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Posts tagged as “region”

County Budget Notes (Sep. 25, 2019)

Mendo just can’t do monthly budget reporting. (Or can they?) Supervisor Ted Williams’s proposal for Mendocino County to adopt bottom-up budgeting (“zero-based budgeting”) was reasonably well received on Tuesday with a muddled decision to have…

Saturday Morning at the Sell-Out

Saturday morning, bright and early in sleepy Fort Bragg, while most people went to breakfast or cleaned up the beaches or had coffee with their families (unbeknownst to the innocent) downtown at Town Hall the…

Mill Site Blues

At 6 o'clock last Thursday evening, the worried and the merely confused converged on Fort Bragg Town Hall to hear the “Noyo Consortium” explain their long prepared alternative vision for the Georgia Pacific mill site.…

County Notes (Sep. 18, 2019)

As expected, the Supervisors approved the fishy buyback of the Redwood Quality Management Service Orchard Ave property on the Consent Calendar Tuesday morning without comment or question. So we have begun preparing a Public Records…

The Ranch Fire: Cause Of

The 2018 Ranch fire was the largest wildfire in California history, scorching over 410,000 acres throughout Colusa, Glenn, Lake and Mendocino counties. The Ranch fire was one of two fires, the other being the River…

The Bicycle Thief

Last week a bicycle thief was sentenced to four years in prison, a deterrent, at last, at long last, to the decades-long impunity bicycles thieves have enjoyed in Ukiah, the stolen bicycle capital of the…

In Cahoots with Mendo

Mendo’s slow-moving Measure B Oversight Committee continued its slow pace last Wednesday, August 28, in spite of the Grand Jury’s attempt to get them off their collective asses.  In June, the Grand Jury urged the…

Looking Back

Let us start by more or less repeating the opening of last week's piece: The most important item approved by the Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) Board of Directors at their August 29th meeting was…
