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Posts tagged as “region”

Off the Record (November 24, 2021)

RECOMMENDED VIEWING, NETFLIX: “The Unlikely Murderer,” a Swedish film about the man believed to be Olaf Palme's assassin. Even if you have no interest in the event, the series is so well acted it is…

Valley People (November 24, 2021)

EVEN THE WILDLIFE seems unpredictable these days. Beth Swehla's mini-farm at the high school was raided by a mountain lion, the first in-town such attack I can remember. Beth writes, “Hope you are on alert…

Meeting, Kind of, the Famous Mr. Redbeard

Finally, more than an hour after my arrival, I first set eyes on William Allan ‘Redbeard’ Evers, accused burglar additionally charged with the attempted murder of a peace officer. Shackled and wearing a chartreuse jail…

County Notes: Supervisors’ End-Around the Judge

ON MONDAY, the Supervisors were scheduled to discuss a premature item placed on the Board’s agenda by County Counsel Christian Curtis proposing to appoint an outside legal outfit from San Francisco as Sheriff Kendall’s “conflict…

Off the Record (November 17, 2021)

THE SECOND in a revelatory two-part investigation of former Congressman Doug Bosco’s grasping career appears this week in the Pacific Sun and the North Bay Bohemian. If you’ve ever wondered how Bosco managed to become…

Valley People (November 17, 2021)

AVHS Football successfully raised the cash-money to motor down to Santa Clara Monday night to watch the 49ers take on the LA Rams, the first big time football games our fledgling athletes have seen. Coach…

Local Covid Survivor Tells Her Story

Teresa Vaquera is a lovely, 78 year-old woman who lives in Ft. Bragg, California. She is a grandmother who has 13 grandchildren and 28 great-grandchildren. Two of her great-grandchildren live with her; a girl age…

When It Rains, It Really Pours

Let me throw some numbers at you. Exactly a week ago last Sunday, Laytonville’s precipitation for the rain year starting July 1 was 2.33 inches. By the end of the day, 7.95 inches of rain…

Willits’ Arsenic Question

Sunday, Nov. 7, 2021 — Hello reader, hope you had a good week. Seems like the week has literally flown by this time with so much to do and so little time. Nobody can get…
