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Posts tagged as “region”

Family Feud

Marciano Piceno was held on three felony counts and several misdemeanors last Wednesday, stemming from what his defense attorney, Assistant Public Defender Anthony Adams, characterized as a family feud with Ysidro Fuentes and his sons,…

Off the Record (Sep. 11, 2019)

THE WINDOWLESS FORTRESS on Low Gap Road called Ukiah High School launched into lockdown for half an hour one afternoon last week because of a vague student comment involving a weapon. School architecture itself was…

Affiliation First

The most significant news out of the Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) Board of Directors meeting on August 29 was the suspension of a contract with Meditech for a new electronic health record (EHR) system.…

PG&E Returns

Last July 16 PG&E sent a youngish guy named Matt Pender, PG&E’s “Director, Community Wildfire Safety Program Program Management Office,” to a Supes meeting to explain their planned Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) program for…

Heath Goes Shopping

If somebody gets your credit card and goes on a shopping spree with it there’s not a lot the law can do about it because the defense lawyers, even the free public defenders, have so…

Dead Trees & Pot

A woman who lives in Mendocino County now but was raised in Oregon, called me after reading last week’s column on the Measure V ordinance issue where Mendocino Redwood Company (MRC) is claiming it is…

Measure V and Exemption

Measure V was a voter-approved 2016 local ballot measure that mandated that trees killed by herbicides left standing for 90 days were a public nuisance. The measure was aimed at entities such as Mendocino Redwood…

I Deserve an Apology!

On Wednesday, August 14, I was coming from the Senior Center in Covelo with my senior lunch. At about 11:45am I sat down by the tribal building to let my coffee cool. While sitting there…
