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Posts published in “News”

1888 Mendocino County: Yes, You Saw An Elephant!

Imagine this: It’s 1888 and you are a small child living on a ranch on the Mail Ridge Road in northern Mendocino County. You see the dust of travelers coming along the roadway and run…

Mismanaging The Mismanagement Of Human Resources

Remember that Grand Jury report from last June entitled “25 Years of Transient Human Resources Leadership and a Hobbled Human Resources Department”? From the intro: “The 2022-2023 Mendocino County Civil Grand Jury (GJ) has identified…

Water Rights, Water Wrongs

Last week I posted pictures of the woeful, sad, algae infested Navarro River. This year the algae exploded during our first very hot heatwave at the beginning of July. The water is low, ugly and…

Gregory Sims Leaves Anderson Valley

At the ripe age of 90 or so Gregory Sims of Philo seems to be unfailingly cheerful. In sightings over the past 20 years in Anderson Valley usually has a slight smile playing over his…

New Mendocino County Courthouse Now Pegged At $150 Million

Revised design plans for a new Mendocino County Courthouse show a two-story glass entrance to an 82,000-square foot, seven-courtroom building whose estimated costs have risen to $150 million, according to the Judicial Council of California.…

Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner [March 26, 2003]

Put yourselves in the shoes of Jeff and Patti Winnie, parents, working people, long-time residents of Willits, property owners, no criminal history. One day about six weeks ago the Winnies' 18-year-old daughter Monica brought her…
