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Posts tagged as “region”

Mendo’s Nickel & Diming of Emergency Services

There are a number of County-inflicted financial annoyances the local Community Services District suffers every year. The County goes out of its way to charge “special districts” for lots of relatively small things, but over…

Cache Fire in Clearlake

Brush fire with rapid rate of spread between Clear Lake and Lower Lake in the Cache Creek Mobile Home Park — #CacheFire at 6th Avenue and Cache Street. Probably 30 acres. Immediate threat to several hundred structures.…

Off the Record (August 18, 2021)

JAMES MARMON alerted us on Tuesday of last week that a suit had been filed in the Mendocino County Superior Court alleging that county law enforcement, up to and including DA David Eyster, had conspired…

Valley People (August 18, 2021)

JOHN TOOHEY ASKS: Anybody have a best guess or strong suggestion of how you would say PANTHER in Boontling? Best I can come up with is “Huge Tomker” which would literally translate to “Big Tomcat.”…

Backdoor Maneuvers

ON JULY 11 we wrote about a very fishy Consent Calendar Item which had its origins going back to March:  Item 4ab). “Adoption of Resolution Authorizing a Title Change and Salary Revision of General Services…

Lake Oroville Powerplant Closed

On August 5, California DWR State Water Project operations managers took the Hyatt Powerplant at Lake Oroville offline as the lake dropped to its lowest-ever recorded water level. The current water level is only 641.39…

The Only Way to End the Pandemic

The more the Covid-19 virus spreads, the more it will mutate, producing variant strains. Inevitably, some of those variants will totally elude the existing vaccines. No wall, no travel bans, no isolationist policies will keep…

Wine People vs. Us

Back in 2009, when the State Water Board told Russian River Grape Growers — of which 1st District Supervisor Glenn McGourty is one — that they would have to prepare their own frost protection water…
