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Posts tagged as “region”

What’s Next For The 49ers?

Since the NFC Championship football game a couple of weekends ago when the New York Giants defeated the San Francisco 49ers, I have read several sports articles in which the 49er loss was pinned on…

HumCo Extends Dispensary Freeze

With legal issues unresolved and federal threats still looming, the county's moratorium on medical marijuana dispensary applications has been extended by ten and a half months. Unanimously approved at the Jan. 24 Board of Supervisors…

The 49ers

The New York Giants defeated the San Francisco 49ers 20-17 after ten minutes of overtime in the NFC championship game in the rain at Candlestick Park Sunday afternoon. Earlier that same day the New England…

HumCo, Occupy & Regulating Public Gatherings

Growing tension between county government and Occupy protestors who want  to camp on its front lawn has led to a proposal for an ordinance regulating public assembly on county properties. Supervisor Jimmy Smith advanced the…

Exporting Our Brains

The Chancellor was absent as University of California police kitted out in battle gear vigorously beat and arrested students and professors at on the Berkeley campus on November 9. Called to account by the Academic…

Is Premier Pacific Vineyards Dead?

Some of the wealthiest and best-connected land speculators in the western hemisphere came together for a conference two months ago in Miami, from October 19-21, to discuss their accelerating feeding frenzy, more like a hoarding…

HumCo Gets Conservative On Medical Pot

After almost two years of work, the county has taken a conservative approach to regulating medical marijuana, approving a restrictive indoor growing ordinance and a 45-day freeze on dispensary applications. The dispensary moratorium and a…

HumCo Pot Raid Challenged

An elderly Arcata resident is alleging that city police illegally raided her home when they executed a search for marijuana that was based on sketchy leads. Barbara Sage, a 64-year-old medical marijuana patient, has filed…

Occupy State Parks?

David Gurney, independent journalist, slammed the state of California's winter closure of Sugarloaf Ridge State Park in Sonoma County — and pondered whether state parks proposed for closure will be turned over to private interests,…
