[Aug 31 - Sep 29]
“Made In Mendocino III” featuring the work of members of the Mendocino Coast Furnituremakers (MCF) and paintings by Robin Coomer. The exhibition runs from August 31 to September 29, 2019. Opening on August 31, from 6-8pm.

Mendocino Coast Furnituremakers was founded in 1997 by a group of designers and furniture makers living on the north coast of California. Members specialize in custom designed one-of-a-kind pieces in both traditional and contemporary woodworking styles. Artist Robin Coomer will be presenting her paintings inspired by photographs. Woodworkers featured in the show are Joe Amaral, Lee Baker, Hans Bruhner, Michael Burns, Michael Carrol, Les Cizek, Krystine Graziano, Hugh Hung, Erin Iber, Kerry Marshall, Russ McAnulty, Paul Reiber, Odis Schmidt, Michael Steffen, and Joshua Sterne.
Willits Center for the Arts
71 E. Commercial St.
PO Box 503
Willits, CA 95490
Hours: Wednesday-Sunday, 11am-5pm
For more information or artists interviews, please contact: Gary Martin, gtm1950@gmail.com, 707-972-3326
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