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Posts tagged as “region”

AV Basketball Cancelled This Week

Dear Anderson Valley Community, I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather on this holiday. I have made the difficult decision to cancel basketball practice and games for all players this coming week.  I know…

Tabatha Miller’s Parting Advice

When Tabatha Miller started as Fort Bragg’s city manager in March 2018, getting the city to stick to a consistently balanced budget and handle its pension obligations better was at the top of the to-do…

Mendo’s Wine Grape Production Is Tanking

Last March (2020) we reported that grape production in Mendocino County was way down for 2019 compared to 2018, according to the “latest” crop report from the Ag Department. We put “latest” in quotes because…

Covid Test Results for AV Schools

AVUSD Superintendent Louise Simpson reports: We received the Monday collection results for the high school and elementary school.  I am still waiting on Peachland and the District Office. The good news is the High School…

County Notes (January 13, 2022)

CEO Angelo To Retire In March, Months Before Her Contract Expiration The rumors were correct. County CEO Carmel Angelo announced her March retirement this weekend with an exit interview with Matt LaFever. The CEO said…

Off the Record (January 12, 2022)

THE DEMOCRATS are complaining that the January 6th slob-mob riot at Congress was an attempt by Trump and his Trumpers to overturn the election results. It was a riot, not a coherent, organized, serious attempt…

Valley People (January 12, 2022)

LAUREN’S at the Buckhorn is another loss to Anderson Valley’s small businesses. Buckhorn owner Natalie Matson explains what happened: We are very sad to announce that due to circumstances beyond our control we are currently…

Blockade at Jackson Demo State Forest

Happening now at the Camp 1 entrance: Protestors are blocking gates to prevent the logging of their public lands. The Red Tail timber harvest plan is in and around the largest campground in the 50,000…
