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Posts tagged as “region”

Tai Abreu Goes High Profile

Last week all the principal players at the courthouse, that is the presiding magistrate, Judge Ann Moorman, the District Attorney, David Eyster, and the Public Defender, Jeffrey Aaron, all got in on the act to…

Off the Record (March 27, 2019)

SHERIFF ALLMAN has rightly complained about being the target of an anonymous campaign that has repeatedly accused him, for five years now, of drunk driving. The male person making the claim has called the AVA…

Hardin v. Coast Hospital

Recent filings in the federal lawsuit Hardin v. Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH), Bob Edwards, and Steve Lund have shed new light on matters that precipitated the case as well as the potential financial cost…

Off the Record (March 20, 2019)

CEO CARMEL ANGELO shocked the Board of Supervisors last week with a surprise mention — not in her CEO report — that the County’s pot permit program was about $2.4 million (!) in the red.…

Hoyle v. Ukiah’s Bike Thieves

The Public Defenders were in a collective snit, a common fit of indignation, a united sense of outrage against that perennial evildoer (to the underclass), that legendary Man From U.N.C.L.E. (UNderCover Law Enforcement), Ukiah Police…

Measure B Project Manager — Belatedly

At the Wednesday, Feb 27 meeting of the Measure B Mental Health Advisory Committee, Chair Dr. Ace Barash opened with a bit of actual useful information by saying

The Facts Are Elastic

The jury was hung on the most serious charge in the People v. Wright and Bradford home invasion case introduced in last week’s paper, and it appears the charge of kidnapping
