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Posts tagged as “region”

Pot & Pork Barrel

All-time records are being set now in weed plantings everywhere in this county. This insane response to the Supervisors’ Cannabis Expansion Ordinance is occurring after a finding earlier this year by the North Coast Regional…

I Spy… A Wild Ride!

It's 7am on this exciting Saturday in Anderson Valley. The sky is clear, but the sun is intensely red from the smoke of the distant fires. Will it get smoky in the valley today for…

The Noose Tightens for Redbeard in Albion

Situational Awareness for the area of Albion, CA. There is an increased law enforcement presence on Albion Ridge Road, Navarro Ridge Road, Middle Ridge Road and the Salmon Creek Drainage. Please avoid the area. Additional…

County Notes: Supervisors Try To Haul Ass — & Water

Hauling water from Ukiah to Fort Bragg to address the worsening water shortage on the coast was discussed by the Supervisors, staff and zooming public for several hours Tuesday afternoon. Water Agency guy Josh Metz…

Off the Record (September 1, 2021)

MEMORIES OF JACK HIRSCHMAN I am a veteran writer and activist. Last Sunday, 8-22-21 I was delivering copies of my book I Work the Tenderloin that afternoon at City Lights Book Store, and happened to…

Valley People (September 1, 2021)

THE GOOD NEWS: Chris Isbell is back in Navarro where he's up and walking and talking. And we thought the native Deepender was a goner when he suffered a stroke last year that was so…

Redbeard Gets Away, Again

On 08-30-2021 at approximately 7:30 PM the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office was contacted by a concerned person who had contacted an adult male in their vegetable garden (at residence) located in the 31000 block of…

Crisis Respite, Fort Bragg

On August 25th, Mendocino County's Mental Health Treatment Act Citizens Oversight Committee, commonly known as the Measure B Committee, held their most recent meeting. Item 3d on the agenda was a “Request for Supplemental funding…

Wine Mob Sustains Itself

You’ve got to hand it to Mendo’s wine mob. Their record of staying entirely unregulated is perfect. They have escaped any serious criticism, let alone regulation, for their sleep-depriving, loud, noise generating frost fans; they’ve…
