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Posts tagged as “region”

Problematic Hospital District Board

Regular readers will have noticed my return to the problematic topic that is the Mendocino Coast Health Care District (MCHCD) in this new year of 2022. Prior to that I hadn't put finger to keyboard…

County Notes (February 3, 2022)

Supes Prefer Being In The Dark From the superlatives the Supervisors laid on outgoing CEO Carmel Angelo at Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting one would never know the reality of a badly (or un-)managed county.…

Off the Record (February 2, 2022)

THE GRANDKIDS came home with a note announcing that an Asian woman is giving a class for parents called, “How to raise a non-racist child.” Uh, since children get their foundational information about the world…

Valley People (February 2, 2022)

AV FOOTBALL COACH JOHN TOOHEY nicely wraps up Sunday’s bummer for us Niners football fans: I don't know if there's something sad about the fact that I can't sleep after the 49ers lose in the…

Crop Talk

Mendocino County’s latest crop report covers activity in 2020. It was released last week, more than a year after the end of 2020. There’s a significant lag in assembling these things because of the in-built…

Reactions to Bookworm Tax Proposal

I recently reported that Mendocino County library supporters informed me of their intention to circulate petitions to place a tax measure on the November 2022 ballot that would add a one-quarter cent (0.25%) sales tax…

Trustee John Redding

In the span of a few days in January, a member of the Mendocino Coast Health Care District (MCHCD) Board of Directors appears to have violated the Brown Act, released confidential personnel material, and schemed…

County Notes (January 27, 2022)

THE LONG-AWAITED STUDY of a possible Psychiatric Health Facility (PHF) at the site of the crumbling, long abandoned former Nursing Home on Whitmore Lane south of Ukiah that CEO Angelo bought for a few covid…

Off the Record (January 26, 2022)

BOB MCKEE HAS PASSED. For those of us in Southern Humboldt, it is as if a library burned or a giant tree uprooted. The landscape of our lives has changed a bit. Gary Graham Hughes,…
