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Posts tagged as “region”

The Parrots Of Telegraph Hill

Unattended birds usually don't ride the bus, but they got on the 33 that day. Muni's 33 Stanyan line gets you a better look, faster, at The City than all the tour lines put together.…

Drugs & Repression

A heart in love will decipher every squiggle in a letter as a kiss. In the final days of the 2008 campaign and in the opening ones of his administration, Obama and his top legal…

What Cassie Sees

The corporados have their deadly Predators and Reapers, but declassed workers in the East Bay are developing a Cassandra drone that is capable — at least in theory — of sending back images from days…

Good News & Sobering Realities

For the last two weeks, from one end of Anderson Valley to the other there has been a huge sigh of relief. Hendy Woods State Park is off the State Parks closures list. This Sunday,…

20 Minutes From Disneyland

Dear Editor and readers, Thanks again so much for the support and subscription all this time I've been down. It's made this state tour almost bearable. I'm currently locked down in Chino, California on a…

Modern Day Pinkertons

San Francisco's Financial District has been a major locus of mobilization for the Occupy Movement. West Coast Occupy actions began in September of 2011 with a call to “occupy” the downtown because of its geographic…

‘We Don’t Have To Follow Your Laws’

Nothing the North Coast Railroad Authority does should come as a shock anymore. This, after all, is the state agency that for years ran around telling everyone fantastical and contradictory stories — often pulling facts straight out of thin air — in order to gain whatever momentary financial or political advantage it could.

Jerry Brown: The Big Oil Governor

Catherine Reheis-Boyd, the President of the Western States Petroleum Association, is back in the news in an article in today’s Sacramento Bee about the increase in steam injection oil drilling permits since Governor Jerry Brown…

Laboratory Vineyards

For ten years, Abe Schoener has been recording the unfolding history of California’s climate and geology — but he is not a government scientist drawing sedimentary core samples from the Earth or a hydrologist taking…
