To the editor,
I'm in the Mendocino County Jail. I want to let you know that on Thursday October 8 when the Ukiah Daily Journal and the Santa Rosa Press Democrat reported on a deputy being arrested at the jail, the jail staff took it upon themselves to withhold the Ukiah Daily Journal and the Empire Section of the Press Democrat from us. These papers are bought using he the inmate welfare fund, not the Sheriff's money.
I was not aware that the Sheriff's department employs a censor. For those who don't know what a censor is: a censor is a person authorized to examine printed or other materials and remove or suppress what he considers objectionable. I think our rights are being violated but, being in jail, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe somebody out there can clear this up for us. Maybe Sheriff Allman can clear it up. Or is he trying to hide the fact that they are using censorship in here? I will be very surprised if we get your paper this coming week. I had to dictate this over the phone so it would reach you for fear of retaliation. I would like to remain anonymous.
A faithful and avid reader.
Mendocino County Jail
PS. Will we see another Officer Cabral fiasco?
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