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Posts tagged as “region”

Off the Record (June 30, 2021)

CONSERVATIVE DEMOCRATS of the Pelosi-Schumer type locked down the Northcoast for the foreseeable future with the election of Jared Huffman to Congress in 2013, the…

Valley People (June 30, 2021)

AV FIRE CHIEF ANDRES AVILA reports that he and his crews from the seven AV Fire Stations have finished their informal survey of water availability…

Rumor Mills & Windmills

According to an AVA post by Rye N Flint, “Local rumor mill has it that Jim Shields permitted 24 out-of-county water trucks to fill up…

The Salt, The Sea, The Smell, The Software

The Fort Bragg City Council held its third face-to-face meeting with the public Monday night, after more than a year of lockdown Zoom democracy.  There…

County Notes (June 23, 2021)

REMEMBER THAT SILLY DISCUSSION the Supervisors had on Tuesday, June 9th about holding department heads personally responsible for budget-overruns in their departments?  AT THE TIME,…

Off the Record (June 23, 2021)

COUNTRY WOMEN ALBION. Deborah Silva alerts us to a major blast from the past: "I received an email from Beat Books, a UK website that…

Evers Returns to Scene of Crime

On 06-14-2021 at approximately 5:00 PM the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office received a report of a burglary occurring at a residence located in the 3000…

Off the Record (June 16, 2021)

A CONTRACTOR FRIEND works all over the county. His anecdote from memory: “I see places where the whole neighborhood is pot grows but maybe one…
