It has now been just over twenty years since a historically reclusive Marin County coastal burg — so reclusive that its name has been deleted here wherever possible, per local and long-futile custom - adopted…
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Cubbison Case Speculation Item 3b: on the Supervisors Special Closed Session agenda for Thursday (Feb. 20) was: “Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1) - Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: One Case - Cubbison…
THE INFERNAL ANTI-SLEEP MACHINES, were turned on much earlier than usual this year. Even though the overnight temps never got below 40 degrees, the grape growers’ wind fans were turned on Friday morning, February 21,…
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Chamise Cubbison returned quietly to her top county financial office on Wednesday for the first time since she was locked out 17 months ago. No corks were popped or balloons blown up, but it was…
Had a cough that lasted so long I was going to name it (“Sputum” has a nice ring, plus it’s an olde family name) but first went to the doctor. I picked the right one…