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Posts tagged as “region”

The Truth Forsooth, Who’s Telling the Truth?

Children, even adult children, can be so adorable when they revolt against the conventions of their parents.  Readers of a certain age will remember scandalizing their parents by dropping F-bombs at the dinner table, for instance. …

Off the Record (March 6, 2019)

Last Thursday morning, Judge Moorman briskly clarified Tai Abreu's appeal to have his sentence reduced from life without parole, stating that it was now up to the

New ‘Affordable’ Housing?

Short answer: No. Long answer: Noooooo.  Why?  Because Mendo has a track record of doing nothing and now they’re turning over the important subject of housing to yet another overpaid, out-of-county consultant. And when staffers…

Mendo’s Sudden Ambulance Privatization-Consolidation

Mendocino County began planning to establish an Exclusive Operating Area (EOA) for inland ambulance services back in 2013. More than five years later, after several false starts, state reviews, organizational wrangling, and busted deadlines, the…

Off the Record (Feb. 27, 2019)

TAI ABREU was in Judge Moorman's courtroom last Wednesday for a brief hearing. Abreu's attorney, Jessica Hoagland, who has been ill with pneumonia, requested time to file her argument demonstrating why Abreu's eligible for a…

Human Trafficking Saves Old Coast Café

Human trafficking does not depend on guns and muscles. Usually, it works by threats. Sylvia knew from the time she was a kid that she was an American citizen. Her father was born in the…

Major Aquaculture Project Gets Samoa Lease

Humboldt County is poised to become a hub for aquaculture, as the Harbor District has approved a lease for a Norway-based company that aims to build a fish farm on the Samoa Peninsula.  The district’s…

The Golden Fleece of the Little Lamb

Abel Aguado and Devin Kester-Tyler have been Argonauts of the Ukiah streets for as long as I’ve been covering the courthouse scene. They’ve always seemed to me like a couple of well-mannered orphans in an…
