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Posts tagged as “region”

Mr. Nice Guy Goes Away

The judgment and sentencing of Michael Blahut at the Ukiah Courthouse last Thursday was attended with such a sense of joie de vivre and so much promise of well-earned respite from those of us who…

The Sheriff’s Frustration

After more than a year of pussyfooting around, Sheriff Allman seems to have accepted the idea that to get the Psychiatric Health Facility that he originally envisioned, energetically promoted and sold via “Measure B” for…

Skyrocketing Fees & Mendo Mismanagement

At last Tuesday's mid-year budget presentation the Supes reviewed five contending "budget priorities," one of which was: "Board of Supervisors directive to prepare a report on how Planning and Building service fees are developed. (Discuss…

The Promise & Perils of Hemp

Tony Linegar, the former Mendocino Agricultural Commissioner, is in his eighth year as Sonoma County Ag Commissioner. Not surprisingly, he’s not fading quietly into the sunset, not with yet another controversial crop on the horizon.…

Off the Record (April 3, 2019)

FORT BRAGG has a gang prob, difficult as it is to think of that attractive seaside town being troubled by a usually urban phenomenon. Ukiah also has gang trouble but the Ukiah PD has been…

Unprofessional Governance?

For the first hour and fifty minutes the March 26th Finance Committee meeting for Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) looked like one of the best in years. Then committee chairman and MCDH Board member John…

Coast Hospital’s Failing Finances

Mendocino Coast District Hospital's Planning Committee was scheduled to meet at 5 p.m. on Monday, March 18th. The committee consists of nine members. MCDH Board member Jessica Grinberg was present to chair the meeting. Fellow…

Mendo’s Budget Chickens Circle the Coop

On Thursday, Official Mendo posted its “mid-year budget update” nearly three months after the mid-year ended. The pretty presentation package collides directly with the ugly budget reality contained within. To see the fruits of the…
