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Posts tagged as “region”

Mendo v. Schnaubelt

Last year a Fort Bragg distiller named John Schnaubelt proposed “an exciting new addition to Noyo Harbor in 2018, Schnaubelt Distillery will be located in the [converted] historic building formerly known as the Noyo Ice…

Hospital Parcel Tax Vote Recount

An Albion area resident has paid a $2,900 deposit to the Mendocino County Clerk's Office to start a recount on Measure C, the $144 per parcel tax that would fund Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH).…

The Beer Made Me Do It

Joshua Ruoff’s trial for the murder of Timothy Sweeting ended in a verdict of guilty of first degree murder last Friday, despite his lawyer, Jan Cole-Wilson, telling the jury they couldn’t do it, that they…

Off the Record (July 4, 2018)

PLANNING DIRECTOR Nash Gonzales reported to the Planning Commission on the rebuilding in Redwood Valley since last fall’s catastrophic fires: “So far we have issued 73 building permits, 18 are in queue. I always talk…

Ft. Bragg City Council Pans Mill Ponds

Echos and murmurs of the deliberations of government come down to us in bits and pieces. We trust our elected representatives to guard our interests and protect us from the arbitrary abuse of power. We…

Mateel: Reggae Fest, Not Pot Fest

Facing questions on potential changes to the Reggae on the River music festival due to new management, boardmembers of the Mateel Community Center have told county planning commissioners that the event’s focus will be on…

Summertime Horror Story

The murder trial for Joshua Ruoff got under way last week after three days of intense jury selection, due to a reluctance on the part of those summoned to spend two weeks of their summer…

Off the Record (June 27, 2018)

MENDO is banking on a wildly improbable time frame and a ridiculous cost to increase the capacity of Lake Mendocino while the much, much larger Lake Sonoma goes virtually untapped.
