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Mendocino County Today: Friday 3/7/2025

Cold/Clear | Daniel Salmond | Evening Thief | Whippits Display | Phishing Attempt | Fresh Now | Philo Flora | Food Bankers | No Accountability | Student Art | Fallout Begins | Old Boonville | Ed Notes | Mossy Dog | 11 Plays | Fevered Comments | Nice Girls | Yesterday's Catch | No-Nos | Fascism | Salmon Decline | Share Them | Solar Villain | Rather Sink | Tariff Pain | Bad Readers | Lead Stories | Good Fortune | Strong Union | Grassroots Movement | Momma Musk | Insurrection Act | Evil Cousin | Pentagon Reboot | Free Palestine | Peaceful Atom | Found Fork | Stronger Message | Tax Rates | Drift Not | El Gato

Valley People 3/7/2025

EVERY WEEK, a representative sample of suffering humanity appears in our office. One day, along with the usual tourists and kibitzers who stop in, an emaciated fellow called David Wood walked slowly through the door.…

A Precursor To The Cubbison Case

The failed “misappropriation” case filed by DA David Eyster against Auditor-Controller/Treasurer Tax Collector Chamise Cubbison reminded us in some ways of the failed embezzlement case filed against a coast librarian back in 2006 who the…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday 3/6/2025

Dusk | Clear/Cold | Found Dead | Winter Sun | Remembering Bill | Credit Sara | DUIs Guilty | AV FFA | Airport Bus | Boonville Motel | Boont Lingo | Farrer's Station | Ed Notes | Who Dat | Mugged | Photos | Antique Evaluation | Music Calendar | Crow/Raven | Native Study | Anytime Saloon | Pinoleville | Ukiah High | Yesterday's Catch | PG&E Profits | Greedy | Vets Protest | Marichal Kick | County Salaries | Heel Plates | Refugio Restart | Martin Eden | Jack London | Deadbeat | Onomatopoeian Empire | Removing U | Budget Cuts | Ode Himself | No Suits | Unhinged Speech | Donald Bill | Heaven's Gate | Skid Row | Lead Stories | Buried Truth | Hypnotized Morons | Drone Warfare | Palestinian Beach | Sanders Response | Immigrant | Firing Squad | Crumb Mind

County Notes: Is Mendo Going Broke Again?

In 2024 the Supervisors, lead by Fifth District Supervisor Ted Williams, insisted that Mendocino County had a multi-million dollar structural deficit. Williams went so far several times to say that Mendo was on the brink…

Announcements 3/6/2025

CHARLES WILLIAM DAVISON Charles William Davison 1935-2025 Chuck (Charlie) Davison lived a full life, as a husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather, brother, son, and uncle, as well as friend, coach, teacher, and for many of…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday 3/5/2025

Mostly Cloudy | Emil Redzic | Mysterious Lights | Panther Volleyball | MAC Meeting | Remembering Bill | Hospital Stay | Fire Landscaping | History Talk | Variety Show | LWV Meeting | Conk | Ed Notes | The Graduate | Pomo Trade | Trillium | Yesterday's Catch | Aha | To Paraguay | Nam Pilots | Petty Meanness | Dead Here | Harvest Nuns | MCT Monday | Tuba Player | Hearst Contract | Mexican Protests | Beautiful Jeanette | Assault Lawsuits | Do Better | Oscar Choices | Jagger Charity | Back Home | We're Free | Trump Address | Lead Stories | Dead Horse | Tax Cut | Betraying Ukraine | Sally Stanford | Embarrassed Americans | Supercool Names | Putin Bad | Two Poles | Greenland Proposition | Television
