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Posts tagged as “region”

Fire, Water & Broken Pot Rules

There’s hardly a person in Mendocino County who is not aware of the fact that marijuana cultivation is totally out of control. There are four people however, Supervisors Gjerde, Williams, McGourty, and Mulheren who think…

Gavin Newsom’s Missed Appointment

Unsurprisingly, California NORML has come out against the recall of Governor Gavin Newsom. Their policy statement, issued August 8, began bold print: "It’s unlikely that any possible replacement candidate will be as favorably attentive to…

County Notes (August 27, 2021)

COUNTY EMPLOYEE UNION REP Patrick Hickey asked the Board to address worrisomely high vacancy rates in some departments, which are overtaxing staff and causing loss of experience, continuity and stability in those offices with upwards…

Down with Bushanskyism

At its August 18 monthly meeting the Mendocino Coast Recreation and Parks District (MCRPD) Board of Directors responded to the Mendocino Grand Jury's report of June 28, 2021. By law the district had 90 days…

Complaint Filed Against UPD/Fired Sergeant/Ukiah

A former female Ukiah Police Department officer is suing the Ukiah Police Department, the City of Ukiah, and Kevin Murray alleging he sexually assaulted her. After reporting it to her superiors, she purportedly faced a…

Off the Record (August 25, 2021)

RICHARD HARGREAVES died last Thursday morning in Redding. Old timers around the county will remember this modest, shy man as a union business agent for the IWA out of Fort Bragg when Fort Bragg was…

Valley People (August 25, 2021)

DOUG ELLIOTT: Longtime valley resident Doug Elliott passed away at the end of July in Texas, where he was staying with his son John and family. He died peacefully after a brief time in hospice…

The Sheriff’s Budget Dispute

Sounds like Supervisor Maureen Mulheren got some significant pushback on the question of holding Department heads personally responsible for budget overruns, especially the Sheriff.  SUPERVISOR MULHEREN began: “I have an item for public expression. The…

Deal Shaping Up for Trucking Water from Ukiah to the Coast

Fort Bragg could resume private water sales to the greater Mendocino Coast within two or three weeks, officials from the Mendocino City Community Services District and the City of Fort Bragg said Wednesday. The announcement…
