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Posts tagged as “region”

Marketing Redwood

Fueled by $750,000 of Headwaters Fund money, the county’s Economic Development Division will launch a marketing campaign touting the county’s most well-known resource product — redwood lumber. At its April 24 meeting, the county’s Board…

HumCo Supes Back Pot-Related Power Cap

The enrollment of some indoor marijuana growers in low income energy assistance programs is being targeted by a state bill and county supervisors are supporting it. Senate Bill 1207 is being considered by state lawmakers…

No More Money For The Unaccountable

Recently, I received the initiative from the California Democratic Party which I believe is spearheaded by Governor Brown. The initiative is called, “The Schools and Local Public Safety Protection Act of 2012.” It raises revenues…

Chasing A Sea Snail?

They’re clammy. They’re rubbery. They’re often deep-fried in vegetable oil. And though the red abalone of California was once a staple of dirt-cheap seafood shacks, this big slippery sea snail is today one of the…

Off The Hook

Recreational salmon fishing opened on the California coast from Horse Mountain in Humboldt County to the U.S./Mexico border on Saturday with good fishing reported by moochers and trollers fishing Monterey Bay and the San Mateo…

Excessive Force In Marijuana Search?

A 66-year-old Arcata medical marijuana patient has filed a lawsuit against the City of Arcata and police officers who allegedly carried out an illegal search of her home that included excessive force against her seriously…

The Oscars, 2011

Pull back the bedroom curtains, Friday, February 25, 7am. Pouring, howling, blowing rain. Due to leave for Los Angeles at 9am. It’s Oscar time, again, The yearly journey. Pull back the covers. I don’t want…

Tin Cup Politics & Park Closures

On Tuesday, March 20, I was given a lesson in just how broken the people’s business is in Sacramento. Along with 180 other participants to the 10th Annual “Park Advocacy Day,” I was there to…

A Slouching Pot Economy?

A local banker has named $1 billion as the minimum value of the county’s marijuana economy and she’s warned the Board of Supervisors of the potential effects of its decline. In a presentation to supervisors…
