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Posts tagged as “region”

Rethinking the Numbers

If prior respiratory, viral pandemics are any indication, we should expect this pandemic to begin to fade over the next year.  The 1918 influenza pandemic caused by H1N1 went around the world in four distinct…

Valley People (January 26, 2022)

TRAILER THIEF CAPTURED ON CAMERA OK Folks! We got the thief on Camera so keep your eyes out for this vehicle. White Ford Explorer. Dent on drivers side front fender. Wrap-around back windows. Not giving…

The Road Ahead

Is it too early to start speculating about Mendo After Angelo? Of course it is. Way too early. So, let’s look into our Crystal Ball using what little we know about the current chaotic state…

Sharing McCowen’s Thoughts On CEO

I’ve never done this before but I’m going to share this space so someone else’s voice can be heard on something I believe is important to be heard. What follows is former Supervisor John McCowen’s…

Coast Hospital, Round Three

Think it is time for some clarification. I have seen this posted on Facebook and heard it so many times I started to believe it myself, that being that the election for the Board of…

Off the Record (January 19, 2022)

THE TRUE STATE of the County, and the country for that matter, is neatly summed up by this letter from Mr. Eloherry: “Editor: I saw your article about a housing crisis and had to write…

Community Outbreak Continues in Mendocino

The number of new COVID cases continues to rapidly rise throughout the county.  This has significantly affected many local businesses, public services, hospitals and schools.  With many children out from school, this further impacts businesses…

Valley People (January 19, 2022)

YORKVILLE DELINQUENTS’ big night out. According to the Ukiah Department, on Sunday, January 9, a little after 3pm, officers couldn’t help but notice “two vehicles traveling southbound at a high rate of speed engaged in…

Coast Hospital Crossroads

Recently we delved into the crossroads Mendocino Coast residents are in about the future of healthcare here in this relatively remote portion of Northern California. The coast hospital in Fort Bragg has been called Adventist…
