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Farm To Farm

Here it is eight in the morning, and I'm actually seated at a desk in our farm house with a light bulb illuminating ink on paper. Lightning cracks across the dark sky. This is my…

Her Children

I’m about to pull out of the Presbyterian parking lot and make a right turn, when I see a woman on the sidewalk across the street dragging a heavy suitcase.

Favorite Ride: The Head Ride

It’s May 1, Sunday, May Day I think it’s called, the next Sunday if it comes in these tendentious times is May 8 Mother’s Day, but since my mother has long since gone to her…

Letters To The Editor

GUMP TO THE RESCUE? Editor, Many times a board member or parents have asked me to become involved in the Manchester Elementary School but I believed my hands were full with being an advocate for…

Rasta Notes

“He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man.” — Psalms 104:14 “I don't have a credit card or bank account or any shit like that. I never…

A Memoir: The Fortunate Son, Part 8

Memphis: We were fishing in a Mississippi river backwater with Tony Joe, Duck and the band. Jim Marshall was along to document the day with his cameras. We had rented several aluminum skiffs, about 12…

Trees Don’t Read The Press Democrat

During the three-day period June 11-13, a story published on the Associated Press wire concerning a pair of massive redwood forest-to-vineyard conversions in the northwestern corner of Sonoma County, just outside the small town of…

Let’s Pretend

“There wasn’t much interest. Nobody who might benefit is interested — as soon as it rains, we don’t need it. And that’s been our water policy for the last 40 years.” Supervisor John Pinches was…
