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Posts tagged as “region”

Redistricting Fort Bragg

Monday night, July 9, on a breezy summer evening the terminally endangered Fort Bragg City Council met again in regular session to conduct a public hearing on their own extinction under the pending California Voting…

Caleb Silver Sentenced

“Nasty, brutish and short”—the Hobbesian view of life, has been replaced with “a long life of clean living” for one Caleb Silver, 28, sentenced to 33 years-eight months-to-life in prison for the murder of Dennis…

Off the Record (July 18, 2018)

CHRIS SKYHAWK has officially ended his campaign for 5th District Supervisor. From Mrs. Skyhawk: “Given the severity of the stroke and the level of effort that will be necessary to heal, there is no chance…

Costco Melts Down Ukiah

Costco’s Grand Opening in Ukiah is scheduled for July 19. We predict the opening of the mega-retailer will result in total gridlock of the Highway 101, Talmage Road, South State St., and Airport Park Blvd.…

Hospital Recount Ends (and Hardin v. Coast Hospital et al)

Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) has survived a recount of its narrow victory margin (2/3 vote requirement) for a parcel tax. The revenue from that tax should bring in an additional $1.5 – $1.7 million…

Supes Notes

WE NOTED this pointed sentence in the Library Advisory Board’s report to the Supes on next week’s Board of Supervisors agenda: “Apparently the County was unaware until last year that the Museum had a problem…

Firebug Held To Answer

It’s been a while since we’ve seen Judge Clayton Brennan in a Ukiah courtroom, but he was on the bench during a preliminary hearing last week and he’s to be commended for refusing, although the…

Off the Record (July 11, 2018)

CHRIS SKYHAWK, candidate for 5th District supervisor suffered a nearly fatal stroke on Tuesday, June 26th and was flown out of Fort Bragg to Stanford where he remains hospitalized but improved enough to soon be moved to a rehab facility. Cards and letters can be sent to him at P.O. Box 127, Albion 95410. 
