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Posts tagged as “region”

The Manufactured Crisis

To understand how this scandal came about and why it may well shape the future of state parks, we have to have a plan where to dig for the basic facts (“artifacts” if you like)

Rockabilly Rebels

The seventh annual Rockabilly in the Redwoods Festival at the miniature livestock Arena in Scotia, Humboldt County, was held during the weekend of July 20-23 as an alternative to the Ka-Ka in the River Festival…

State Parks In Turmoil

What follows is a brief account of deceit, betrayal, and scandal at the headquarters of the State Department of Parks and Recreation. Arguably, this tawdry affair is shaping up to be the most destructive example…

An Irreplaceable Man

Alexander Cockburn, the most incisive political journalist of our time died on Friday, July 19. The cause was cancer. We were friends for many years. Shellacked on a file cabinet in the garage is a…

Return Of The King Salmon

California draws millions of visitors each summer with a wide variety of natural and cultural attractions — like Yosemite National Park, whose astounding cliffs are proof of either God or glaciers; the brutal but beautiful…

Lawsuit Debate Spices NCRA Meeting

The legal battle between the North Coast Railroad Authority (NCRA) and the Friends Of the Eel River (FOER) became a battle of words at the rail agency’s meeting last week. Mutual resentment was on full…

Silent Spring, 50 Years On

California Governor Jerry Brown recently moved to restrict the use of some chemicals used as flame retardants, due to their impacts on human health. The ensuing scenario is a now-familiar one — attacks on the…

Occupy The Grove

There are probably three wacky conspiracy theories for every one realistic account of the Bohemian Club. It doesn't help that what happens every summer at the Club's “Grove” campground along the forested banks Russian River in Sonoma County includes a bizarre mix of silly druidic rituals that only feed the rumor mill of Satanism and sexcapades.


Chatting with Sierra Nevada World Music Festival honcho Warren Smith sidestage as the weekend was winding down Sunday evening, he agreed that putting on such an extensive roster of musical talent gets increasingly difficult as…
