SUNDAY MORNING about 7, a pair of Oakland thugs busted through the front door of a Fort Bragg home at 32590 Boice Lane where they proceeded to attack Daniel Alonso, 29, with a crowbar and a knife. Alonso said he'd been asleep when the assault began. A neighbor heard the commotion and called 911. Alonso has arrests for cultivation and false imprisonment, and reportedly knew his assailants from prior, crowbar-free, transactions. Home invaders typically head south after doing their thing in Mendocino County, and on the assumption that Mr. Crowbar and Mr. Knife would be bombing down 128 toward 101 at Cloverdale, or east on 20 to 101 at Willits, deputies staked out both intersections. Sure enough, here came the getaway car, a red “Hey! Look at me!” SUV, which was stopped on 128 at Cloverdale at 9:30am where William Taylor, 24, and Jelani Kelly, 27, and Robert Miller, 41, all of Oakland, were taken into custody. The alleged bandidos are being held in the County Jail on big bail. Police speculated that “The victim believed the suspects were trying to remove his marijuana from the residence; the victim had approximately 51 small plants inside the residence.” Well, it's unlikely the suspects were in Fort Bragg for multi-cultural church services, and it's also unlikely they were after the starts. Home invaders don't take young plants home to grow them in their backyards. They look for packaged bud and/or cash. Alonso, a little guy at 5'4" and 140 pounds, is lucky to have survived. He had to be airlifted outtahere for treatment of the severe injuries he suffered in the attack.
THE SEA SHELL INN, Point Arena, is closed execpt for one tenant who insists she has no place to go. As police carried out evictions of the motel's residual residents, they were shocked by the filthy condition of many of the rooms, and utterly disgusted by the discovery of a starved dog abandoned to die with no food or water in an excrement fouled room. On Friday, April 20, Michael Shamhart of Point Arena was arrested for felony animal cruelty and an outstanding arrest warrant for use of a controlled substance. (The Sea Shell had become a nest of tweakers, local residents say.) The premises are assumed to be so heavily damaged that they may have to be destroyed.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED at Otis Johnson Park, Fort Bragg. On Sunday April 29th, 2012 from 10am-2pm AmeriCorps Watershed Stewards Project member Nicholas Tedesco seeks volunteers for an invasive plant removal and a tree planting he is leading at Otis Johnson Wilderness Park. The service project, “Out with the Ivy,” will involve removing invasive English Ivy and other invasive weeds and planting native Bishop Pine tree seedlings along with other native forest understory plants. Otis Johnson Park is at the east end of Laurel Street in Fort Bragg. Parking is available on site. Volunteers should bring a hat, water, light jacket, and rain jacket in the event of inclement weather. Sponsored by the city of Fort Bragg, and AmeriCorps Watershed Stewards Project. The AmeriCorps Watershed Stewards Project (WSP) is a community-based watershed restoration program that places 55 members in 20 communities throughout California from Ventura to the Oregon border. A special project of the California Conservation Corps, WSP is sponsored by CaliforniaVolunteers and administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service. (Nicholas Tedesco)
THAT FRIDAY NIGHT task force gang sweep led by the Fort Bragg Police Department was quite productive. They wrapped up some of the worst gang bangers plaguing the town, one of whom was caught with a gun a mere three days after he'd been released from the state pen. The coordinated raids consisted of probation and parole searches of 16 targeted individuals, said Lt. Naulty on Monday. “We did the compliance check because gang assaults were starting to pick up. Two weeks ago we had a gang member assaulted, pretty severely cut up in the head with a screwdriver.” Lt. Naulty said the screwdriver attack coincided with the release of three gang guys from state prison, one of whom was specifically prohibited from returning to Fort Bragg. At the end of the night, a night that included the retrieval of one guy from a bedroom guarded by a pit bull, eight adults had been arrested, two persons for DUI warrants, and two juveniles arrested for violations of the conditions of their probations.
THE TIME has come to pull the shades on the Sea Shell Inn.
It’s become a place that many tweakers dwell in.
They’ve called the cops and judges
to deal with the old grudges.
To many Fogeaters it’s a place that they see hell in.
Alonso got what he deserved…he is a well known pot thief himself!!