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The Wine Industry’s Mendo Gofers

  Glen McGourty, UC Extension Farm Advisor, Mendocino County branch, is paid out of tax money to give free technical advice to grape growers about…

AV High School Hit Hard By Vandals

At 5:08 last Wednesday morning a Boonville woman called 911. She told the dispatcher she lived near the high school and she could hear the…

Escareno Trial Begins

The Marcos Escareno murder trial got underway early Monday morning, November 30th, with a Native American prayer ceremony in front of the Ukiah Courthouse. Escareno…

Line’s End?

The North Coast Railroad Authority, the pub­lic agency that controls the long-dormant train tracks between Humboldt County and the Bay Area, is on the verge of…

‘We Need Jobs! Now!’

Of all the ideas out there on how to pull us out of the economic mess we’re in, none makes more sense than the program…

The Auld Triangle Goes Jingle Jangle

Obama’s dipped below 50% in public approval, which — so the pollsters tell us — is nothing particu­larly unusual for a new president at this…

Valley People 12/2/2009

GUIDO PRONSOLINO died Monday at his home in Yorkville. He was 83. A full obituary will appear next week, but a potluck celebration of Guido's…

He Should Have Stayed In The Deli

Apologies to Mr. Jayson Kain of Albion and Minne­sota, a bi-coastal pot person whose travails were described here last week. But something got lost in…

Looking For Captain Fathom

Katheryn and I never did connect with Soren, or Alan Graham. I did deliver the IWW tee-shirt he’d sent me years ago he'd asked me…
