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Posts tagged as “region”

Boonville Beer Festival 2023

The Anderson Valley Lion’s Club members attended the 25th Annual Beer Fest as they always do in order to prepare 450 Tri-Tip sandwiches with veggies (red pepper, onion and mushrooms) to sell at $20 a…

Boonville Public Water System Questions & Answers

On Monday, April 24, 2023, I attended the Anderson Valley Community Services District (AVCSD) Water Planning Project meeting at the firehouse in Boonville. In attendance were two representatives of SAFER (California’s safe and affordable water…

Ownership Dispute Shadows Ukiah Valley’s Event Showcase

Rivino Winery is a happening Ukiah Valley showcase on the eastside of Highway 101. It is a wine tasting and entertainment venue with swag. Beyond the tasting room is a tent-covered performance area with a…

MLB Will Accept Pesos

On the eve of the San Francisco Giants and San Diego Padres recent two-game series in Mexico City, the Chronicle ran a long piece by Susan Slusser on April 28 about “The Giants’ Mission for…

Grape Growers Grab Gobs of Water During Drought

At the end of a record-setting three-year drought from 2020 to 2022, the Mendocino Wine industry managed to produce a comparative record amount of grapes in 2022, almost 62,000 tons, 30% more than the previous…

Supes To Repeal Unlawful Public Records Ordinance

As most of you know, for the past month I’ve written a series of columns, drawn from legal briefs I’ve prepared, outlining how County Ordinance 4705 (so-called Public Records Act Ordinance) violated the California Public…

Off the Record (May 3, 2023)

JUST IN from Pebbles Trippet: “I’m living at Area 101 in Laytonville, my new home. Sold my land on the river. Plan is to go to Mexico June-July for stem cell procedure to I can…

Valley People (May 3, 2023)

ROB GIULIANI of Signal Ridge Road, Philo, died this week. He and his wife Lee Serrie were long-time fixtures on Signal Ridge. Rob and Lee were former tv producers from the Bay Area. We hope…

Mendo Obstructs Public’s Right To Know

Ever since last fall subsequent to the Board of Supervisors approving Ordinance No. 4507 (“CPRA Ordinance”), the Board has been faced with challenges regarding the legality of the Ordinance from media organizations, good government groups,…
