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Posts tagged as “region”

You’re A Real San Franciscan If…

• You're a real San Franciscan if you oppose the SF 49ers moving to Santa Clara.

• Not bothered by naked people…A friend and I were in SOMA the same weekend as the last Folsom St. Festival. There was a group of guys near us that included a guy in short short leather shorts who was handcuffed and chained to another man's nipple. The shorts guy was also barefoot. My friend was astonished only that he was barefoot, the handcuffs and chains didn't bother her, just the idea that he was walking barefoot on the city streets.

On The Murder Of Mountain Lions

Surely you’ve been following the controversy surrounding California Fish & Game Commission President Dan Richards, who took a hunting trip up to Idaho and ended up slaughtering a mountain lion with high-powered weaponry for kicks.…

Abandoning Reason

Last week The California Report aired a special program on the decision to close 70 California State Parks, including 8 in Mendocino County. Among the jewels of California’s State Park system are Hendy Woods, Jug…

Marijuana Initiatives Max Out

With 3 legalization initiatives and 1 medical marijuana regulation initiative all aiming for the same 2012 ballot and competing for the same scarce funds, none of them have been able to raise the $2 million…

Local Food Movement: Mendo & Beyond, Part II

In the first installment of this two-part series, the participants discussed the factors in their individual lives that influenced them to dedicate themselves to their present work, the barriers to a local food economy that…

The UC Davis Pepper Suit

The inevitable lawsuit contesting the brutal pepper spraying of UC Davis students last fall was filed on Wednesday, February 22. Seventeen students and two recent graduates, represented by the ACLU of Northern California and cooperating…

And The Band Played On

We are fast approaching the July 1st date when the Department of Parks and Recreation will shutter many state parks. It is now certain that some of the 70 parks listed for closing will in…

What Happened To Chris Giauque?

Having been awarded $200,000 from his presumed murdered son Chris’s estate, Bob Giauque says he can think of no better way to spend it than to post a reward to find out who the killer…

Large Scale HumCo Donors

Various candidates in the county’s supervisor elections have shown an early influx of campaign financing from a bloc of development-related funders. In the Second District, Southern Humboldt resident Estelle Fennell is the only announced challenger…
